Les zintrus
(Aliens in the Attic)
Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Tom Pearson
- Carter Jenkins
- Jake Pearson
- Austin Butler
- Bethany Pearson
- Ashley Tisdale
- Hannah Pearson
- Ashley Boettcher
- Art Pearson
- Henri Young
- Lee Pearson
- Regan Young
- Nana Rose Pearson
- Doris Roberts
- Ricky Dillman
- Robert Hoffman
- Stuart Pearson
- Kevin Nealon
- Nina Pearson
- Gillian Vigman
- Uncle Nathan Pearson
- Andy Richter
- Sheriff Doug Armstrong
- Tim Meadows
- Julie
- Malese Jow
- Brooke
- Megan Parker
- Annie Filkins
- Maggie VandenBerghe
- Police Radio Dispatch
- Doug MacMillan
- Radio Announcer
- Warren Paeff
- Tazer (voix)
- Thomas Haden Church
- Sparks (voix)
- Josh Peck
- Skip (voix)
- J.K. Simmons
- Razor (voix)
- Kari Wahlgren
- Additional Voice (voix)
- Ashley Peldon
- Zorro (archives)
- Antonio Banderas (*)
- Neighbor Kid
- Josh Richart (*)
- Elena Montero (archives)
- Catherine Zeta-Jones (*)
- Réalisateur
- John Schultz
- Scénariste
- Mark Burton
- Scénariste
- Adam F. Goldberg
- Histoire
- Mark Burton
- Producteur exécutif
- Marc S. Fischer
- Co-producteur
- Joe Hartwick Jr.
- Producteur
- Barry Josephson
- Producteur exécutif
- Arnon Milchan
- Producteur associé
- John R. Woodward
- Musique
- John Debney
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Don Burgess
- Montage
- John Pace
- Directeur de casting
- Julie Ashton
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Barry Chusid
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Mike Becroft
- Supervising art director
- Nigel Evans
- Directeur artistique
- Roger Guise
- Décorateur
- Milton Candish
- Costumes
- Mona May
- Maquillage
- Pilar Alegre
- Maquillage
- Michele Barber
- Department head hair
- Teressa Hill (Photographie additionnelle)
- Make-up/hair designer
- Davina Lamont
- Chef coiffeuse
- Cammy R. Langer (Photographie additionnelle)
- Maquillage
- Natasha Lees
- Maquillage
- Amy McLennan
- Makeup trainee
- Hayley Ness
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Sarah Pickersgill
Direction de production
- Directeur de production
- Annie Dodman
- EVP & Head of Physical Production
- Thomas A. Imperato
- Superviseur post-production
- David McKimmie
Assistant réalisateur
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Brendan Campbell (Second unit)
- Second deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Victoria Connell
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- John Mahaffie (Action sequence)
- Troisième assistant réalisateur
- Siobhan Nolan
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- Douglas Smith
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Greg Spiller
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- John R. Woodward
Département artistique
- Menuisier
- Bruce Allan
- Lead hand
- Bruce Allan
- Assistant directeur artistique
- John Alvarez
- Menuisier
- Gerald Aratema
- Menuisier
- Alistair Bain
- Fabricator
- Jeremy Barr
- Conception des décors
- Ben Barrett
- Standby props
- Zach Becroft
- Menuisier
- Stacey Blackler
- Head paint coordinator
- Jason Claridge
- Construction foreman
- Graham Collins
- Conception des décors
- Nick Connor
- Menuisier
- Eamon Cooney
- Propmaker
- Mike Day
- Menuisier
- Steve Denford
- Menuisier
- Chris Dent
- Menuisier
- Joel Douglas
- Storyboardeur
- Warren Drummond
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Angela Durbin
- Propmaker
- Jeff Edgecomb (Jeff Edgecombe)
- Conception des décors
- Nigel Evans
- Coordinatrice département artistique
- Deana Fodie
- Stand-by assist
- Alistair Gillies
- Concept artist
- Matthew Gilson
- Storyboardeur
- Trevor Goring
- Menuisier
- Dwayne Griffiths
- Décorateur
- Rose Guthrie (Rosie Guthrie)
- Menuisier
- Graham Harris
- Menuisier
- Paul Hay-Chapman
- Storyboardeur
- Julia Holden
- Menuisier
- Matt Hood
- Menuisier
- Max Janezil
- Leading hand propmaker
- Karl Jones
- Menuisier
- Ben Jujnovich
- Menuisier
- Stephen Jujnovich
- Menuisier
- Kirit Kesha
- Character designer
- Julianna Kolakis
- Menuisier
- Robert Lawson
- Concept artist
- Ed Lee
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Andrew Li
- Props designer
- Daniel Lloyd
- Conception des décors
- Joe May
- Storyboardeur
- Martin L. Mercer
- Propmaker supervisor
- Roger Murray
- Accessoiriste
- Fred Palmer
- Stand-by props assistant
- Kate Pilot
- Storyboardeur
- John Puglisi
- Conception des décors
- Barry Read
- Props buyer
- Stephanie Richardson
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Patrick Russo
- Lead hand
- William Schmidt
- Menuisier
- Alaric Smith
- Menuisier
- Peter Stapleton
- Hod scenic painter
- Danny Strachan
- Directeur de construction
- Murray Sweetman
- Menuisier
- Ryan Sweetman
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Tony Williams
- Set painter
- Kim Zimmerman
- Décorateur
- Verena Jonker (*)
- Concept artist
- Wes Louie (*)
- Mixeur bruitages
- David Betancourt
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Jim Bolt (James Bolt)
- Perchiste
