White Dwarf

(White Dwarf)


Number of reviews: 2

Total points: 14

Average: 7.00/10

n°2 - 9/10 Iirick

November 11, 2004

The movie had me wanting to see a sequel. It has a few elements that could be developed further, such as the mythology of the world (and the two ladies), and some of its history; where did the mysterious regulators originate? What is the secret of Akada's special power?
The characters in the movie were well developed, and you grew attached to them. It had some interesting elements such as the aforementioned artifacts of the regulators, tissue gloves, and the wall. They got you to wonder what other alien leftovers were on the planet. You also wondered if Osh was a native and related to the creators of them. The focus of the story remained on the social interactions of the characters, rather than a lot of bells and whistles, which is refreshing in this genre.

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n°1 - 5/10 Veriria

January 30, 2002

This movie is very captivating, with a very unique - not so much unique plot, but a unique representation of the movie as a whole. With the planet being stationary, and half of it being in darkness, and the other half in light, forever - I liked that part. But the climax in itself was very week - it was when the bad guys killed the king of the dark side ... that was about it, and then the princess basically told the bad guy he was being sent to jail, and that was about it ... Like I said, if there was some sort of fighting scene, or more of a dramatic climax, it would have received a larger score from me ^_^ Other than that, the scenery and computer animation was excellent, for being from 1995!

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