Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Lena
- Natalie Portman
- Lomax
- Benedict Wong
- Humanoid / Katie (Med Student)
- Sonoya Mizuno
- Daniel
- David Gyasi
- Kane
- Oscar Isaac
- Paramedic
- John Schwab
- Dr. Ventress
- Jennifer Jason Leigh
- Anya Thorensen
- Gina Rodriguez
- Cass Sheppard
- Tuva Novotny
- Josie Radek
- Tessa Thompson
- Mayer
- Sammy Hayman
- Shelley
- Josh Danford
- Lena Double
- Kristen McGarrity
- Scientist
- Mairead Armstrong (*)
- Peyton
- Kola Bokinni (*)
- Scientist
- Annarie Boor (*)
- Scientist
- Richard Clark (*)
- ...
- Crystal Clarke (*)
- Scientist
- Bern Collaco (*)
- Medical Student
- Helena Holmes (*)
- Scientist
- Angela Holmes (*)
- Special Ops Soldier 1
- Cosmo Jarvis (*)
- Scientist
- Bobby Mahmi (*)
- Nurse
- Odette Michell (*)
- Scientist
- Kumud Pant (*)
- Scientist
- Hiten Patel (*)
- Special Ops Soldier
- Daniel Prewitt (*)
- Special Ops Soldier
- Matthew Simpson (*)
- Lab Security
- Miroslav Zaruba (*)
- Réalisé par
- Alex Garland
- Written for the screen by
- Alex Garland
- Based on the novel by
- Jeff VanderMeer
- Producteur exécutif
- Jo Burn
- Producteur
- Eli Bush
- Producteur exécutif
- David Ellison
- Producteur exécutif
- Dana Goldberg
- Producteur exécutif
- Don Granger
- Producteur
- Andrew Macdonald
- Producteur
- Allon Reich
- Producteur
- Scott Rudin
- Producteur associé
- Joanne Smith
- Musique
- Geoff Barrow
- Musique
- Ben Salisbury
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Rob Hardy
- Monteur
- Barney Pilling
- Directeur de casting
- Francine Maisler
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Mark Digby
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Gareth Cousins
- Assistant set decorator
- Lauren Doss
- Directeur artistique
- Simon Elsley
- Directeur artistique
- Elaine Kusmishko
- Supervising art director
- Denis Schnegg
- Décorateur
- Michelle Day
- Costumes
- Sammy Sheldon
- Hair stylist / makeup artist
- Samantha Denyer
- Prosthetic effects technician
- Dave Felstead
- Tattoos
- Barrie Gower
- Make-Up & Hair Designer
- Sian Grigg
- Special makeup effects sculptor
- Sebastian Lochmann (Creature sculptor)
- Prosthetic effects technician
- Grace McComisky
- Animatronic art finisher
- Sunita Parmar
- Junior hair and makeup artist
- Claire Pompili
- Prosthetics trainee
- Alex Rapazzini
- Hair stylist/makeup artist
- Charlotte Rogers
- Prosthetic effects technician
- Harvey Smith
- Prosthetic make up artist
- Paul Spateri
- Special makeup effects/animatronics supervisor
- Tristan Versluis
- Tattoos
- Patt Foad (*)
Direction de production
- Directeur de production
- Sara Desmond
- Superviseur post-production
- Clare St. John
Assistant réalisateur
- Key set pa
- Mary Boulding
- Second deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Dom Channing-Williams
- Additional third assistant director / third assistant director
- Sekani Doram (Dailies)
- Assistant réalisateur
- Frank Macpherson (Photographie additionnelle)
- Base pa
- Michael Middleton-Downer
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Matthew Penry-Davey
- Key 2nd assistant director
- Charlie Reed
Département artistique
- Menuisier
- Alex Abelman
- Art department work experience
- Jessica Barrell
- Acheteur production
- Jo Berglund
- Senior prop modeler
- Matt Boyton
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Lauren Briggs-Miller
- Chargehand standby props
- Christopher Chandler
- Directeur de construction
- Dan Crandon
- Prop modeller
- Emma Denby
- Supervising rigger
