Star Trek VI : terre inconnue
(Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Kirk
- William Shatner
- Spock
- Leonard Nimoy
- McCoy
- DeForest Kelley
- Scotty
- James Doohan
- Chekov
- Walter Koenig
- Uhuru
- Nichelle Nichols
- Sulu
- George Takei
- Lt. Valeris
- Kim Cattrall
- Sarek
- Mark Lenard
- Excelsior Communications Officer
- Grace Lee Whitney
- Admiral Cartwright
- Brock Peters
- Chief in Command
- Leon Russom
- Federation President
- Kurtwood Smith
- Chang
- Christopher Plummer
- Azetbur
- Rosana DeSoto (Rosanna DeSoto)
- Chancellor Gorkon
- David Warner
- Klingon Ambassador
- John Schuck
- Klingon Defense Attorney
- Michael Dorn
- Kerla
- Paul Rossilli
- Klingon Judge
- Robert Easton
- Klingon Officer
- Clifford Shegog
- Klingon Commander
- W. Morgan Sheppard (William Morgan Sheppard)
- Général Stex
- Brett Porter
- Excelsior Officer
- Jeremy Roberts
- Excelsior Engineer
- Michael Bofshever
- Excelsior Navigator
- Angelo Tiffe
- Helmsman Lojur
- Boris Lee Krutonog
- Excelsior Communications Officer
- Christian Slater
- Martia
- Iman
- The Brute
- Tom Morga
- Klingon Translator
- Todd Bryant
- Behemoth Alien
- John Bloom
- First Klingon Général
- Jim Boeke
- Munitions Man
- Carlos Cestero
- Young Crewman
- Edward Clements
- Martia as a Child
- Katie Jane Johnston (Katie Johnston)
- Prisoner at Rura Penthe
- Douglas Engalla (Doug Engalla)
- Second Klingon Général
- Matthias Hues
- Nanclus
- Darryl Henriques
- Sleepy Klingon
- David Orange
- Military Aide
- Judy Levitt
- Shakti (Shakti Chen)
- Crewman Dax
- Michael Snyder
- Colonel West
- Rene Auberjonois (*)
- President's Assistant
- Lena Banks (*)
- Waiter
- John Beck (*)
- Klingon Assistant to Commandant
- Barron Christian (*)
- Klingon guard
- Robert Cohen (*)
- Yeoman Burke
- BJ Davis (*)
- Klingon
- Douglas Dunning (*)
- Klingon Judge #2
- Trent Christopher Ganino (*)
- Zelonite
- James Mapes (*)
- Yeoman Samno - Man who Killed Klingons
- Alan Marcus (*)
- Khitomer Flag Bearer
- Douglas Price (*)
- Romulan Delegate
- Richard Sarstedt (*)
- Courtroom Klingon
- Eric A. Stillwell (*)
- Klingon
- J.D. Walters (*)
- Réalisateur
- Nicholas Meyer
- Television series "Star Trek"
- Gene Roddenberry
- Histoire
- Leonard Nimoy
- Histoire
- Lawrence Konner
- Histoire
- Mark Rosenthal
- Scénariste
- Nicholas Meyer
- Scénariste
- Denny Martin Flinn
- Producteur associé
- Brooke Breton
- Co-producteur
- Marty Hornstein
- Producteur
- Steven-Charles Jaffe
- Producteur exécutif
- Leonard Nimoy
- Producteur
- Ralph Winter
- Musique
- Cliff Eidelman
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Hiro Narita
- Monteur
- William Hoy
- Monteur
- Ronald Roose
- Directeur de casting
- Mary Jo Slater
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Herman Zimmerman (Herman F. Zimmerman)
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Nilo Rodis-Jamero
- Décorateur
- Mickey S. Michaels
- Costumes
- Dodie Shepard
- Coiffeur
- Janice R. Alexander (Janice Alexander)
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- R. Christopher Biggs
- Maquillage
- Mary Burton
- Special alien dog makeup
- Greg Cannom
- Foam technician
- Joe Colwell
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Edward French (Ed French)
- Maquillage
- Art Harding
- Maquillage
- Tina Hoffman
- Assistant maquilleur
- Nancy Hvasta
- Prosthetic makeup artist
- Dayne Johnson
- Maquillage
- Dean Jones
- Maquillage
- Michael Key
- Assistant maquilleur
- Karen Kubeck
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Cat'Ania McCoy-Howze
- Prosthetic mold department
- Michael McCracken Jr.
