Space Cowboys
(Space Cowboys)
Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Frank Corvin
- Clint Eastwood
- Hawk Hawkins
- Tommy Lee Jones
- Jerry O'Neill
- Donald Sutherland
- Tank Sullivan
- James Garner
- Bob Gerson
- James Cromwell
- Sara Holland
- Marcia Gay Harden
- Eugene Davis
- William Devane
- Ethan Glance
- Loren Dean
- Roger Hines
- Courtney B. Vance
- Barbara Corvin
- Barbara Babcock
- Général Vostov
- Rade Serbedzija
- Dr. Anne Caruthers
- Blair Brown
- Jay Leno
- Jay Leno
- Tiny
- Nils Allen Stewart
- Cocktail Waitress
- Deborah Jolly
- Young Frank
- Toby Stephens
- Young Hawk
- Eli Craig
- Young Jerry
- John Mallory Asher (John Mallory Asher)
- Young Tank
- Matt McColm
- Young Gerson
- Billie Worley
- Jason
- Chris Wylde
- Jason's Girlfriend
- Anne Stedman
- Capcom
- James MacDonald
- Female Astronaut #1
- Kate McNeil
- Female Astronaut #2
- Karen Mistal (Karen M. Waldron)
- Male Astronaut #1
- John K. Linto (John Linton)
- Mission Control Tech
- Mark Thomason
- Jerry's Girlfriend
- Georgia Emelin
- State Department Official
- Rick Scarry
- JBC Security Guard
- Paul Pender
- Qualls
- Tim Halligan
- Press Reporter #1
- Manning Mpinduzi-Mott
- Waiter
- Steve Monroe
- Centrifuge Tech
- J.M. Henry (Jean-Michel Henry)
- Construction Tech
- Steven West
- Trajectory Engineer
- Cooper Huckabee
- Boy at NASA Tour
- Hayden Tank
- Press Reporter (1958)
- Jock MacDonald
- T-38 Pilot
- Gerald Emerick
- Little Girl
- Renee Olstead
- NASA Docteur
- Don Michaelson
- Press Reporter #2
- Artur Cybulski
- Simsupe
- Gordon Owens (Gordy Owens)
- Vice President
- Steve Stapenhorst
- Teacher at NASA Tour
- Lauren Cohn
- Young Pilot #1
- Michael Louden
- Female Engineer
- Deborah Hope
- Young Pilot #2
- Jon Hamm
- KSC Guard
- Lamont Lofton
- Russian Engineer
- Alexander Kuznetsov (Alexander Kuznetsov)
- Female Engineer
- Erica Grant
- Tom
- Chip Chinery (*)
- Pilot
- Craig Hosking (*)
- Lisa Malone
- Lisa Malone (*)
- Database Administrator
- Denise Marek-Plumb (*)
- Bob's Secretary
- Jeannette Papineau (*)
- Young Museum Attendant
- Kristin Quick (*)
- Réalisateur
- Clint Eastwood
- Écriture
- Ken Kaufman
- Écriture
- Howard Klausner
- Producteur
- Clint Eastwood
- Producteur
- Andrew Lazar
- Producteur exécutif
- Tom Rooker
- Musique
- Lennie Niehaus
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Jack N. Green
- Monteur
- Joel Cox
- Directeur de casting
- Phyllis Huffman
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Henry Bumstead
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Jack G. Taylor Jr.
- Décorateur
- Richard C. Goddard
- Costumes
- Deborah Hopper
- Chef coiffeuse
- Jan Alexander (Janice Alexander)
- Maquillage
- Allan A. Apone
- Key makeup artist
- Tania McComas
- Head hair stylist
- Carol A. O'Connell
- Key makeup artist
- Frank Perez (Francisco X. Pérez)
- Maquillage
- Charlene Roberson
Direction de production
- Executive in charge of post production
- Daniel R. Chavez
- Directeur de production
- Patricia Churchill
Assistant réalisateur
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- Craig Hosking
- Second deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Melissa Cummins Lorenz
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Robert Lorenz
- Assistant réalisateur
- Tom Rooker
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Dodi Lee Rubenstein
- Additional unit director
- Michael Owens (*)
Département artistique
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Scott M. Anderson
- Swing gang
- William Barry (William A. Barry III)
- Swing gang
- Carl Cassara
- Propmaker
- Tony Chavez
- Greensman
- Bobby Joe Garren
- Art department researcher
- Kay Granthian
- Props construction
- Sam Greenmun
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Chuck Herrmann
- Construction estimator
- Dave McComb
- Painter
- Gary Metzen
- Production illustrator
- Joseph Musso
- Concepteur principal des décors
- Joseph G. Pacelli Jr.