- Darren Flindall
- Art department runner
- Thomas R Goode
- Accessoiriste
- Muffin Green
- Props modeller
- Aaron Harvey
- Supervising scenic painter
- Clare Holland
- Junor prop modeller
- Andrew Hughes
- Prop modeller
- Tom Hughes
- Assistant buyer
- Chloe James
- Menuisier
- Gary Jobber
- Concept artist
- Jock
- Dressing props dailies
- Martin Kane
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Kira Kemble
- Fabrications draughtsperson
- Keely Lanigan-Atkins
- Accessoiriste
- Sean Leishman
- Prop modeller
- Leslie Lovelace
- Construction supervisor
- Dan Marsden
- Standby art director
- Lisa McDiarmid
- Prop modeller
- Lorna Moon
- Graphiste
- Sam Moulsdale
- Concept artist
- Kan Muftic
- Head scenic painter
- Lara Murray
- HOD Prop Modeller / hod modeller
- Craig Narramore
- Scenic artist
- Russell Oxley
- Menuisier
- Seb Palmer
- Accessoiriste
- Natalie Papageorgiadis
- Chargehand
- Reg Patterson
- Dessinateur
- Michael Pybus
- Prop making buyer
- Victoria Rhodes
- Décorateur
- Dan Riches
- Menuisier
- Paul Rigby
- Senior prop modelier / senior prop modeller
- Alex Rutherford
- Scenic painter
- Mary Pat Sheahan
- Accessoiriste
- Stuart Silver
- Décorateur
- Steve 'Moose' Smith
- Concept artist
- Elo Soode
- Concept artist
- Kouji Tajima
- Assistant département artistique
- Chloe Taylor
- Acheteur production
- Caitlin Thompson
- Assistant storeman
- Stefanie Thurman-Knirsch
- Prop modeller
- Peter Tindall
- Carpenter / standby carpenter
- Sam Towers
- Chargehand scenic painter
- Joe Vassallo
- Accessoiriste
- Gena Vazquez
- Modelmaker
- Rowena Vickerman
- Dressing props
- Barney Ward
- Concept artist
- Simon Webber
- Prop modeller
- Clint Whelan
- Junior prop modeller
- Mark Yeo
- Standby painter
- Mal Zawadzki
- Re-recording mixer / sound designer
- Niv Adiri
- Sound designer
- Ben Barker
- Monteur bruitages
- Lilly Blazewicz
- Bruiteur
- Peter Burgis
- Mix technician
- Michael Clayton
- Mixage post-syncho
- Rob Davidsson
- Mixage post-syncho
- Mark DeSimone (New York)
- Dialogue adr supervisor
- Gillian Dodders
- Bruiteur
- Zoe Freed
- Sound effects editor
- Danny Freemantle
- Son
- Glenn Freemantle (Designer / supervising sound editor)
- Mixage post-syncho
- Judah Getz
- Assistant éditeur son
- Dayo James
- Mixage post-syncho
- Bob Lacivita
- Opérateur son
- Mitch Low
- Perchiste
- Stephane Malenfant
- Sound effects editor
- Robert Malone
- Sound maintenance
- Dash Mason-Malik
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- Tyler Newhouse
- Mix technician
- John Skehill
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Ian Tapp
- Adr coordinator
- Mhairi Wyles-Lang
- 2nd assistant sound
- Benjamin Gandy (*) (Dailies)
Effets spéciaux
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- James Bainger
- Special effects trainee
- Marie Duboscq
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Leon Harris
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Christopher Hubbard
- Senior special effects technician
- Doug McCarthy
- Special effects assistant
- Ross McCluskey
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Tom Mcloughlin
- Special effects assistant technician
- Rupert Morency
- Special effects assistant technician
- Ellie O'Rourke
- Special effects assistant
- Ronnie Rackley
- Special effects assistant
- Hayden Sheridan
- Special effects workshop supervisor
- Jody Taylor
- Special effects assistant
- Dan Vico
- Senior special effects technician
- Massimo Vico
- On set sfx supervisor
- David Watson Jr.