- Karl Burnett (Second unit)
- Sound designer and re-recording mixer
- Ted Caplan
- Monteur bruitages
- Simon Coke
- Mixage post-syncho
- Ron Cox (Ronny Cox)
- Monteur bruitages
- Scott Curtis
- Sound editor
- Linda Di Franco
- Perchiste
- Corrin Ellingford (Second unit)
- Bruiteur
- Dawn Fintor
- Assistant sound
- Kyle Griffiths
- Mixage son
- Tony Johnson
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- Tim Lauber
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- David Lucarelli
- Audio post-conform
- Aileen Maquiraya
- Chef monteur bruitages
- John Murray
- Re-recording engineer
- Paul Pavelka
- Opérateur son
- Lisa Pinero (Photographie additionnelle)
- Perchiste
- David Raymond (Photographie additionnelle)
- Ingénieur du son
- Erin Michael Rettig
- Mixage post-syncho
- Charleen Steeves (Charleen Richards)
- Recordist
- Dennis Rogers
- First assistant sound editor
- Monique Salvato (Monique Salvato)
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- Christine Sirois
- Bruiteur
- Alicia Stevenson
- Sound utility
- Dirk Stout (Photographie additionnelle)
- Chef monteur son
- Donald Sylvester
- Preview engineer
- Lee Tucker
- Perchiste
- Mark Williams
- Mixage post-syncho
- Roy Machado (*)
- Sound transfer
- John Soukup (*)
Effets spéciaux
- Special effects technician second unit
- Vic Beksinski
- Special effects floor supervisor
- Mike Cahill
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- Jason Durey
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Hauk Olafsson
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Richard Schuler
Effets visuels
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Beverly Abbott (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effets visuels
- Akemi Abe
- Animateur
- Alberto Abril
- Digital effects artist
- Simon Ager
- Coordinateur de production
- Ashwin Agrawal
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Ivy Agregan
- Animateur
- Tanseer Ahmed (Rhythm and hues)
- Pre-visualization lead
- Rex Ahn (Image Engine)
- Educator
- Amit Aidasani
- Education manager, Rhythm & Hues
- Shish Aikat
- Digital image resources manager
- Erik Akutagawa
- Roto/prep artist
- Mithun Jacob Alex
- Effects technical director
- Mir Z. Ali (Rhythm & Hues)
- Superviseur effets visuels plateau
- David Wallace Allen
- Compositeur numérique
- Sean Amlaner (Rhythm & Hues)
- Pre-visualisation artist
- Russel Ang (Image Engine)
- Roto and paint artist
- Spencer Armajo
- Background prep artist
- Charles Arulraj (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Associate visual effects producer
- Jeff Atherton (Hydraulx)
- Technical animator
- Nicholas Augello
- Matchmove artist
- Jarrod Avalos
- Effects technical director
- Kunal Ayer
- Coordinateur de production
- Erika Bach
- Technical animation supervisor
- Randall Bahnsen (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation consultant
- Chris Bailey
- Compositeur numérique
- Graeme Baitz (CIS Vancouver)
- Lead rotoscope artist
- Graeme Baitz (CIS Vancouver)
- Texture artist
- Bhavika Bajpai
- Lighting technical director
- Leslie Baker
- Matchmove lead
- Anand Balasubramaniam (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Assistant coordinator
- James Baldanzi
- Compositeur numérique
- Scott Balkcom
- Visual effects technical director
- Bill Houston Ball
- Lighting technical director
- Arun Baluchamy
- Lead matchmove technical director
- Sachin Bangera
- Software engineer
- Berj Bannayan (Soho VFX)
- Technical animator
- Alison Middaugh (Rhythm & Hues) (Alison Middaugh)
- Matte painter
- Allen Battino
- Digital matte painter
- Romain Bayle
- Lighting techical director
- Brooke Beane
- Compositor
- Jordan Benwick
- Coordinateur de production
- Lisa Berridge (Soho VFX)
- Pipeline technical director
- Dane Bettis
- Roto/prep artist
- Avinash Bhandary
- Pipeline technical director
- Nikhil Bhatnagar
- Animateur
- Emil Bidiuc (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighting / technical director
- Rohit Bindal
- Matchmover
- Adam Blank (Rhythm and hues)
- Assistant visual effects editor
- Darren Block
- Roto/prep artist
- Bhargava Boini
- Matchmove technical director
- Swapnil Borawake (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Look development artist
- Tiffany Borchardt
- Texture lead
- Christopher Bozzetto (Soho VFX)
- Visual effects editor
- Justin Brekke (CIS Vancouver)
- Prep artist
- John Britto
- Visual effects production assistant
- Rebecca Brookman
- Compositing supervisor
- Erik Bruhwiler (Hydraulx)
- Executive visual effects producer
- Shauna Bryan (CIS Vancouver)
- Lead effects technical director
- Marc Bryant
- Animateur
- Alexandra Bryman
- Digital artist
- Harold Buchman
- Pre-visualisation artist
- Joel Burch (Image Engine)
- Technical animator
- Nicholas Burkard
- Naidu Buyyala (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositeur numérique
- John Cairns (CIS Vancouver)
- Cg supervisor
- Craig Calvert (CIS Vancouver)
- Digital effects artist
