Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Grey Trace
- Logan Marshall-Green
- Asha Trace
- Melanie Vallejo
- Jeff Handley
- Steve Danielsen
- Kara (voix)
- Abby Craden
- Eron Keen
- Harrison Gilbertson
- Fisk
- Benedict Hardie
- Serk
- Richard Cawthorne
- Tolan
- Christopher Kirby
- Wen
- Richard Anastasios
- Police Driver
- Kenny Low
- Pamela
- Linda Cropper
- Detective Cortez
- Betty Gabriel
- Nurse Henderson
- Emily Havea
- Dr Diana Gordon
- Ming-Zhu Hii
- Stem (voix)
- Simon Maiden
- Technician
- Dr Stephanie Demkiw (Stephanie Demkiw)
- Technician
- Manjot Jassal
- Technician
- Esther Joseph
- Dr Bhatia
- Sachin Joab
- Homeless Man
- Matt Davis
- Manny
- Clayton Jacobson
- Old Bones Patron
- Arthur Angel
- Old Bones Heavy
- Puven Pather
- Old Bones Heavy
- Ri-Jie Kwok
- Old Bones Heavy
- David Mondon (Dave Mondon)
- VR Guy
- Rosco Campbell
- Jamie
- Kai Bradley
- Vessel Guard
- Michael Foster (Michael M. Foster)
- Vessel Guard
- Zia Kelly
- Business Man
- Mark Doggett
- Militarised Police Officer
- James Ao (*)
- Detective
- Douglas Embry (*)
- Tiana
- Renah Gallagher (*)
- Homeless Drifter
- Liam Howarth (*)
- Réalisateur
- Leigh Whannell
- Écriture
- Leigh Whannell
- Producteur exécutif
- Rosemary Blight
- Producteur
- Jason Blum
- Co-producteur
- Bailey Conway Anglewicz (Bailey Conway)
- Co-producteur
- Phillip Dawe
- Producteur
- Kylie Du Fresne
- Producteur exécutif
- Ben Grant
- Producteur
- Brian Kavanaugh-Jones
- Producteur exécutif
- Charles Layton
- Line producer
- Michelle Russell
- Producteur exécutif
- Couper Samuelson
- Co-producteur
- Beatriz Sequeira
- Producteur exécutif
- Jeanette Brill
- Producteur exécutif
- Leigh Whannell
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Stefan Duscio
- Monteur
- Andy Canny
- Directeur de casting
- Nikki Barrett
- Directeur de casting
- Terri Taylor
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Felicity Abbott
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Mandi Bialek-Wester
- Asst art director
- Phoebe Smith (Phoebe Smith)
- Décorateur
- Katie Sharrock
- Costumes
- Maria Pattison
- Prosthetics technician
- Vaso Babic
- Prosthetics technician
- Alice Baueris
- Additional hair stylist / additional makeup artist
- Dyan Gregoriou
- Prosthetics conceptual artist / prosthetics sculptor
- Seth Justus
- Coiffeur additionnel
- Maggie Kolev Vidovic (Maggie Kolev)
- Prosthetics technician
- Troy McManus
- Assistant hair stylist / assistant makeup artist
- Leah Meurer
- Hair stylist / makeup artist
- Rachelle O'Donnell
- Hair stylist / makeup artist
- Selena Pertzel
- Prosthetics technician
- Rachel Scane
- Prosthetics Sculptor
- Eden Small
- Additional hair stylist / additional makeup artist
- Zeljka Stanin
- Hair designer / makeup designer
- Chiara Tripodi
- Prosthetics designer
- Larry Van Duynhoven
- Prosthetic effects
- Edward Yates (Mold maker)
Assistant réalisateur
- Additional assistant director
- Marina Gabriela Bonofiglio
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- Andy Canny
- Additional assistant director
- Jaryd Dickson
- Troisième assistant réalisateur additionnel
- Charmaine Kuhn
Département artistique
- Construction foreman
- Dave Bartlett
- Vehicle welder
- Dylan Baum
- Conception des décors
- Michael Bell
- Menuisier
- Dylan Black
- Intern
- Stephanie Brook