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- Hayley J. Williams
Effets visuels
- Compositor
- Neil Alford (Milk VFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Antony Allen (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Juan Alonso
- Compositeur numérique
- Sneha Amin
- Compositeur numérique
- Kanika Andrew (Double negative)
- Visual effects line producer
- Austin Aplin
- Matchmove artist
- Alfredo Octavio Arango (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Javier Argente
- Compositor
- Adam Arnot Drummond (Double negative)
- Visual effects editor
- Tom Balogh
- Technical support
- Keith Barton (Milk Visual Effects)
- Effets visuels
- Sebastian Becker (Double negative)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Sara Bennett (Milk Visual Effects)
- Assistant colourist
- Damien Bent (Visual effects)
- Compositeur numérique
- Olivia Beresford
- Data i/o
- Ian Berg (Double negative)
- Roto/key artist
- Uttham Bhalaykar
- CG Sequence Supervisor
- Thomas Biller (Double negative)
- Lead compositor
- Moti Biran (Nvizible)
- Creature technical director
- Jonathan Bird
- Effets visuels
- Eduardo Bivar (Double negative)
- Texturer
- Nastasia Bois (Milk-vfx)
- Compositeur numérique
- Michael Bovberg (Double negative)
- Fx supervisor
- Peter Bowmar (Dneg)
- Matchmove artist
- Scott Brindley (Double negative)
- Compositing sequence supervisor
- Nik Brownlee (Double negative)
- Matchmove artist
- Daniel Caffrey (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Cairnie (Double negative)
- Prop Scanning supervisor
- Huseyin Caner
- Lighting lead
- Keanan Cantrell
- Lead sequence vfx compositor
- Freddy Chavez Olmos (Double negative)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Carlos Ciudad (Double negative)
- Scanning technician
- David Connely
- Visual effects line producer
- David Cordon (Double negative)
- Creature TD
- Juan Francisco Correa Diaz (Double negative)
- Generalist technical director
- Roel Coucke (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Viviane Dall'Agnol
- Environment artist
- Radha Krishnan Damodar (Double negative)
- Pipeline lead
- Robert John Davies
- Effets visuels
- Amy Denny-Guerin
- Animateur
- Rod Dimayuga
- VFX Production Assistant
- Lisa Theresa Downey-Dent
- Prep artist
- Curro Doyagüez (Double negative)
- Compositor
- John Durney
- Producteur effets visuels
- Paul Edwards (Double negative)
- Modeller
- Tosh Elliott (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Marco Aurélio Engelmann Santos (Double negative)
- Head of animation
- Stephen Enticott (Double negative)
- Roto Anim & Matchmove artist
- Rahul Narayan Erla (Double Negative India)
- Effets visuels
- Finella Fan
- Pipeline td
- YiMin Fan
- 3D artist
- Emanuele Farnesi
- Matchmove artist
- Amy Lloyd (Milk-vfx)
- Roto prep artist
- Cranston Fernandes (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Martin Fischer (Double negative)
- Assistant visual effects editor
- James Fisher (Double negative)
- Modeller
- David Frylund Otzen
- Digital artist
- Borja Fuste
- Bodytrack artist
- Akash Gade
- Prep supervisor
- Nathan Gardner (Double negative)
- Lead matte painter
- Alec Geldart
- Bodytrack artist
- Daniel Gilligan
- Matte painter
- Daniel Giron (Double negative)
- Compositor
- Melissa Goddard
- Matchmove artist
- Moises Gomez Gonzalez
- Compositeur numérique
- Chris Gooch (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Oded Granot (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Jacob Green
- Visual effects editor
- Alastair Grimshaw
- Compositeur numérique
- Jack Grundy
- Compositeur numérique
- Jonny Gu (Double negative)
- Fx technical director
- Xian Guan (Double negative)
- Studio assistant
- Sian Gunningham
- Compositeur numérique
- Connor Guyler
- Matchmove artist
- Alexander Ha
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Alyssa Harrison
- Matchmove artist
- Chrystian Hebert (Double negative)
- Compositor
- Yasemin Hepguler
- Effets visuels
- Shani Hermoni (Union VFX)