- Georgia Cano
- 3D lead
- Tom Capizzi
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Steve Carter
- Digital artist
- Jeffrey Castel De Oro
- Technical animator
- Tyler Cayce
- Animateur
- M.B. Chaitanya
- Technical animator
- Kent Chan
- Roto/prep artist
- Balachandar Chandrasekaran
- Texture painter
- Jessi Chang (Rhythm & Hues)
- Sequence supervisor
- Pascal Chappuis (Inde)
- Effects technical director
- Tamar Chatterjee
- Modeling supervisor
- Yeen-Shi Chen (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation layout
- Hitesh Chikate (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositor
- Kunal Chindarkar (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Modeler
- Jeremy Chinn (Rhythm & Hues)
- Systems administrator
- Vikas Chirate
- Animation layout
- Hyun Joo Cho (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jiyeon Cho
- Modeling supervisor
- Jung-Yoon Choi (Rhythm & Hues)
- Modeler
- Sandesh Chonkar
- Éclairagiste
- Sun Chung
- Digital imaging specialist
- Jeffrey Cilley
- Digital opticals
- Patrick Clancey
- Effets visuels
- Lisa Clarity
- Texture artist
- Ronnie Cleland
- Digital texture painter
- Seth Cobb
- Compositor
- Josh Cole
- Animateur
- Andrew M. Collins
- Systems/operations
- Daniel Aristoteles Collins (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effects assistant editor
- Cynthia Conel
- Directeur artistique
- Chris Consani (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Render i/o coordinator
- Krystal Cooper (Rhythm & Hues)
- Matchmove technical director
- Kevin Coutinho
- Compositeur numérique
- Michael Crane (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation layout
- Gregory Culp (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositing supervisor
- Martyn 'Moose' Culpitt (CIS Vancouver)
- Head of production
- Julie D'Antoni (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Lead lighting/rendering technical director
- Umesh Dalvi (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Compositeur numérique
- Rajdeep Dandekar (2009)
- Lighting technical director
- Sutapa Das
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Shad Davis (Studio)
- Texture painter
- Hector de la Torre (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Dave Dean
- Lighting td
- John Decker
- Producteur exécutif
- Steve Dellerson (Look FX)
- Matchmove artist
- Ashutosh Deshmukh
- Compositeur numérique
- Venuprasath Dhanapal
- Texture painter
- Chrysta Dieterly
- Compositeur numérique
- Luciano DiGeronimo (CIS Vancouver)
- Intermédiaire numérique producteur assistant
- Michael Dillon
- Coordinateur de production numérique
- Danielle DiMarco (Danielle DiMarco Barto)
- Animation supervisor
- Ryan Donoghue (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Melanie Dorn (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Match move technical director
- Jeff Dotson (Rhythm & Hues)
- Head of digital studio
- Jason Dowdeswell (Cis-vancouver)
- Technical animator
- John Dowell (Rhythm and hues)
- Technical animator
- Christopher Downs
- Digital coordinator
- Nancy Duff (Inde)
- Compositeur numérique
- Debora Dunphy
- Compositeur numérique
- Ryan Dutour
- Compositeur numérique
- John Egli
- Animateur 3D
- Nadav Ehrlich (Soho VFX)
- Animation layout supervisor
- Colin Elliott (Rhythm & Hues)
- Look development / texture painter
- Chris Elmer (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Digital effects artist
- Christian Emond
- Matchmove artist
- Marcus Erbar (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects production manager
- Kim Evans (Ryhthm & Hues)
- Matchmove technical director
- Devin Fairbairn (Rhythm and hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Saeed Faridzadeh (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital effects artist
- Peter Fiala
- Cg effects artist
- Paul Flanagan (CIS Vancouver)
- Look development
- Wes Franklin (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighting technical director
- Patricia Frazier
- Digital artist
- Mike Frevert
- Look development supervisor
- Jack Fulmer
- Lighting / technical director
- Vinod Gaitonde
- Visual effects technician
- Vinod Gaitonde
- Rotoscope artist
- Vivek Sankar Ganesh (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Paint artist
- Demitre Garza
- Rotoscope artist
- Demitre Garza
- Technical animator
- Victor J. Garza
- Lighting technical director
- Brian Gee (Rhythm & Hues)
- Matchmove artist Rhythm & Hues
- Denil George
- Digital artist
- Divakar Ghodake (Modeling technical director)
- Lead lighting technical director
- Daniel Gilbert (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighting technical director
- Paul Gimm (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Rizza Go (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jim Gorman
- Visual effects consultant
- Ned Gorman
- Lighting technical director
- Casey Gorton (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation production coordinator