- Production design supervisor
- Troy Palmer-Hughes (WonderWorks)
- Chef constructeur
- Lynn Price (Clarence Lynn Price)
- Swing gang
- Sandi Armstrong-Renfroe (Sandra Renfroe)
- Swing gang
- Michael S. Rutgard (Mike Rutgard)
- Welder
- Steve Salazar
- Conception des décors
- Steven M. Saylor
- Leadperson
- John Schacht
- Swing gang
- David Schmidt
- Accessoiriste
- Michael Sexton
- Stand-by painter
- Wayne Smith
- Welding foreman
- Timothy Vierra
- Conception des décors
- Bruce West
- Metal construction
- John Fleming (*)
- Space sequence designer
- Michael Owens (*)
- Painter
- D.A. Zingelewicz (*)
- Mixeur bruitages
- James Ashwill
- Chef monteur son
- Bub Asman
- Monteur bruitages
- Bob Beher
- Sound effects editor
- Phil Benson
- Sound mix technician
- Phillip Blackford
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Christopher Boyes
- Sound designer
- Christopher Boyes
- Epk sound
- Paul Buscemi
- Chef monteur dialogues
- Lucy Coldsnow-Smith
- Assistant éditeur son
- Beaudine Credle
- Bruiteur
- John Cucci (John T. Cucci)
- Monteur dialogues
- Gloria D'Alessandro
- Chef monteur post-synchro
- Gloria D'Alessandro
- Perchiste
- Flash Deros
- Chef monteur bruitages
- Michael Dressel
- Sound effects editor
- Teresa Eckton
- Assistant éditeur son
- Shawn W. Egan (Shawn Egan)
- Assistant éditeur son
- Coya Elliott
- Chef monteur post-synchro
- Juno J. Ellis
- Machine room operator
- Sean England
- Sound designer
- David Farmer
- Sound editor
- Ken Fischer
- Sound effects editor
- Ken Fischer
- Sound effects editor
- Scott Guitteau
- Monteur post-synchro
- Denise Horta
- Sound effects editor
- Glenn Hoskinson
- Monteur dialogues
- Mildred Iatrou Morgan (Mildred Iatrou)
- Monteur post-synchro
- Stephen Janisz
- Sound editor
- Jason King
- Sound effects editor
- Jason King
- Sound effects editor
- Gary Krivacek
- Monteur dialogues
- Kimberly Lowe Voigt (Kimberly Ellen Lowe)
- Sound effects editor
- Steve Mann
- Opérateur son
- Walt Martin
- First assistant sound editor
- Matthew C. May
- Sound effects editor
- Anthony R. Milch (Anthony Milch)
- Chef monteur son
- Alan Robert Murray
- Sound effects editor
- Howard S.M. Nieman (Howard Neiman)
- Bruiteur
- Dan O'Connell
- Mixage post-syncho
- Thomas J. O'Connell
- Sound re-recordist
- Steve Romanko
- Sound mix technician
- Jurgen Scharpf
- Assistant adr editor
- Roy Seeger
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Michael Semanick
- Cable person
- Steve Solaris
- Utility sound
- Steve Sollars
- Monteur bruitages
- Shawn Sykora
- Monteur bruitages
- Butch Wolf
- Re-recording engineer
- Christopher Barnett (*)
- Digital sound technician
- Brian Chumney (*)
- Enregistreur mixage
- Linda Lew (*)
- Machine room operator
- Brian Magerkurth (*)
- Digital audio technician
- Colin O'Neill (*)
- Sound re-recordist
- Ronald G. Roumas (*)
- Prise de son
- Brad Sayles (*)
- Ingénieur du son
- Carl D. Ware (*)
Effets spéciaux
- Special effects foreman
- David Amborn
- Special effects assistant
- Taylor Ball
- Effets spéciaux
- Steven E. Bunyes (Steve Bunyea)
- Effets spéciaux
- Michael E. Burke (Michael Burke)
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Wayne Burnes
- Effets spéciaux
- Jeff A. Denes (Jeff Denes)
- Effets spéciaux
- Gilbert Draper
- Effets spéciaux
- Ken Ebert
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- John Frazier
- Effets spéciaux
- Tom Frazier (Tommy Frazier)
- Effets spéciaux
- Bruce Hayes (Bruce D. Hayes)
- Effets spéciaux
- Jameson Levin
- Effets spéciaux
- Russell Nave