- Cg supervisor
- Nicolas Hernandez (Milk Visual Effects)
- Effets visuels
- Yan Caspar Hirschbuehl
- Lead tracker
- Christopher Hodge
- Compositor
- Andrew Hogden
- Senior cg generalist
- Manuel Huertas Marchena (Double negative)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Simon Hughes (Union VFX)
- Prep artist
- Megan Hutchison (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Gediminas Max Jauga (Double negative)
- Layout artist
- Digger Jensen (Double negative)
- Data i/o
- Adam Johannesson (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Shamintha Kalamba Arachchi
- Compositor
- Sean Kalra
- VFX producer
- Ciarán Keenan (Nvizible)
- Compositeur numérique
- Taskin Kenan
- Roto/prep supervisor
- Lukas Tiberio Klopfenstein (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Benjamin Krebs (Double negative)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Erin Langford (Double negative)
- Title production
- Matthew Lawrence
- R&d
- Matthew Leach
- Compositeur numérique
- Raphael Legros
- Assistant colourist
- Tord Liljedahl Tønnesen
- Paint artist
- Sohee Lim (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Joe Long
- Modelling lead
- Sam Lucas (Milk VFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Natalie MacDonald
- Bodytrack artist
- Alex James Macieira (Double negative)
- Colourist
- Garry Maddison (Double negative)
- Effect technical director
- Amir Manavi
- Producteur effets visuels
- Bhumika Mayer (Nvizible)
- Producteur délégué effets spéciaux
- Fay McConkey (Double negative)
- Roto paint artist
- Jessica McDonald
- Effets visuels
- Owen McGonigle
- Compositor
- Alasdair McNeill (Union VFX)
- Effets visuels
- Callum Mcnulty
- Senior matchmove artist
- Himanshu Meena (Double negative)
- Digital matte painter
- Tobias Meier (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Chad Meire
- Directeur de production
- Rosanna Mennear (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Gaëlle Minisini
- Effets visuels
- Ankur Mishra (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Alberto Montañés (Double Negative Vancouver)
- Paint/prep artist
- Ricardo Montero de Espinosa (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Vinayak More (Texturing)
- Digital artist
- Victor Morejon
- Digital effects artist
- Allan Morel
- Lookdev/lighting td
- Bastien Mortelecque (Milk-vfx)
- Lighting td
- Sourabh Mukherjee
- Assistant colourist
- Chris Munns (Double negative)
- Paint artist
- Sebastian Munoz Silva
- Layout artist
- Sandra Murta (Double negative)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Katia Muscariello (Nvizible)
- Matchmove artist
- Jayaraj Muthukumar
- Generalist technical director
- Sven Müller (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Alessandro Nardini
- Visual effects line producer
- Livi Naylor (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Salima Needham
- Compositeur numérique
- Yoon See Ng (Double Negative Vancouver)
- Senior compositor
- Dillan Nicholls
- Effets visuels
- Lisa Nolan (Double negative)
- Producteur exécutif
- Clare Norman (Milk Visual Effects)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Roma O'Connor
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Paul O'Hara
- Cg supervisor
- Artemis Oikonomopoulou
- Concept artist
- Jonathan Opgenhaffen
- Matte painter
- Mark Orme
- Compositeur numérique
- Ben Outerbridge
- Senior visual effects technical director
- Oleksandr Panaskevych (Double negative)
- Matchmove artist
- Bintu Kharolia Parjapati (Double negative)
- Scanning technician
- Nikul Patel
- Digital artist
- Uppu Pavanrajesh (Double negative / double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Frank Petit
- Effets visuels
- Quentin Pianta
- Compositeur numérique
- Andy Pinson (Double negative)
- Lighting technical director
- Carlota Primo
- Compositeur numérique
- Jakub Pruszkowski (Double negative)
- Compositor
- Giorgia Pulvirenti (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Luke Rawcliffe
- Line producer