- Namita Gotephode
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Randy Goux (CIS)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Lara B. Grant (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital coordinator
- Stephanie Greenquist (Inde)
- Pre-visualization director
- John Griffith
- Visual effects editor
- Jon Grinberg
- Compositor
- Jay Grunfeld
- Senior visual effects artist
- Miguel A. Guerrero
- Compositor
- Brian Hajek
- Coordinateur de production
- Rose Hancock
- Color timing supervisor
- Anthony Harris
- Lead matchmove artist
- Peter Hart
- Visual effects production assistant
- Kelly Haysom
- CG animator
- Martin Hesselink
- Rigging supervisor
- Brad Hiebert
- Compositeur numérique
- Shweta Hirani
- Flame artist
- Richard Hirst
- Compositeur numérique
- Laura Fremmerlid (CIS Vancouver) (Laura Fremmerlid)
- Sequence supervisor
- Pablo Holcer
- Digital imaging specialist
- Phil Holland
- Rigger
- Bryan Howard (Soho VFX)
- Sr. lighting td
- Nickie Huai (Rhythm and hues)
- Modeler
- Shih-hao Jason Huang (Rhythm & Hues)
- Assistant visual effects editor
- Kenton Hulme (Rhythm and hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Sean Hyun-In Lee (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Neeraj Ingle (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation coordinator
- Yasamin Ismaili (Rhythm & Hues)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Max Ivins (Look Effects) (Anthony 'Max' Ivins)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Lakshmi Subramanian Iyer
- Lighting techical director
- Vinita Iyer (Rhythm & Hues Studio)
- Match move technical director
- Virendra Jadhav (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effets visuels
- Babul Jain
- Lighting td
- Aravind Jayaraman
- Technical animator
- Jacqueline Jirka
- Modeller
- Mabel (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Effets visuels
- Aimee Johnson
- Christopher Johnson (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Look development supervisor
- Walt Jones
- Animateur
- Mack Kablan
- Compositeur numérique
- Kamalakkannan
- Render i/o coordinator
- Michael Kambli
- Coordinateur de production
- Snehal Kanchan (Rhythm and hues)
- Render support
- Rohit Karandadi
- Coordinateur de production numérique
- Prabhav Katdare
- Lighting technical director
- Gunjan Kathale
- Digital producer
- Patrick Kearney (Rhythm & Hues)
- Sequence coordinator
- Abbigail Ponek (Abbigail Ponek)
- Compositor
- Sean Kennedy (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation support
- Geetanjali Kharbe
- Lighting technical director
- Scott Kilburn (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animateur
- Chansoo Kim (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation supervisor
- James Kinnings (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effets visuels
- MacDuff Knox
- Concept artist
- Marta Knudsen (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Technical animator
- Daniel Kole
- Animateur
- Vipasha Koul
- Producteur effets visuels
- Michael Kowalski (Soho VFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Robyn Marie Kralik
- Render i/o coordinator
- Louis Kreusel (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighting technical director
- Daniel Kruse ([Hy*drau"lx])
- Éclairagiste
- Radha Kulkarni (Rhythm & Hues: India)
- Matchmove technical director
- Vikas Kurup
- Animateur
- Kevin Labanowich
- Lighting lead
- Yogesh Lakhani (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jay Lalime (Rhythm & Hues)
- Sequence supervisor
- Harry Lam
- Compositeur numérique
- Ken Lam
- Render i/o coordinator
- David Lamps (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Lighting technical director
- Dilesh Lamsal (Rhythm and hues)
- Digital paint/rotoscope artist
- Sherwyn Lawrence (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Lighting technical director
- Tu Le (Rhythm and hues)
- Animation layout
- Hannah K. Lees (Rhythm and hues)
- Modeler
- Danny Lei (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effets visuels
- Daniel Leung
- Matchmove technical director
- Rahul Robert Lewis
- Lead matchmove technical director
- Kevin Lin (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lead compositor
- Sophia Lo (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital artist
- Derick Loo (Soho VFX)
- Effets visuels
- Andrew Lowell
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Lowenberg
- Character rigger
- Daniel Lu (Soho VFX)
- Senior look development
- Daniel Macarin (Rhythm & Hues)
- Visual effects editor
- Michael MacGillivray (CIS Vancouver)
- Look development/color & lighting
- Mary Lynn Machado (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Allan Magled (Soho VFX)
- Lighting technical director
- Varun Malhotra
- Character rigging supervisor
- Joe Mancewicz
- Technical animator
- Mark Mancewicz
- Matchmove technical director
- Darshana Mane
- Compositor
- Shilpesh Mane
- Previs lead
- Mary E. Manning (Proof, Inc.)