- Coordinatrice département artistique
- Manuel Caracciolo
- Head sculptor
- Steven Carroll
- Construction runner
- Tim Chillingworth
- Set painter
- Chris Clements
- Set painter
- Paulie Dennis
- Swing gang
- Craig Dermody
- Swing gang
- Mitchell Dickie
- Vehicle build supervisor
- Clint Dodd
- Stage hand
- Nick Donahue
- Graphics artist
- Jacqueline Dowling
- Clearance assistant
- Billie Egan
- Props maker
- Craig Fison
- Sculptor / steel foreman
- Chris Flenley
- Mechanic
- Colin Forsythe
- Set finisher
- Aimee Francis
- Lead stage hand
- Gene Gardiner
- Set builder
- Ben Gill
- Swing gang
- Todd Gingell
- Art department intern
- Julia Goldsworthy
- Plasterer
- Robert Gough
- Swing gang
- Amanda Grillini
- On set painter
- Eric Haddon
- Greensman
- Chris Hand
- Set builder
- Anthony Hatfield
- Junior buyer dresser
- Sophie Hayward
- Stage hand
- Trevor Herbert
- Design assistant
- Sarah Hopper
- Concept artist
- Xavier Irvine
- Trade assistant
- Yannick Jamey
- Buyer / dresser
- Sam Jamieson
- Vehicle workshop foreman
- Chris Kemp
- Set builder
- Frank Kopacka
- Standby props
- John Lambert
- Standby props
- John Lambert
- Set builder
- Bob Laughlin
- Action vehicle coordinator
- Jules Ling
- Accessoiriste
- Pia McDowell
- Senior props maker
- Tim McGaw
- Additional props
- John McKenna (Pre production)
- Swing gang
- David Morris
- Directeur de construction
- Ross Murdoch
- Scenic foreman
- Sam Noack
- Construction foreman
- Dean Norman
- Vehicle effects technician
- David Patten
- Swing gang
- Nick Pearson
- Set builder
- Dave Peters
- Swing gang
- Anastassia Poppenberg
- Décorateur plateau
- Leah Popple
- Art department runner
- Roscoe Portelli
- Vehicle build assistant
- Harry Prusa
- Action vehicle supervisor
- Rob Prusa
- Vehicle build senior welder
- Anthony Pyle
- Additional props maker
- Nathan Reardon
- Action vehicle painter
- Troy Robinson
- Chef constructeur
- Jessica Rogers
- Swing gang
- Camilla Ruig
- Motion graphic artist
- Hew Sandison
- Props manufacture attachment
- Robert Schoch
- Menuisier
- Tom St Jack
- Swing gang
- Harrison Trubie
- Menuisier
- Avery Walker
- Menuisier
- Clint Wall
- Senior buyer dresser
- Tim Webb
- Assistant standby props
- Phoebe Wolf
- Charge scenic artist
- Michael Wolff
- Bruiteur
- Steve Baine
- Sound effects editor
- Adam Baker
- Sound effects editor
- Emma Bortignon
- Mix technician
- Tom Burns
- Supervising dialogue & adr editor
- Ryan Cole
- A.d.r. recordist
- Brendan Croxon
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Joel Dougherty
- Chef monteur son
- Will Files
- Assistant bruiteur
- Gina Gyles
- Mix stage engineer
- Justin Herman
- Sound designer / supervising sound editor
- P.K. Hooker
- Sound effects editor
- Ken McGill
- Loop group recordist
- Andrew Miller
- Enregistreur mixage
- Peter Persaud
- Prise de son
- Andrew Ramage
- Sound effects editor
- Chris Terhune
- Mixage post-syncho
- Matt Coffey (*)
- Mixage post-syncho
- Tyler Rambie (*)
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Chris Anderson
- Doublure cascades
- Philli Anderson (Betty Gabriel)
- Cascadeur
- Matthew Campbell
- Assistant fight choreographer / stunt driver
- Michael M. Foster
- Doublure cascades
- Rian Goodge (Logan marshall green)
- Stunt double Richard Cawthorn
- Bryce Hardy
- Stunt performer / stunt rigger
- Adam Howell