- Maquillage
- Brian McManus (Mr. Shatner)
- Superviseur maquillages
- Michael M. Mills (Michael Mills)
- Maquillage
- Gilbert A. Mosko
- Chef maquilleuse
- Ken Myers (Kenny Myers)
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Steve Neill
- Coiffeur
- Carol A. O'Connell
- Shop coordinator
- Ron Pipes
- Maquillage
- Gerald Quist
- Maquillage
- Rick Stratton
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Wayne Toth
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Todd Tucker
- Special makeup effects assistant
- Anne P. Turk
- Makeup effects technician
- Keith VanderLaan (Cannom Creations)
- Maquillage
- Ron Walters
- Maquillage
- Michael F. Blake (*)
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Donna Cicatelli-Lewis (*)
Direction de production
- Directeur de production
- Marty Hornstein
Assistant réalisateur
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Katy E. Garretson (Katy Garretson)
- Assistant réalisateur
- Christopher T. Gerrity
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- Steven-Charles Jaffe
- Second deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Randy Suhr
- Dga trainee
- David Trotti
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Douglas E. Wise
Département artistique
- Assistant département artistique
- Aaron M. Albucher
- Poster artist
- John Alvin
- Labor foreperson
- Mike Apperson
- Chef constructeur
- Richard J. Bayard
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Richard Beck
- Construction foreperson
- Cliff Bergman
- Graphics designer
- Cliff Boulé
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Jamie Buckley (James Buckley)
- Painter
- Gary A. Clark (Gary Clark)
- Painter
- Henry S. Coia
- Props, weapons
- Dragon Dronet
- Leadperson
- Edward G. Fitzgerald
- Assistant département artistique
- Buffee Friedlich
- Accessoiriste
- Don L. Hulett (Don Hulett)
- Special props
- Greg Jein (Gregory Jein)
- Painter
- Jeffery J. Jenkins
- Conception des décors
- Alan S. Kaye
- Storyboardeur
- Iain McCaig
- Conception des décors
- Louise Nielsen
- Conception des décors
- Eugene C. Nollman (Gene Nollman)
- Storyboardeur
- Phillip Norwood
- Graphiste
- Michael Okuda
- Propmaker foreman
- Robert Van Dyke
- Conception des décors
- Ron Wilkinson
- Propmaker
- Ed Miarecki (*)
- Prop maker
- Michael W. Moore (*)
- Monteur post-synchro
- Bobbi Banks
- Mixage post-syncho
- Bob Baron
- Sound editor
- Bruce E. Bell
- Production sound
- Gene S. Cantamessa
- Perchiste
- Steve G. Cantamessa (Steve Cantamessa)
- Recordist
- James Cavarretta
- Mixeur bruitages
- Greg Curda
- Bruiteur
- Ken Dufva
- Stereo consultant
- Thom Ehle (Dolby) (Thom 'Coach' Ehle)
- Special sound effects
- John Paul Fasal (John P. Fasal)
- Bruiteur
- David Lee Fein
- Assistant éditeur son
- Marva Fucci
- Sound editor
- Thomas Fucci (Thomas A. Fucci)
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Jeffrey J. Haboush
- Recordist
- Mike Haney
- Monteur bruitages
- Matthew Harrison
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Michael Herbick
- Sound editor
- Frank Howard
- Special sound effects
- Alan Howarth
- Cable person
- Mark R. Jennings (Mark Jennings)
- Sound editor
- Suhail F. Kafity (Suhail Kafity)
- Monteur bruitages
- Victoria Martin
- Chef monteur son
- F. Hudson Miller
- Assistant éditeur son
- Maggie Ostroff
- Sound editor
- R.J. Palmer
- Apprentice sound editor
- Jonathan Phillips
- Recordist
- Gary Ritchie
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Greg P. Russell
- Monteur post-synchro
- Fred Stafford
- Assistant éditeur son
- Marcy Stoeven Gibbens (Marcy Stoeven)
- Assistant éditeur son
- Greg Thompson
- Chef monteur son
- George Watters II
- Monteur bruitages
- Butch Wolf
- Sound editor
- Jack Woods
Effets spéciaux
- Special props assistant
- Paul Barnes
- Special effects assistant
- Eugene Crum
- Special effects assistant