- Modeling technical director
- Vangala Manoj
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Michael T. Marlett
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Lisa Marra
- Compositeur numérique
- Craig Mathieson
- Compositeur numérique
- Gaurav Mathur
- Coordinateur de production
- Shelley Matsutani (Rhythm & Hues)
- Senior lighting technical director
- Brett McConnell
- Render coordinator
- Daniel McCurley
- Education and training
- Jane M. McCurley (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital film technician
- Riley McDougall (CIS Vancouver)
- Previz artist
- John W. McInnis
- Pre-visualization artist
- Patrick McNabb (Image Engine)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jay Mehta (Rhythm & Hues)
- Data wrangler
- Jon Meier
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Mejia (Rhythm and hues)
- Previs artist
- Michael Meyers (Proof, Inc.)
- Lead technical animator
- Christopher Michael
- Senior compositor
- Abel Milanes (Cis-vancouver)
- Modeler
- Chirag Mistry (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- CG production manager
- Jennifer Mizener
- Compositing lead
- Sheila Molnar
- Texture artist
- Hailey Moore
- 2nd matchmove supervisor
- Meg Morris (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighter
- Adam Moura (Rhythm and hues)
- Animation technical director
- Anandroop Mukherjee
- CGI production manager
- Bill Murphy (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital paint/rotoscope artist
- Karthick Muthukumar (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Roto/paint artist
- Ram Mohan Nadam Reddy
- Matchmove technical director
- Shakil Nadkarni
- Modeling technical director
- Rishikesh Nandlaskar
- Rotoscope/background prep artist
- Travis Nelson (Rhythm & Hues)
- Render coordinator
- Christopher S. Nielsen
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Brandy Nightingale
- Data technician
- Reika Nishio
- Mm technical director
- Sam Nixon
- Producteur effets visuels
- Gary Nolin (Rhythm & Hues)
- Previsualization supervisor
- Ezekiel Norton (Image Engine)
- Visual effects editor
- Martin November (Rhythm & Hues)
- Matte painter
- Onesimus Nuernberger (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animateur
- Scott O'Brien
- Compositeur numérique
- Ciaran O'Connor (Soho VFX)
- Co-visual effects supervisor
- Mike O'Neal (Rhythm & Hues)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Cyndi Ochs
- Technical animator
- Tyler Opatrny (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effects supervisor
- Nathan Ortiz
- Lead lighting technical director
- Mark Osborne
- Senior visual effects technical director
- Siegfried Ostertag (Rhythm & Hues)
- Coordinateur de production numérique
- Boban Panakal Varghese Joy (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositor
- Rachelle Bisson-Montpetit (Rhythm & Hues) (Rachelle Bisson-Montpetit)
- Technical animator
- James Parente
- Compositeur numérique
- Bruno Parenti (Hydraulx)
- Technical animator
- Ken Paris (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositing lead
- Elam Parithi
- Technical animator
- James Parks
- Animateur
- Zach Parrish
- Sequence supervisor
- John Paszkiewicz
- Lead effects technical director
- Nikki Makar (Rhythm & Hues) (Nikki Makar)
- Paint artist
- Sagar Patil (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Rotoscope artist
- Sagar Patil (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Second digital colorist
- Mitch Paulson (EFilm)
- Animateur
- Harish Pawar
- Texture & shading artist
- Vishal Pawar (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Visual effects assistant co-ordinator
- Emily Pearce
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Katrissa 'Kat' Peterson
- Lighter
- Seth Peterson (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lighting technical director
- Sheetal Petkar
- Head of 2d
- Christine Petrov (CIS Vancouver)
- Lighting technical director
- Jean Joseph Philip
- Effects technical director
- Joe Phoebus (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositor
- Lee Pierce
- Effects technical director
- Jaikumar Pillay (Rhythm & Hues Studios, India)
- Character animator
- Tim Pixton (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animateur
- Alex Poei
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Post
- Character design & modeling
- Nick Pugh (Rhythm and hues)
- Senior Inferno artist
- Scott Rader (Hydraulx)
- Digital effects artist
- Niral Rajani
- Rigger
- Niral Rajani
- Modeling technical director
- Vivek Ram (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
- Éclairagiste
