Star Trek: The Next Generation

(Star Trek: The Next Generation)

 Season 6

26 Episodes

Episodes from the sixth season

127 - TIME'S ARROW (2/2)

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Original title : Time's Arrow (2/2)
First Aired : 21.09.1992 (USA) 29.09.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Les Landau
Writing credits : Jeri Taylor From a Story by Joe Menosky
Cast : Pamela Kosh (Mrs. Carmichael), Alexander Enberg (Reporter), Van Epperson (Morgue Attendant), James Gleeson (Dr. Appollinaire), Bill Cho Lee (Male Patient), William Boyett (Policeman), Mary Stein (Alien Nurse), Michael Aron (Jack London), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan)Time's Arrow (2/2)

The Story : Stardate: 46001.3. The away team's investigations are hampered by a nosy Samuel Clemens. Picard discovers that he originally met Guinan in the 1890s on Earth.


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Original title : Realm of Fear
First Aired : 28.09.1992 (USA) 02.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Cliff Bole
Writing credits : Brannon Braga
Cast : Dwight Schultz (Lt. (J.G.), Reginald "Reg" Barclay III), Renata Scott (Admiral Hayes), Thomas Velgrey (Crewman), Colm Meaney (Miles O'Brien), Patti Yasutake (Alyssa Ogawa)

The Story : Stardate: 46041.4. Lt. Barclay's fear of using transporters is eerily justified when he sees bizarre aliens within the transporter beam.


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Original title : Man of the People
First Aired : 05.10.1992 (USA) 06.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Winrich Kolbe
Writing credits : Frank Abatemarco
Cast : Chip Lucia (Ambassador Alkar), Rick Scarry (Jarth), Susan French (Maylor), George D. Wallace (Admiral Simons), Stephanie Erb (Liva)

The Story : Stardate: 46071.6. Deanna becomes attracted to an alien ambassador. Shortly thereafter, she starts ageing rapidly and starts becoming violent.

130 - RELICS

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Original title : Relics
First Aired : 12.10.1992 (USA) 27.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Alexander Singer
Writing credits : Ronald D. Moore
Cast : James Doohan (Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott), Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Erick Weiss (Ensign Kane), Stacie Foster (Engineer Bartel), Ernie Mirich (Waiter)

The Story : Stardate: 46125.3. Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott is discovered suspended in a transporter beam 75 years after he disappeared. After the Enterprise crew re-materialise him, he has a hard time adjusting to the new society.


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Original title : Schisms
First Aired : 19.10.1992 (USA) 09.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Brannon Braga[Jean Louise Matthias & Ron Wilkerson]
Writing credits : Robert Wiemer
Cast : Lanei Chapman (Ensign Rager), Ken Thorley (Mot), Scott T. Trost (Lt. Shipley), Angelo McCabe (Crewman), Angelina Fiordellisi (Kaminer), John Nelson (Medical Technician)

The Story : Stardate: 46154.2. Members of the crew are secretly abducted from the Enterprise to be used in bizarre experiments where they are dismembered and re-assembled without anyone's knowledge - including their own. The only signs that anything is wrong is a strange form of tiredness and no recollection of having slept well the night before.

132 - TRUE Q

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Original title : True Q
First Aired : 26.10.1992 (USA) 13.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Robert Scheerer
Writing credits : René Echevarria From a Story by Matthew Corey
Cast : Olivia d'Abo (Amanda), John P. Connolly (Lote), John de Lancie (Q)

The Story : Stardate: 46192.3. A young intern visiting the Enterprise captures the interest of Q when she starts displaying Q-like powers.