- Donald Frazee
- Special effects assistant
- Logan Frazee
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- Terry D. Frazee
- Special alien makeup creator
- Edward French (Ed French)
- Special effects hair
- Karin Hanson
- Maquillage effets spéciaux
- Kevin Hudson
- Special effects assistant
- Scott Lingard
- Special effects assistant
- Donald E. Myers (Donald Myers)
- Special effects assistant
- Joseph C. Sasgen
- Sculptor
- Jordu Schell
- Effets spéciaux
- Peter Takeuchi
- Special effects makeup crew
- Brannon Wright
- Sculptor
- Jaremy Aiello (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Brian Blair (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Nick Carey (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Federico Cervantes (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Beth Hathaway (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Jeff Himmel (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Grady Holder (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Mark Killingsworth (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Nick Marra (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Sculptor
- David W. Mosher (*) (Richard Snell Designs/R. Christopher Biggs)
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Larry Odien (*)
- Studio coordinator
- Ron Pipes (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Chris Robbins (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
- Lab technician
- Jonathan Spence (*) (Richard Snell Designs)
Effets visuels
- Assistant de production
- Alia Almeida Agha (ILM) (Alia Agha)
- Optical camera operator
- Jon Alexander
- Animateur graphiques ordinateur
- Scott E. Anderson
- Animation effects artist
- Gordon Baker
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Craig Barron (Matte World)
- Scanning
- Randall K. Bean
- Rotoscope artist
- Kathleen Beeler
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Jil-Sheree Bergin
- Rotoscope supervisor
- Tom Bertino
- CG animator
- John Andrew Berton Jr.
- Visual effects editor
- Thomas R. Bryant
- Cadreur caméra
- Wade Childress (Matte World)
- Tactical display
- Barbara Cimity (Cimityart)
- Optical camera operator
- Donald Clark
- Effects camera operator
- Charlie Clavadetscher
- Animation effects artist
- Peter Crosman
- CG production supervisor
- Gail Currey
- Digital visual effects producer
- Andrea D'Amico (CIS Hollywood)
- Motion control camera operator
- Peter Daulton
- Visual effects project manager
- Krystyna Demkowicz (Matte World)
- Stage technician
- Richard Demolski (ILM) (Bernie Demolski)
- Optical supervisor
- Les Dittert (PDI)
- Optical camera operator
- Jeffrey Doran (Jeff Doran)
- Video image display
- Janet L. Earl (Video Image)
- Optical camera operator
- Selwyn Eddy III (Selwyn Eddy)
- Optical processing
- Michael Ellis (Mike Ellis)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Scott Farrar
- Stage technician
- Robert Finley Jr. (ILM)
- Model maker
- Jon Foreman (ILM)
- Scanning
- George Gambetta
- Directeur artistique effets visuels
- Bill George
- Model maker
- Brian Gernand (ILM)
- Model maker
- John Goodson
- Effets visuels
- John Graves
- Assistant de production
- Carol Lee Griswold (ILM)
- Optical processing
- Nelson Hall
- Motion control camera assistant
- David Hanks
- Optical camera
- Rick Hannigan
- Model maker
- Jack Haye (ILM)
- Optical effects line-up
- Linda Henry (VCE)
- Rotoscope artist
- Rebecca Petrulli-Heskes (Rebecca Heskes)
- Motion control camera
- Joel Hladecek
- Rotoscoper
- Sandy Houston
- Digital effects artist
- Wade Howie
- Optical lineup
- Peg Hunter
- Optical camera operator
- Keith Johnson
- Optical lineup
- David Karpman
- Production accountant
- Pam Kaye (ILM)
- Optical photography supervisor
- Brad Kuehn
- Photographic effects
- Peter Kuran (VCE)
- Animation effects