- Vasisht Ramachandran (Soho VFX)
- Effects supervisor
- Erin Ramos (Rhythm & Hues)
- Render support
- Shrinidhi Rao
- Matchmove technical director
- Marina Ratina
- Lighting technical director
- Aatur Ravani (Rhythm & Hues)
- Roto/prep artist
- Raj Mohan Singh Rawat (Raj Mohan Singh Rawat)
- Compositeur numérique
- Suryapal Rawat (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Look development technical director
- Farhez Rayani (Rhythm & Hues)
- Senior animator
- Jorge Razon
- Lighter
- Katherine Reihman (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Brett Reyenger (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Chad Ridgeway (CIS Vancouver)
- Compositor
- Gizmo Rivera
- Animation director
- Keith Roberts
- Digital artist
- Karl Rogovin (Hydraulx)
- Lighting technical director
- Lad Rohit
- Effets visuels
- Casey Rolseth
- Compositeur numérique
- David Rose (Soho VFX)
- Technical animation lead
- Michela Rose (Michela Rose)
- Compositor
- Robert Rowles
- Visual effects production manager
- Karl Rumpf (Rhythm & Hues)
- Match move technical director
- Diksha Sagar (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Pipeline technical director
- Saswat Sahoo (Rhythm and hues)
- Technical animator
- Yury Sakovich
- Compositeur numérique
- Joe Salazar
- Digital artist
- Abe Saleh
- Modeler
- Mayuresh Salunke (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Neha Sharma (Neha Sharma)
- Pre-visualization supervisor
- George Samilski (Image Engine)
- Digital effects artist
- Juan-Luis Sanchez
- Background prep technical director
- Tilak Saravanan
- Lighting techical director
- Yogesh Sawant (Rhythm & Hues Studio)
- Visual effects plate producer
- Jeffrey Schaper (Rhythm and hues)
- Senior character animator
- P. Kevin Scott (R&H)
- Compositeur numérique
- Donna Segal
- Prep supervisor
- Craig Seitz (Rhythm & Hues)
- Digital production manager
- Seshaprasad (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Lead compositor
- Behnam Shafiebeik (Rhythm & Hues)
- Match move technical director
- Divyesh Shah (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Compositeur numérique
- Siddharth Shah (Rhythm and hues)
- Previs artist
- Tamar Shaham
- Compositor
- Rommel Shamoun (Soho VFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Amit Sharma
- Texture painter
- Shreya Shetty
- Senior matchmove artist
- Drew Shields (CIS)
- Visual effects production coordinator
- Misato Shinohara (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Josh Shuman
- Modeler
- Nic Sievers (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Murugan Siju
- Technical animator
- Christopher Silva
- Digital producer
- Mark Simone (Rhythm & Hues)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Andy Simonson
- Rotoscope/background prep artist
- Arjun Singh (Rhythm & Hues)
- Paint & roto artist
- Dhruv Singh
- Lead compositor
- Bryan Smeall (Soho VFX)
- Render I/O administrator
- Brad Smith
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Douglas Smith
- Lighting techical director
- Hitesh Solanki (Rhythm & Hues Studio)
- Visual effects editor
- Jason Solberg
- Technical animator
- Trevor Sommer (Rhythm and hues)
- Compositor
- Christopher Stanczak
- Senior effects technical director
- Rob Stauffer
- Lead technical animator
- Timothy Steele
- Animateur
- Frankie Stellato (SohoVFX)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Sean Stortroen (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effects artist
- Youngsam Suh
- Paint & roto artist
- Radhakrishnan Sundararaj
- Compositeur numérique
- Ryan Swanno (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jeremiah Sweeney (Hydraulx)
- Directeur de production
- Sarah Swick (Soho VFX)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Aashima Taneja (Aashima Taneja)
- Lighting technical director
- Shobhit Taneja
- Lighting td
- Fatema Tarzi
- Render i/o coordinator
- Ben Taylor
- Effets visuels
- Chikako Terashita
- Lead compositor
- Jateen Thakkar
- Rigger
- Panat Thamrongsombutsakul (Rhythm And Hues Studio)
- Lighting technical director
- Kirtish Tharthare
- Animateur
- Lindsay Thompson
- Technical animator
- Marc Thyng
- Lighting technical director
- Huan Tran (Rhythm & Hues)
- Compositor
- Dan Trezise (Rhythm & Hues)
- Animation layout technical director
- Tejas Trivedi
- Data i/o
- Curtis Tsai (CIS Vancouver)
- Animateur
- Johnny Turco
- Matchmove technical director
- Shreya Uchil
- Texture painter
- Sourabh Uppal (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
- Compositeur numérique
- Devin Uzan
- Lead technical animator
- Richard Van Cleave Jr.