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Original title : Rascals
First Aired : 02.11.1992 (USA) 16.10.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Adam Nimoy
Writing credits : Allison Hock From a Story by Ward Botsford, Diana Dru Botsford & Michael Pillar
Cast : David Tristan Birkin (Young Picard), Isis Jones (Young Guinan), Caroline Junko King (Young Keiko), Megan Parlen (Young Ro), Morgan Nagler (Child #1), Hana Hatae (Molly O'Brien), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Tracey Walter (Berik), Michael Snyder (Morik), Brian Brosnall (Alexander), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Colm Meaney (Miles O'Brien), Rosalind Chao (Keiko O'Brien), Michelle Forbes (Ro Laren)

The Story : Stardate: 46235.7. A transporter accident transforms Picard, Ro Laren, Guinan and Keiko O'Brien into small children who appear to be about 12 years old. Matters are complicated when the Ferengi seize the Enterprise.
Note : Adam Nimoy, the son of Leonard Nimoy who played Spock in the Star Trek, the original series, directed this episode. This would be Ensign Ro's last appearance on the show until the final season. The creators of Deep Space 9 wanted Ensign Ro to be in the series. Michelle declined opting for a movie career. Reportedly and revealed in a Star Trek Next Generation 10th anniversary book, the producers banned Michelle from the series. It wasn't until the final seaon and the main cast supporting Michelle was Ro brought back to the series. Ensign Ro will be apart of Deep Space 9's 8th season in the novels-starting with DS9 Avatar 1 & 2.


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Original title : A Fistful of Datas
First Aired : 09.11.1992 (USA) 03.11.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Patrick Stewart
Writing credits : Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Brannon Braga From a Story by Robert Hewitt Wolfe
Cast : Joy Garrett (Annie), Jorge Cervera (Bandito), John Pyper-Ferguson (Eli Hollander), Brian Bonsall (Alexander)

The Story : Stardate: 46271.5. Worf and his son, Alexander, become trapped in the holodeck when their Wild West program malfunctions. However, they must find a way to defeat the holographic bandits who have Data's appearance and abilities.


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Original title : The Quality of Life
First Aired : 16.11.1992 (USA) 10.11.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Jonathan Frakes
Writing credits : Naren Shankar
Cast : Ellen Bry (Dr. Farallon), J. Downing (Transporter Chief)

The Story : Stardate: 46307.2. Data refuses to allow the use of Exocomps in the attempt to rescue Picard and LaForge. His belief that they are sentient beings, who would not survive the rescue, could cost the lives of his Captain and friend.

136 - CHAIN OF COMMAND (1/2)

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Original title : Chain of Command (1/2)
First Aired : 14.12.1992 (USA) 17.11.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Robert Scheerer
Writing credits : Ronald D. Moore From a Story by Frank Abatemarco
Cast : Ronny Cox (Captain Jellico), John Durbin (Gul Lemec), David Warner (Gul Madred), Natalija Nogulich (Admiral Nechayev), Lou Wagner (Solok)

The Story : Stardate: 46357.4. Picard resigns as Captain of the Enterprise to lead a top-secret espionage mission into Cardassia with Worf and Dr. Crusher.

137 - CHAIN OF COMMAND (2/2)

1 vote

Original title : Chain of Command (2/2)
First Aired : 21.12.1992 (USA) 24.11.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Les Landau
Writing credits : Frank Abatemarco
Cast : Ronny Cox (Captain Jellico), David Warner (Gul Madred), John Durbin (Gul Lemec), Hather Lauren Olson (Jil Orra)

The Story : Stardate: 46360.8. Picard is captured and tortured by the Cardassians, while Riker tries to prevent a Federation attack on Cardassia.


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Original title : Ship in a Bottle
First Aired : 25.01.1993 (USA) 01.12.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Alexander Singer
Writing credits : René Echevarria
Cast : Dwight Schultz (Lt. (J.G.), Reginald "Reg" Barclay III), Daniel Davis (Proffessor Moriarty), Stephanie Beacham (Countess), Clement von Franckenstein (Gentleman)

The Story : Stardate: 46424.1. While performing holodeck maintenance, Barclay accesses the stored hologram of Professor Moriarty, who wreaks havoc on board the Enterprise.