- Effets spéciaux
- Mark Noel
- Special effects project supervisor
- John Palmer (WonderWorks)
- Effets spéciaux
- Joe Pancake
- Effets spéciaux
- Francis Pennington
- Special effects set coordinator
- Steve Riley
- Sculptor
- Bill Roth
- Effets spéciaux
- Dominic V. Ruiz
- Effets spéciaux
- Mark Sheaffer
- Effets spéciaux
- Dwight Thomas-Smith
- Effets spéciaux
- Bryan Wohlers
- Effets spéciaux
- John Wonser
- Effets spéciaux
- Dana Wozniak
- Motion control programmer
- Rob Menapace (*)
- Mechanical special effects
- Michael Rifkin (*)
Effets visuels
- Chief model maker
- Barbara Affonso
- Compositing supervisor
- Jon Alexander
- Video effects editor
- Nicholas Anastassiou (Nicholas Anastassiou)
- Technical
- Will Anielewicz
- Compositor
- Leah Anton
- Cg supervisor
- Barry Armour
- Video effects editor
- John Bartle
- Scanning operating
- Randall K. Bean
- Visual effects camera assistant
- Joe Biggins
- Software development
- Rod Bogart (Rod G. Bogart)
- Compositor
- Stella Bogh
- Viewpaint artist
- Scott Bonnenfant
- Digital matte artist
- William J. Brooks (ILM)
- Matte artist
- Ronn Brown
- Chef modeleur numérique
- Ken Bryan
- Digital production staff
- Anthony Butler
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Nelson Cabrera
- Compositor
- Tami Carter
- Digital production staff
- Mei-Ming Casino (ILM)
- Animatics artist
- Lawrence Chandler
- Stage support
- Robbie Clot
- Chief model maker
- Tom Cloutier
- Sabre artist
- Caitlin Content
- Lead digital model painter
- Catherine Craig (ILM)
- CG technician
- Suni Dailey
- Chief model maker
- Bryan Dewe
- Video effects editor
- Natalee Djokovic
- Compositor
- Jeff Doran
- Model maker
- John Duncan
- Superviseur effets visuels additionnels
- Scott Farrar
- Chief model maker
- Jon Foreman
- Producteur effets visuels
- Dana Friedman
- Practical effects supervisor
- Joe Fulmer
- Model supervisor
- Steve Gawley
- Negative lineup
- Tim Geideman
- Chief model maker
- Brian Gernand (ILM)
- Effects director of photography
- Ray Gilberti
- Motion control camera operator
- Ray Gilberti
- Viewpaint artist
- Derek Gillingham
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Susan Greenhow
- Technical
- Indira Guerrieri
- Compositor
- Jim Hagedorn (James Hagedorn)
- Associate visual effects supervisor
- Pablo Helman
- Visual effects concept artist
- Kirk Henderson (ILM)
- Motion control first assistant camera
- Robert Hill
- Matte painter
- Ivo Horvat (ILM)
- Compositor
- Jen Howard
- Lead digital matte artist
- Paul Huston
- Digital paint & roto artist
- Patrick Jarvis
- Digital plate restoration
- Nancy Jencks (ILM)
- Model maker
- Erik Jensen
- Video effects editor
- Lars Jensvold
- Model maker
- Mike Jobe
- Technical
- Russell Koonce
- Technical consultant
- Nathan Lafionatis
- Lead animatics artist
- Tad Leckman
- Previsualization supervisor
- Tad Leckman (ILM)
- Video library & NASA records
- Sandra Joy Lee
- Senior digital effects artist
- Tom Martinek (ILM)
- Digital matte artist
- Bill Mather
- Motion control first assistant camera
- Rich McKay
- 3D matchmove artist
- Joseph Metten
- Sculptor
- Richard Miller
- Chef animateur
- Christopher Mitchell (ILM) (Chris Mitchell)
- Computer systems engineering
- Rich Murillo
- Wescam camera operator
- David Norris (ILM)
- Visual effects gaffer
- Michael Olague
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Michael Owens
- Technical
- Mary Payne
- Chief model maker
- Lorne Peterson
- Digital paint & roto artist
- Aaron Pfau
- Plate photography first assistant camera