- Digital supervisor
- Nico Van den Bosch (Rhythm & Hues)
- Previs artist
- Jennifer Sata (Proof Inc) (Jennifer Van Horn)
- Digital artist
- Sarma Vanguri
- Software
- Eugene Vendrovsky
- Compositeur numérique
- Karla Ventocilla
- Compositeur numérique
- Rakesh Venugopalan
- Look development artist
- Parikh Vishal (Rhythm & Hues, India)
- Compositeur numérique
- Scott Vosbury (Rhythm & Hues)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Kendrick Wallace
- Compositeur numérique
- Sean Wallitsch (Rhythm & Hues)
- Lead rotoscope artist
- Jessica Wan
- Previsualization supervisor
- Nathan Warner (Proof, Inc.)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Chris Wells (Hydraulx)
- Tech animator
- Neha Wickramasekaran
- Previsualization supervisor
- Cameron Widen (Image Engine)
- Paint artist
- C. Jerome Williams (Hydraulx)
- Pre-visualisation artist
- Joey Wilson (Image Engine)
- Effets visuels
- Paul Wojdylo (Lighting)
- Digital artist
- Steven D. Wolff
- Compositing supervisor
- Bruce Woloshyn (CIS Vancouver)
- Compositeur numérique
- Annie V. Wong (Rhythm & Hues)
- Technical animator
- D'Lun Wong
- Pre-visualisation artist
- Nicki Wong (Image Engine)
- Compositeur numérique
- Noel Wright (CIS Vancouver)
- Visual effects documentarian
- Shyam V. Yadav
- Producteur effets visuels
- Janet Yale (CIS Vancouver)
- Senior technical director
- Chi-Min Yang (Lighting)
- Compositing technical director
- Jianru Yang (Rhythm & Hues Studios) (Roy Yang)
- Animation supervisor
- Adam Yaniv
- Technical animator
- Nate Yellig
- Compositeur numérique
- Robert Young (Rhythm and hues)
- Producteur effets visuels
- David Yrisarri
- Pre-visualization artist
- Carson Yuen (Image Engine)
- Modeling technical director
- Sagar Zade (Rhythm & Hues India)
- Effects technical director
- Anthony Zalinka (Rhythm & Hues)
- Effets visuels
- Stacy Burstin (*)
- Concept designer
- Alfonso De La Torre (*) (Rhythm and hues)
- Render I/O manager
- Harrison Hays (*)
- Matchmove coordinator
- Goran Kocov (*)
- Technical animator
- Russell Lloyd II (*)
- Texture painter
- Reilly Lohr (*)
- Manager of digital productions
- L. Patrick McCormack (*) (Inde)
- Matchmove technical director
- Yuki Sugimoto (*) (Rhythm & Hues)
- Cascades
- Daniel Andrews
- Velocity stunt rigger
- Chris Atkinson
- Cascades
- Sean Button
- Cascades
- Shaughan Campbell
- Assistant stunt coordinator
- Brett Chan
- Cascades
- Jonathan Costelloe
- Doublure cascades
- Tyrone Costelloe
- Cascades
- Tyrone Costelloe
- Cascades
- Gareth Courtney
- Cascades
- Shane Dawson
- Cascades
- Mike Desabrais
- Cascades
- Lauren Dodman
- Cascades
- Craig Dunn
- Velocity coordinator
- Corbin Fox
- Velocity stunt rigger
- Dean Hart
- Cascades
- Thomas Kiwi
- Velocity supervisor
- Dave Lane
- Cascades
- Glen Levy
- Cascades
- Antonio Marsh (Tony Marsh)
- Cascades
- Tim McLachlan
- Cascades
- Dominic Melchers
- Cascades
- Gerard Melchers
- Cascades
- Nooroa Poa
- Cascades
- Allan Poppleton
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Rex J. Reddick (Rex Reddick)
- Cascades
- Steve Reinsfield
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Paul Shapcott
- Cascades
- Bronson Steel
- Cascades
- Andrew B. Stehlin
- Stunt coordinator assistant
- Erika Takacs
- Cascades
- Stuart Thorp
- Cascades
- Jacob Tomuri
- Cascades
- Min Windle
- Doublure cascades
- Sean Button (*)
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Brett Chan (*)
- Utility stunts
- Jonathan Costelloe (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Shane Dawson (*)
- Doublure cascades
- Mike Desabrais (*) (Robert Hoffman)
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Craig Dunn (*)
- Stunt hi speed winch coordinator
- Corbin Fox (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Corbin Fox (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Dave Lane (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Glen Levy (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Tim McLachlan (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Giedrius Nagys (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Allan Poppleton (*)
- Fight coordinator
- Paul Shapcott (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Andrew B. Stehlin (*)
- Stunt rigger
- Stuart Thorp (*)
- Doublure cascades
- Min Windle (*) (Doris Roberts)
- Company grip
- Sean Ambler
- Dolly grip
- Kane Asher
- Retour vidéo
- Reece Baker
- Electrician
- Jean-Philippe Belliard (Re-shoots)
- Cadreur caméra
- Michael Burgess
- Key video assist operator
- Nigel Burton
- Retour vidéo
- Simon Currie (Second unit)
- Wescam technician
- Eric Dvorsky
- Assistant camera
- Eric Dvorsky (Aerial unit)
- Photographe de plateau
- Kirsty Griffin
- Truck loader
- Daphne R. Groves (Second unit)
- Company grip
- George Huhu
- Company grip
- George Husband
- Generator operator
- Stephen Joyce
- Lighting best boy
- Brian Laird
- Steadicam operator
- Dana Little
- Éclairagiste
