Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms

(Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms)


Number of reviews: 2

Total points: 6

Average: 3.00/10

n°2 - 5/10 No Name

April 27, 2002

This was a great movie, i've seen it a few times, but didn't get everything out of it, so i veiwed it again, i think it has everything a fan would want out of a movie, action, drama, adventure, speicial effects, beautiful people, everything! i would recommend this movie, for the sci-fi fan. Thanks see you at the movies!!

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n°1 - 1/10 No Name

April 27, 2002

Great flick, i've seen #1 but didn't get anything out of it, i like this one better, for anyone wanting to see a great movie, check this one out! i rate this one a 10..thanks and see ya at the movies

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