Journey to the Center of the Earth
(Journey to the Center of the Earth)
Number of reviews: 1
Total points: 9
Average: 9.00/10
n°1 - 9/10 Steve
April 27, 2005
A rip-roaring, great adventure -- notwithstanding my dislike of Pat Boone (who is merely wooden in this role, rather than cloyingly off-putting). The science part of this SF film is nonsense -- Jules Verne, writing maybe a century earlier, knew better than to have his gallant explorers actually reach anywhere near the geometric center of the Earth, whereas the film depicts the center as a huge whirlpool in the middle of an underground ocean. But really, who cares? There is unceasing wonder and great adventure at every turn, with comic relief as needed. It ain't Verne, exactly, but it's fun.