- Russell Lloyd
- Director of photography acton unit
- Rob Marsh
- Directeur de la photographie
- Rob Marsh (Second unit)
- Éclairagiste
- Sam Marshal
- Gaffer
- Marc Mateo (Second unit)
- First assistant
- Brett Matthews (A camera)
- Cadreur caméra
- Calum McFarlane ("a" camera)
- Gaffer
- Grant McKinnon
- Film loader
- Dusty Millar
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Nigel Nally (Second unit-Additional)
- Dolly grip
- Todd Nevill
- Lighting assistant
- Kerry Peck
- Lighting assistant
- John Renata (2ème équipe)
- Additional second camera assistant
- James Rua
- First assistant "a" camera
- Philip A.T. Smith (Second unit)
- Chief rigging gaffer
- Mark Teirney
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Lesley Watson ("a" camera)
- Libra head technician
- Thomas Watson
- Grip
- Daimon Wright
- Libra head technician
- Jayden York
- Grip
- Gregg Thompson (*) (Re-shoots)
Département costumes
- Habilleuse
- Danielle Baker
- Chef costumière
- Deb Brown
- Habilleuse
- Paul Corricelli
- Habilleuse
- Emily Dominguez
- Costume assistant
- Gia Jimenez
- Costume assistant
- Melissa Kidd
- Superviseur costumes
- Mary Matthews
- Key stand-by
- Ylona McGinty
- Superviseur costumes
- Gavin McLean (New Zealand)
- Habilleuse
- Rachel Parkin
- Costume assistant
- Melissa Prusinski
- Superviseur costumes
- Debalina Rose
- Habilleuse
- Dalhia Schuette
- Habilleuse
- Lauren Shaw
- Habilleuse
- Petra Verweij
- Habilleuse
- Katherine Wright
Département montage
- Negative cutter
- Gary Burritt
- Assistant monteur
- Elana Joy Livneh (Elana Joy Livneh)
- Assistant monteur
- Damian McDonnell
- Assistant monteur
- Warren Paeff
- Digital intermediate editor
- Amy L. Crandall
- Digital intermediate producer
- Christian Prejza (EFilm)
- Second assistant editor
- Tina Sosa
- Étalonneur
- Peter Williams (Dailies)
Département musique
- Orchestrator
- Pete Anthony
- Orchestrator
- Jeff Atmajian
- Orchestrator
- Jonathan Bartz
- Orchestrator
- Frank Bennett
- Monteur musique
- Jeff Carson
- Supervising orchestrator
- Brad Dechter
- Musician
- George Doering
- Concert master
- Bruce Dukov
- Préparation musicale
- Matt Franko
- Superviseur de la musique
- Billy Gottlieb
- Music librarian
- Mark Graham
- Orchestrator
- Kevin Kaska
- Featured musician
- Randy Kerber (Ondes martenot)
- Orchestrator
- Andrew Kinney
- Orchestrator
- Christopher Klatman
- Orchestrator
- Michael Kramer
- Music Production Exec
- Rebecca Morellato
- Scoring mixer
- Shawn Murphy
- Préparation musicale
- Victor Pesavento
- Régisseur d’orchestre
- Peter Rotter
- Préparation musicale
- Steven L. Smith
- Music recording engineer
- Michael Stern
- Musician
- James Thatcher (French horn)
- Synth programmer
- John Van Tongeren
- Orchestrator
- Mike Watts
- Coordinateur de production
- Janine Abery (Second unit)
- Assistant de production
- Ngaio Abrahamson
- Payroll accountant
- Jill Anderson
- Coordinateur de production
- Erika Bach
- Construction accountant
- Doreen Beaulac
- Assistant de production
- Troy Buchanan
- Assistant
- Jane Bulmer (Mr. Milchan)
- Tutor
- Nicole Burri
- First assistant coordinator
- Simon Carrigan
- On-set production assistant
- Nicola Coetzer
- Technical consultant
- Gareth Daley
- Assistant
- Walker Davis (Mr. Schultz)
- First assistant accountant
- Jim Dunlap
- Directeur du développement
- Lisa Ellzey
- First assistant accountant
- Sandra Finestone
- Helicopter pilot
- Michael Franck
- Safety supervisor/medic
- Robert Gibson
- Accounts clerk
- Emily Gordon
- Attaché de presse
- Diana Goulding
- Accounting assistant
- Amy Gurr
- Coordinateur de production
- Rose Hancock
- Assistant accountant
- Jonathan Harding
- Assistant
- Graham Haverfield (Mr. Josephson)
- Assistant coordinateur de production
- Jessica Hogan
- On-set production assistant
- Bryan Hudkins (Bryan Lee Hudkins)
- Assistant de production
- Amelia Jacobsen
- Assistant coordinateur de production
- Rebekah Kelly
- Assistant
- Alex Long (Mr. Schultz, NZ)
- On-set production assistant
- Emma Maurice
- Assistant de production
- Amber McAllister
- First assistant accountant
- Barbara Mercer
- Script
- Dianne Moffatt
- Coordinateur de production
- Jena Niquidet
- Assistant coordinateur de production
- Kelvin J. Padfield
- Assistant de production
- Ngametua Paitai
- Production accountant
- David Rowell
- Post production accountant
- Gayle Sandler
- Dialect coach
- Jan Saussey
- Chaperone
- Jay Saussey
- First assistant accountant
- Helen Sideris
- Assistant
- Bryan Smiley (Mr. Milchan)
- Financial controller
- Julie Ann Snow
- Coordinateur de production
- Jill Soper
- Accounts clerk
- Amy Sara Stott
- Coordinateur de production numérique
- Karen Tom
- Key office production assistant
- Fleur Western
- Secrétaire de production
- Katya Wilson
- Aerial coordinator
- Michael Franck (*)
- Driving photo double
- Jeff Gamlin (*) (Kevin nealon)
- Title producer
- Christina Hwang (*)
(*) non crédité