- Max Rees
- Effects artist
- Mike Rhone
- Visual effects editor
- Tina Richardson
- Compositeur numérique
- Nicolas Rigaud
- Creature TD
- Charlotte Roberts
- Rigging lead
- Neil Roche (Milk VFX)
- Paint artist
- Sherri Rogers (Double negative)
- Compositeur numérique
- Ruslanova Katya
- Lead compositer
- Ashley Ryan (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Anna Samuel
- Compositor
- Mag Sarnowska
- Compositeur numérique
- Carl Schröter (Double negative)
- Sequence supervisor
- Sean Schur
- Roto/prep artist
- Cristina Serreli
- Colourist
- Aurora Shannon (Visual effects)
- Compositeur numérique
- Kazumasa Shibata
- Digital colourist
- Asa Shoul
- Animateur
- Ricardo Silva (Double negative)
- Data i/o
- Korn Singprasong (Double negative)
- Compositor
- Maciej Skoluba
- Effets visuels
- Eliot Speed
- Producteur effets visuels
- Noga Alon Stein (Union)
- Compositeur numérique
- Thomas R. Steiner
- Rigging td
- Irena Steinnagel (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Michael Steward
- Animation supervisor
- Jeremy Stewart
- Compositeur numérique
- Mary Stroumpouli (Double negative)
- Senior lighting td
- Daniele Tagliaferri (Double negative)
- Research and development
- Olivier Thibaut (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Craig Tonks
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Agnes Toomus (Double negative)
- Senior matte painter
- Peter Toufidis (Double negative)
- Prep artist
- Dominik Trottier (Double negative)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Michael Tuohy
- Matchmover
- Vinayagam (Double negative)
- Effets visuels
- Adam Walker
- Digital artist
- Hazel Weatherall (3D Scanning)
- Look development artist
- Neil West
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Andrew Whitehurst
- Visual effects line producer
- Sarah Williamson
- Head of 2d
- Jamie Wood (Nvizible vfx)
- Cg supervisor
- Luca Zappala
- Lead compositor
- Yilun Zhu Cleve (Double negative)
- Doublure cascades
- Joanne Batten (Gina Rodriguez)
- Stunt driver
- Niki Faulkner
- Assistant stunt coordinator
- Jan Holicek
- Cascadeur
- Jack Jagodka
- Stunt driver
- Tim Marshall-Rowe
- Natalie portman
- Chelsea Mather
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Jo McLaren
- Doublure cascades
- Casey Michaels (Jennifer Jason Leigh)
- Cascadeur
- Shane Roberts
- Cascadeur
- Anthony Skrimshire
- Assistant stunt coordinator
- Leo Stransky
- Doublure cascades
- Karen Teoh (Tessa Thompson)
- Stunt driver
- Luke Tumber
- Oscar Isaac
- Pablo Verdejo
- Stunt driver
- Leo Woodruff
- Electrician
- Daniel Addis
- Chef électricien
- John Antill
- Electrician
- Neil Ashton
- Electrician
- Kai Blamey (Dailies)
- Electrician
- Daniel Chaytor
- Camera trainee
- Charlotte Croft
- Camera trainee
- Ruy De Carvalho (Main unit)
- Rigging electrician
- Chris Dickinson
- H.o.d. rigger
- Steve Fitzpatrick
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- George Anthony Fox ("b" camera)
- Crane grip
- Paolo Frasson
- Gaffer
- Chris Georgas (Camera & lighting tests)
- Video operator trainee
- Benjamin Hodder
- Dit trainee
- Ben Howlett (Dailies)
- A Camera 2nd Assistant Camera
- Ryan King
- Gaffer
- Andy Lowe
- Retour vidéo
- Craig Luck
- Camera trainee
- Filippo Maso (Dailies)
- Cadreur caméra
- Vince McGahon ("b" camera / steadicam operator)
- Premier assistant caméra additionelle
- Tim Morris
- Photographe de plateau
- Peter Mountain
- Camera trainee
- Alexandra Médeville
- Electrician
- Gary Owen
- Premier assistant caméra
- Jennie Paddon (A camera)
- Digital imaging technician
- Jay Patel (Main unit)
- Key grip
- Sam Phillips
- Electrician
- Pawel Polak
- Desk operator
- Nathan Porter
- Libra technician
- Michele Puricelli (Dailies)
- Desk operator
- Ed Riley
- Premier assistant caméra
- Sarah Rollason ("b" camera)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Cenay Said (Dailies)
- Video playback operator
- Richard B. Shean
- Best boy
- Chris Stones
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Tom Storey (A camera)