- Kevin Kutchaver (VCE)
- Optical lineup
- Jennifer Lee (Jennifer Lee)
- Assistant visual effects editor
- Robin Lee
- CG animator
- Joe Letteri
- Production support
- Karen Logan (PDI)
- Stage technician
- Ross Lorente (ILM)
- Assistant de production
- Nancy Luckoff (ILM)
- Animation effects
- Al Magliochetti (VCE)
- Animation supervisor
- Al Magliochetti
- Animation effects coordinator
- Shari Malyn
- Assistant de production
- Tina Matthies (ILM)
- Visual effects editor
- Michael McGovern
- Assistant caméra
- Rich McKay
- Animateur
- Barb Meier (PDI)
- Model maker
- Richard Miller (ILM)
- Stage technician
- Craig Mohagen (ILM)
- Rotoscope artist
- Terry Molatore
- Rotoscope artist
- Jack Mongovan
- Video operator
- Daniel P. Moore (Visual effects unit) (Daniel P. Moore)
- Directeur artistique effets visuels
- Mark Moore
- Motion control gaffer
- David Morton
- Stage technician
- David Morton (ILM)
- Rotoscope artist
- Ellen Mueller
- Tactical display
- Craig Newman (Cimityart)
- Motion control camera assistant
- Kate O'Neill
- Assistant caméra
- Paul Oehlke (Matte World)
- Matte artist supervisor
- Michael Pangrazio (Matte World)
- Digital artist
- Joe Pasquale
- Model maker
- Alan Peterson (ILM)
- Scanning
- Joshua Pines
- Motion control camera
- William Powloski
- Stage technician
- Charles Ray (ILM) (Chuck Ray)
- Effects camera operator
- Steven Reding (Steve Reding)
- Rotoscope artist
- Carolyn Rendu (Carolyn Ensle Rendu)
- Optical camera operator
- Patrick Repola (Pat Repola)
- Computer graphics supervisor
- Jay Riddle
- Model maker
- Susan Ross (ILM)
- Optical lineup
- Thomas Rosseter
- Tactical display
- Nina Salerno (Cimityart)
- Optical effects line-up
- Tim Segulin (VCE)
- CG animator
- Alex Seiden
- Optical camera operator
- Kenneth Smith
- Model maker
- Kim Smith (ILM)
- Model maker
- Eben Stromquist (ILM)
- Effects camera
- Eric Swenson
- Animation supervisor
- Wes Ford Takahashi (Wes Takahashi)
- Model shop supervisor
- Lawrence Tan
- Model maker
- Paul Theren (ILM)
- Optical printing
- David Tucker (VCE)
- Plate camera operator
- Pat Turner
- Model maker
- Wim van Thillo (ILM)
- Optical scanning coordinator
- Lisa Vaughn
- Rotoscope animation
- Pam Vick (VCE)
- Special effects camera supervisor
- Bruce Walters
- Model maker
- Howie Weed (Matte World) (Harold Weed)
- Tactical display
- Randy Weeks (Cimityart)
- Optical lineup
- John Whisnant
- Model maker
- Charles Wiley (ILM) (Chuck Wiley)
- Optical lineup
- Debra Wolff
- Administrateur
- Jacqueline Zietlow (VCE)
- Post production coordinator
- Susan Adele Colletta (*)
- Model constructor
- Gregory Jein (*)
- Model maker
- Warren Riggs (*)
- CGI technical assistant
- Daniel Alan Ross (*) (ILM)
- General manager
- Scott Ross (*) (ILM)
- Model maker
- Scott Schneider (*)
- Supervising video engineer
- Monte Swann (*)
- Doublure cascades
- Joycelyn Robinson (Iman) (Joyce Agu)
- Cascades
- Ed Anders
- Cascades
- Gary Baxley
- Cascades
- Jeff Bornstein
- Cascades
- Eddie Braun
- Cascades
- Charlie Brewer
- Cascades
- Hal Burton
- Cascades
- Dorothy Ching-Davis
- Cascades
- Brett Davidson (Bret Davidson)
- Assistant stunt coordinator
- B.J. Davis (BJ Davis)
- Cascades
- Maria Doest
- Cascades
- Joe Farago
- Cascades
- Sandy Free
- Cascades
- Joy Hooper
- Cascades
- Tom Huff (Tommy J. Huff)
- Cascades
- Jeff Imada
- Cascades
- Jeffrey S. Jensen (Jeffrey Scott Jensen)
- Cascades
- Robert King (Rob King)
- Cascades
- Scott Leva
- Cascades
- Alan Marcus
- Cascades
- Cole McKay (Cole S. McKay)
- Cascades
- Eric Norris
- Cascades
- Noon Orsatti
- Cascades
- Deeana Pampena
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Donald R. Pike (Don Pike)
- Cascades
- Gary T. Pike (Gary Pike)
- Cascades
- Donald B. Pulford (Don Pulford)
- Cascades
- Danny Rogers
- Cascades
- Don Ruffin
- Cascades
- Spike Silver
- Cascades
