Light Years



Number of reviews: 1

Total points: 7

Average: 7.00/10

n°1 - 7/10 No Name

June 20, 2002

A nice science fiction movie. The movie is a little short, the animation quality is bad and the storyline is a little disjointed. That being said, I loved the movie. The storyline was fun, the movie was fun (despite the terrible quality of animation) and I liked the soundtrack a lot too. The movie will probably never be released on DVD, or rereleased to theatres, but that's fine with me as long as my VHS copy holds up. If you can find this obscure film (out of print...) go get a copy, it's a fun film. For a brief 80 or 90 minutes, just forget that guns that turn people into stone or thorns are not exactly paramount Sci-Fi, and enjoy. I guess it's just a damn fun film...

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