- Rigging electrician
- Paul Surgison
- Rigging chargehand
- Robert White
- Rigging best boy
- Lee Wilson
- C camera operator / additional steadicam
- Rick Woollard
Département costumes
- Breakdown artist
- Raffaella Buck
- Key breakdown artist
- Raphael Dilhan
- Assistant costume designer
- Poli Kyriacou
- Costume standby
- Nadia Merabti
- Costume standby
- Stephanie Paul
- Costume cutter / costume cutter/maker
- Josie Pledge
- Junior costume maker
- Camilla Thomson
- Costume standby
- Kate Walling
- Superviseur costumes
- Nicole Young
Département montage
- Head of Operations
- Thom Berryman (Pinewood Digital)
- Dailies producer
- James Corless
- Digital lab operator
- Michael Davis
- Coordinateur post-production
- Charlotte Dean
- Conform editor
- Johnathan Wei Dickinson
- First assistant editor
- Emanuele Giraldo
- Digital intermediate operator
- Gemma Lyons
- Vfx assistant editor
- Carlo Milillo
- Additional editor
- Erline O'Donovan
- Digital intermediate assistant
- Cesar Guto Piletti
- Digital intermediate operator
- Otto Rodd
- Digital intermediate operator
- Andrew Scattergood
- Assistant monteur
- Paschalla Sharpe
- Digital intermediate operator
- Ben-Roy Turner
- Digital intermediate conform editor
- Isabel Zippert
- Digital intermediate film consultant
- Justin Lanchbury (*)
Département musique
- Musical sound design
- Simon Ashdown
- Score mixer
- Rupert Coulson
- Composer agent
- Chris Gutch (Chris Gutch)
- Monteur musique
- Yann McCullough
- Mix assistant
- Adam Miller
- Production Coordinator UK Re Shoots
- Samantha Arnold
- Picture double
- Alison Ball (Natalie Portman)
- Secrétaire de production
- Jordan Barbour
- Assistant acccountant
- Veronica Barnett
- E.p.k. videographer
- James Baudouy
- Assistant to executive in charge of production
- Nicole Beaudoin
- Accounts trainee
- Sarah Bishop
- Daily location assistant
- Maxwell Boulton
- Satellite Internet - 4G Wifi Engineer & IT Support
- Kriss TheDish Brown
- Construction nurse
- Faye Carney
- Assistant
- Jay Catlett (Mr. Isaac)
- Attaché de presse
- Sarah Clark
- Marine coordinator
- Ian Creed
- Title Designer/Graphics
- Matt Curtis
- Payroll accountant
- David Danisovszky
- Assistant de production
- Joshua Darby
- Script
- San Davey
- Film & Media travel services
- Michael Dovey
- Financial controller
- Jon Duncan
- Assistant to Ms. Natalie Portman
- Roseanna Fawke
- Aerial operations coordinator
- Lucia Foster Found
- Script
- Victoria Gegenbauer (B cam, daily)
- Assistant to Scott Rudin and Eli Bush
- Kyle Hamilton
- Accounts trainee
- Natalie Harrower
- Set pa
- Nasrin Hoque
- Set pa
- Yasmin Hoque (Dailies)
- Assistant to Scott Rudin and Eli Bush
- Tom Ishizuka
- Coordinateur de production
- Gemma Jones
- Assistant de production
- Vivien Kenny
- Construction nurse
- Rachel King
- Research and development engineer
- Daniela Kriston
- Assistant de production
- Zarah Lee
- 1st Assistant Accountant
- Judd Lewin
- Epk producer
- Matt McNally
- Paramedic
- Brian Mear (Construction)
- Assistant de production
- Charlotte Miller
- Assistant de production
- Mariya Mizuno
- Technical projects supervisor
- Luke Moorcock
- Assistant de production
- Josie Morgan
- Coordinator to President of Post
- Lauren Orlowski
- Doublure
- Moreno Perdoni (Oscar Isaac)
- Key location marshal
- Ruben Pereira
- Film extra
- Daniel Prewitt
- Armourer
- Tom Ralphs
- Health and safety adviser
- Daniel Rogers
- Secrétaire de production
- Victoria Rosenbaum (Photographie additionnelle)
- Assistant production co-ordinator
- Tamlyn Samuels
- Helicopter pilot
- Will Samuelson
- Key technical armourer
- Faujja Singh
- Choréographe
- Bobbi Jene Smith
- Aerial operations manager
- Andy Stephens
- Marine supervisor
- Jonjo Stickland
- Assistant de production
- George Sullivan
- Production Finance Coordinator
- Kirsten Tobey
- Réalisateur
- Daniel Villagomez (Credits administration for Paramount Pictures)
- Weather consultant
- Richard Wild
- 4D Effects Editor
- Michael Martinez (*)
(*) non crédité