139 - AQUIEL

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Original title : Aquiel
First Aired : 01.02.1993 (USA) 08.12.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Cliff Bole
Writing credits : Brannon Braga & Ronald D. Moore From a Story by Jeri Tayor
Cast : Renée Jones (Lt. Aquiel), Wayne Grace (Torak), Reg E. Cathey (Morag)

The Story : Stardate: 46461.3. Geordie falls inlove with a lieutenant who is the prime suspect in a murder case.


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Original title : Face of the Enemy
First Aired : 08.02.1993 (USA) 15.12.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Gabrielle Beaumont
Writing credits : Naren Shankar From a Story by René Echevarria
Cast : Scott MacDonald (N'Vek), Carolyn Seymour (Toreth), Barry Lynch (DeSeve), Dennis Cockrum (Alien Captain), Robertson Dean (Pilot), Pamela Winslow (Ensign McKnight)

The Story : Stardate: 46519.1. Troi is abducted and surgically altered by the Romulans as part of a ploy to smuggle intelligence operatives into the Federation.


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Original title : Tapestry
First Aired : 15.02.1993 (USA) 22.12.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Les Landau
Writing credits : Ronald D. Moore
Cast : Ned Vaughn (Corey), J. C. Brandy (Marta), Rende Rae Norman (Penny Muroc), Clint Carmichael (Nausicaan #1), Clive Church (Maurice Picard), Marcus Nash (Young Picard), John de Lancie (Q)

The Story : A mortally wounded Picard is forced into re-living a time of his life when he was back in Starfleet Academy, with the intervention of Q.

142 - BIRTHRIGHT (1/2)

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Original title : Birthright (1/2)
First Aired : 22.02.1993 (USA) 29.12.1998 (FRANCE)
Director : Winrich Kolbe
Writing credits : Brannon Braga
Cast : Brent Spiner (Noonian Soong), Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir), Richard Herd (L'Kor), James Cromwell (Shrek), Jennifer Gatti (Ba'el), Cristine Rose (Gi'ral)

The Story : Stardate: 46578.4. While visiting Deep Space Nine, Worf learns that his father is still alive and being held captive in a secret Romulan prison camp.
Note : James Cromwell, better known from his roles in "Babe" and as Zefram Cochrane in "Star Trek: First Contact" makes a guest appearance as Jaglom Shrek. He previously appeared as later appears in the third season episode 'The Hunted' as Nayrok, and in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as Hanok in season four's 'Starship Down.' And of course, Alexander Siddig crosses over in his role of Dr. Bashir from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

143 - BIRTHRIGHT (2/2)

1 vote

Original title : Birthright (2/2)
First Aired : 01.03.1993 (USA) 05.01.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Dan Curry
Writing credits : René Echevarria
Cast : Jennifer Gatti (Ba'el), Cristine Rose (Gi'ral), Richard Herd (L'Kor), Alan Scarfe (Tokath), James Cromwell (Shrek), Sterling Macer Jr. (Toq)

The Story : Stardate: 46759.2. Worf is captured by the Romulans where he learns why the other captives did not attempt an escape years before.


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Original title : Starship Mine
First Aired : 29.03.1993 (USA) 12.01.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Cliff Bole
Writing credits : Morgan Gendel
Cast : Marie Marshall (Kelsey), David Spielberg (Hutchinson), Tim Russ (Devor), Glenn Morshower (Orton), Patricia Tallman (Kiro), Tom Nibley (Neil), Arlee Reed (Waiter), Alan Altshuld (Pomet)

The Story : Stardate: 46682.4. The crew evacuates the Enterprise when the ship needs to be cleaned of particles that have built up over the ship's hull. However, Picard accidentally stumbles over a terrorist group who plan on destroying the ship. He only has a short time to stop their attempts before the ship is swept by a beam of radiation to remove the particles that is lethal to all forms of life.
Note : Tim Russ, better known as Lt. Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager makes a guest appearance in this episode as the criminal Devor.


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Original title : Lessons
First Aired : 05.04.1993 (USA) 19.01.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Robert Wiemer
Writing credits : Ronald Wilkerson & Jean Louise Matthias
Cast : Wendy Hughes (Lt. Cmdr. Neela Darren)

The Story : Stardate: 46693.1. Picard must choose between love and command when he must make a decision that could place the woman he loves in a potentially deadly and high-risk mission.


