Reign of Fire

(Reign of Fire)


Number of reviews: 1

Total points: 5

Average: 5.00/10

n°1 - 5/10 Spydor

July 22, 2002

I was impressed by the animation of the dragons, and the way they attacked, flew, etc. The dialog was about average, but flowed well nonetheless. I was, however, disappointed to find out, by seeing the movie, that the best scenes were shown in the commercials for the movie. I mean, please, the movie was supposed to be about the dragons, and our fight with them, but you only get to see 2 combat situations, and the attack of one dragon on the "farm". That's it. THREE dragons, in a movies SUPPOSEDLY about dragons. As I said before, I was impressed with the animation, but not much else. I would compare this movie with Dragonslayer, but with guns instead of magic.

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