- Erik Stabenau
- Doublure cascades
- Don Pulford (*) (William Shatner)
- Éclairagiste
- Patric J. Abaravich
- Éclairagiste
- Jenna Abrahamson-Minardi
- Cadreur caméra
- Eric Anderson
- Chief rigging electrician
- Keith Baber
- First company grip
- Ben Beaird
- Assistant chef éclairagiste
- John Beyers (John S. Beyers)
- Dolly grip
- Jeff Case
- Éclairagiste
- Ian Christenberry
- Grip
- Daniel Cook
- Chief rigging electrician
- John Cybulski
- Assistant photographer
- Frank Del Boccio (Second unit)
- Electrician
- Jeff Durling
- Éclairagiste
- Jeff Durling
- Éclairagiste
- Thom Embree (Tom Embree)
- Directeur de la photographie
- John V. Fante (Second unit)
- Grip
- Dennis Flanderka
- Cadreur caméra
- Kristin R. Glover
- Vistavision camera operator
- Mark Gutterud
- Second company grip
- Clyde Hart
- Éclairagiste
- Michael Katz
- Premier assistant caméra
- Robert Morey (Rob Morey)
- Rigger
- Joe Morris
- Assistant photographer
- Frank Parrish (Second unit)
- Grip
- Arnaud Peiny
- Chef éclairagiste
- Raman Rao
- Photographe de plateau
- Gregory Schwartz
- Film loader
- Stephen Sfetku
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Richard M. Stevens (Richard Stevens)
- Steadicam operator
- Randy Nolen (*)
Département costumes
- Habilleuse
- Adrienne Childers
- Habilleuse
- Danna Edwards
- Habilleuse
- Greg Hall
- Chef costumière
- Christine Heinz
- Chef costumière
- Joseph R. Markham (Joseph Markham)
- Superviseur costumes
- Elaine Maser
- Set costumer
- Bob Moore Jr.
- Habilleuse
- Karen Bellamy (*)
- Habilleuse
- Robert Iannaccone (*)
Département montage
- Assistant film editor
- Scott Caldwell
- Assistant film editor
- Daniel Candib
- Color timer
- Dale Grahn (Dale E. Grahn)
- Apprentice editor
- Michael Hofacre
- Negative cutter
- Theresa Repola Mohammed
- Negative cutter
- Preston Richard
- Apprentice editor
- Richard Sellmer
Département musique
- Monteur musique
- Bunny Andrews
- Préparation musicale
- Bob Bornstein
- Musician
- Tom Boyd (Oboe soloist)
- Composer
- Alexander Courage (Additional music)
- Conducteur
- Cliff Eidelman
- Assistant monteur musique
- Robin K. Eidelman (Robin Eidelman)
- Régisseur d’orchestre
- Carl Fortina
- Additional orchestrator
- William Kidd
- Musician
- Norman Ludwin (Bass)
- Orchestrator
- Mark McKenzie
- Choir conductor
- Paul Salamunovich
- Mixeur musique
- Armand Steiner
- Score recordist
- Armand Steiner
- Assistant de production
- Roland Armstorff
- Régisseur
- Rhonda Baer
- Production office coordinator
- Sheila Barnes
- Production intern
- Scott Benton
- Script
- Faye Brenner
- Assistant
- Rebeca Brookshire (Mr. Winter)
- Assistant
- Mary Jo Fernandez (Mr. Shatner)
- Assistant production office coordinator
- Laurie Gauger
- Assistant
- Mary Beth Gentle (Mr. Winter)
- Assistant de production
- R. Harrison Gibbs (Harrison Gibbs)
- Projectionist
- Timothy Greenwood
- Video coordinator
- Jeffrey Harstedt
- Assistant
- Brent Lon Hershman (Ms. Breton)
- Attaché de presse
- Bob Hoffman
- Assistant
- Deborah Krainin (Mr. Jaffe)
- Assistant de production
- Joe Lotito
- Assistant
- Michael McCusker (Mr. Meyer)
- Craft service
- Bill Nuzzo (William Nuzzo)
- Specialist
- Marc Okrand (Klingon language)
- Caterer
- Frederic Perrin
- Title designer
- David Oliver Pfeil
- Assistant production accountant
- Mindy Sheldon
- Assistant de production
- Russell Steele
- Second assistant accountant
- Debbie Tieman
- Tactical display technical director
- Tony Venezia
- Set security
- Brian Wallace
- Set security
- Brian Wallace (Brian W. Wallace)
- Script
- Andrea Walzer
- Production accountant
- Brian Wensel
- Doublure
- Joyce Agu (*) (Iman)
- Assistant de production
- Michael Aprea (*)
- Voice dubbing
- Luca Intoppa (*) (Rene Auberjonois)
- Voix post-syncho
- Tom Lent (*)
- Doublure
- Patrick Michael (*)
- Doublure
- Philip Weyland (*)
(*) non crédité