1 vote

Original title : The Chase
First Aired : 26.04.1993 (USA) 26.01.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Jonathan Frakes
Writing credits : Joe Menosky From a Story by Ronald D. Moore & Joe Menosky
Cast : Salome Jens (Humanoid), John Cothran Jr. (Captain Nu'Daq), Linda Thorson (Gul Ocett), Maurice Roeves (Romulan Captain), Normal Lloyd (Professor Galen)

The Story : Stardate: 46731.5. Picard's old archaeology professor is found murdered, the crew try to complete his research. Soon, the crew must compete with Romulans and Klingons and Cardassians to uncover the truth behind his discoveries.


No vote

Original title : Frame of Mind
First Aired : 03.05.1993 (USA) 02.02.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : James L. Conway
Writing credits : Brannon Braga
Cast : David Selburg (Dr. Syrus), Gary Wernts (Mavek), Andrew Prine (Administrator), Susanna Thompson (Inmate)

The Story : Stardate: 46778.1. Riker questions his sanity when his reality seems to shift between an alien psychiatric hospital and a play he is performing with other members of the crew.


No vote

Original title : Suspicions
First Aired : 10.05.1993 (USA) 09.02.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Cliff Bole
Writing credits : Joe Menosky & Naren Shankar
Cast : Tricia O'Neil (Dr. Kurak), James Horan (Dr. Jo'Bril), Joan Stuart (Dr. T'Pan), Peter Slutsker (Dr. Reyga), John S. Ragin (Dr. Christopher), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Patti Yasutake (Alyssa Ogawa)

The Story : Stardate: 46830.1. Dr. Crusher puts her career on the line when she tries to clear the name of a murdered scientist whose invention could allow starships to pass through a sun's corona.


No vote

Original title : Rightful Heir
First Aired : 17.05.1993 (USA) 16.02.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Winrich Kolbe
Writing credits : Ronald D. Moore From a Story by James Brooks
Cast : Alan Oppenheimer (Koroth), Robert O'Reilly (Gowron), Norman Snow (Torin), Charles Esten (Divok), Kevin Conway (Kahless)

The Story : Stardate: 46852.2. While on a quest to summon a vision of Kahless, Worf questions his faith when the real Kahless rises from the dead to lead the Empire.


No vote

Original title : Second Chances
First Aired : 24.05.1993 (USA) 23.02.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : LeVar Burton
Writing credits : Rene Echevarria From a Story by Michael A. Medlock
Cast : Dr. Mae Jemison (Ensign Palmer)

The Story : Stardate: 46915.2. Riker discovers that eight years ago, an exact clone of him was created when he beamed through a planet's surface while returning to his starship. This clone, named Thomas Riker, has secretly remained on the planet for the past eight years, and still has romantic feelings for Troi.


No vote

Original title : Timescape
First Aired : 14.06.1993 (USA) 02.03.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Adam Nimoy
Writing credits : Brannon Braga
Cast : Michael Bofshever (Romulan/Alien), Patricia Tallman (Female Romulan/Alien)

The Story : Stardate: 46944.2. Picard, Geordi, Troi and Data return from a Federation conference to find the Enterprise frozen in time and under attack from a frozen Romulan Warbird.

152 - DESCENT (1/2)

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Original title : Descent (1/2)
First Aired : 14.06.1993 (USA) 09.03.1999 (FRANCE)
Director : Alexander Singer
Writing credits : Ronald D. Moore From a Story by Jeri Taylor
Cast : Stephen Hawking (Himself), Brent Spiner (Lore), John Neville (Sir Isaac Newton), Jim Norton (Albert Einstein), Brian J. Cousins (Crosis), Natalija Nogulich (Admiral Nechayev)

The Story : Stardate: 46982.1. The Borg return to threaten the Federation under the new leadership of Lore. Data experiences a disturbing facet of human emotions - he feels pleasure after killing a Borg drone.