- Movement consultant
- Darren Inkster
- Stunt rigger
- Jayden Irving
- Key stunt rigger / stunt driver
- Graham Jahne
- Cascadeur
- Zia Kelly
- Cascadeur
- Ri-Jie Kwok
- Cascadeur
- Kenny Low
- Cascadeur
- Dave Mondon
- Safety supervisor
- Joe Pampanella
- Stunt Previs / stunt driver
- Puven Pather
- Assistant stunt coordinator / co-stunt coordinator / stunt driving double
- Warwick Sadler (Logan Marshall-Green)
- Cascadeur
- Mike Snow
- Cascades
- Hayden Stewart
- Doublure cascades
- Laura Sutton (Melanie vallejo)
- Doublure cascades
- Graham Vincent (Christopher Kirby)
- Fight Choreographer/Logan Marshall Green Fight Stunt Double
- Chris Weir
- Doublure cascades
- Alex Yakimov (Benedict Hardie)
- Key grip
- Glenn Arrowsmith
- Aerial cinematographer
- Peter Beeh
- Flight head technician
- Dane Clarke
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Jensen Cope ("a" camera)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Karina Davies (Splinter Unit)
- Second unit cinematographer
- Shelley Farthing-Dawe
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Jonathan Haynes ("b" camera)
- Premier assistant caméra
- Andrew Jerram
- AR Rig operator / b camera/steadicam operator
- Andrew Johnson
- Éclairagiste
- Massimo Luongo
- Grip
- Justin Meinesz
- Grip
- Darryl Murphy
- Vtr assistant
- Rachel Sieger
- 2nd Unit
- Keir Suggett
- Dit
- Tom Tcimpidis
- Additional second assistant camera / second assistant camera
- Sarah O'May Turner (Second unit)
Département montage
- Coordinateur post-production
- Angus Bell Young
- Head of post production
- Marcus Bolton
- Post production producer
- Stewart Dean
- Creative technology specialist
- Alex Elliott
- Assistant monteur
- Ahmad Halimi
- Coordinateur post-production
- Olga Hamlet
- Digital intermediate colorist
- Adrian Hauser
- Digital intermediate colorist
- Dwaine Hyde (Conform)
- Additional editor
- Jonathan Keogh
- Assistant monteur
- Shannon Longville
- Coordinateur post-production
- Renee Minasian
- Post finishing editor
- Jennifer Raymond
- Digital dailies
- Rory Rea
- Étalonneur
- Tom Reiser
- Assistant colorist
- Andre Rivas
- Media operator
- Daniel Scott
- On-line editor
- Jo Spillane
- Coordinateur post-production
- Cyna Strachan
- Creative technology specialist
- Philip Vincent
- Media operator
- John Warneke
- Assistant monteur
- Matt Wigg
Département musique
- Musician
- Zoe Barry (Cello) (Zoë Barry)
- Superviseur de la musique
- Jemma Burns
- Musician
- Adam Hollinshead (Guitar feedback)
- Musician
- Jed Palmer
- Monteur musique
- Brett Pierce
- Additional armourer
- Stephen Cunnington
- Assistant
- Alexandra Curtis (Mrs. Du Fresne and Mr. Whannell)
- Legals
- Clement Dunn
- Title design
- Scott Geersen
- Production accountant
- Gina Hallas
- Script
- Aria Harrison
- Manager of production finance
- Cody Heffelfinger
- Attachment
- Natalie James (Mr. Whannell) (Natalie Erika James)
- Legal services
- Kylie Giam (Kylie Joiner)
- Assistant de production
- Lauren Keely
- Assistant
- Gemma Levinson (Mr. Kavanaugh-Jones)
- Head of business affairs
- Zac Locke
- Assistant
- Monica Mabrey (Mr. Blum)
- Post production accountant
- Kylie Muller
- Manager
- Courtney Salmon (Physical production)
- Assistant
- Vivienne Vaughn (Charles Layton)
- Assistant
- Sammy Warshaw (Mr. Blum)
- Armorer
- Scott Warwick
(*) non crédité