- Vance Piper
- Modeleur numérique
- Alexander Pouchkarev
- Producteur effets visuels
- Brick Price (WonderWorks)
- Video and computer graphics supervisor
- Liz Radley
- Storyboardeur
- Erich Rigling (ILM)
- Technical director
- Massimiliano Rocchetti
- Directeur de la photographie effets visuels
- Martin Rosenberg
- Animatics artist
- Noel Rubin
- Directeur artistique effets visuels
- Peter Mitchell Rubin
- Chief model maker
- Adam Savage
- Location matchmove technician
- Marla Selhorn (Marla I. Selhorn)
- Digital paint & roto artist
- M. Zachary Sherman
- Pre-visualization artist
- Emmanuel Shiu
- Model maker
- Mark Siegel
- Lead 3D matchmover artist
- Jason Snell (Jason H. Snell)
- Compositor
- Brian Sorbo (ILM)
- Model maker
- Eben Stromquist
- Technical director
- Nigel Sumner
- Compositeur numérique
- Jeff Sutherland
- Computer systems engineering
- Doug Swam
- Production engineering supervisor
- Joe Takai
- Visual effects editor
- David Tanaka
- Sabre artist
- Catherine Tate (ILM)
- CG technician
- Angela Taylor
- Sabre artist
- Chad Taylor (ILM)
- Modeleur numérique
- Paul Theren
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Lisa Todd
- Digital artist
- Christopher Townsend
- Visual effects production coordinator
- David Valentin
- Animatic artist
- Robert Vargas (ILM)
- Color timing supervisor
- Bruce Vecchitto
- Model maker
- Danny Wagner
- Model maker
- Melanie Walas
- Model maker
- Steven Wallen
- Visual effects senior producer
- Judith Weaver
- Lead R&D technical
- R. Christopher White
- Model maker
- Chuck Wiley
- Lead paint & roto artist
- Heidi Zabit
- Digital matte artist
- Wei Zheng (ILM)
- Sabre artist
- Rita E. Zimmerman
- Technical support
- Erik A. Candiani (*)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Sandy DellaMarie (*)
- Effets visuels
- Mark Fiorenza (*)
- Technical support
- Lloyd Hess (*)
- Model maker
- Ira Keeler (*)
- Previsualization artist
- Evan Pontoriero (*) (ILM)
- Production engineering
- George Sakellariou (*) (ILM)
- Model maker
- Kim Smith (*) (Miniatures unit)
- Digital plate restorator
- Katrina Stovold (*)
- Digital matte technical support
- Tristan Tom (*) (ILM)
- Matchmove artist
- Talmage Watson (*)
- Compositeur numérique
- R.D. Wegener (*)
- Cascades
- Troy Anthony Cephers (Troy A. Cephers)
- Cascades
- Albert Champagne
- Cascades
- Tom Crabson
- Cascades
- Jan M. Davis
- Cascades
- Jeff Eith (Jeffrey Eith)
- Cascades
- Cliff Fleming
- Cascades
- Hartley Folstad
- Cascades
- Karl Gulledge
- Cascades
- Clifford Happy
- Cascades
- Steve Hinton
- Cascades
- David Major
- Cascades
- George Orrison
- Cascades
- Gary A. Pike (Gary Pike)
- Cascades
- Tom Sanders
- Cascades
- Jeff Senour
- Cascades
- Paul Sklar
- Cascades
- Joe Stone
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Buddy Van Horn
- Cascades
- Moe Viletto
- Cascades
- Jim Wilkey
- Cascades
- B.J. Worth
- Stunt pilot
- Cliff Fleming (*)
- Doublure cascades
- Clifford Happy (*) (Tommy lee jones)
- Doublure cascades
- George Orrison (*) (Mr. Eastwood)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Eric Amundsen (Vfx unit)
- Libra head operator
- Rocky Babcock
- Cadreur caméra
- Hans Bjerno (SpaceCam)
- Steadicam operator
- Stephen S. Campanelli
- Cadreur caméra
- Stephen S. Campanelli
- Assistant camera
- Bill Coe
- Computer/video engineer
- Matt Cohen
- Electrician
- Richard Demolski (Bernie Demolski)
- Key grip
- Richard Demolski (Bernie Demolski)
- 24 frame video operator
- Dan Dobson
- Assistant chef éclairagiste
- Ross Dunkerley
- Assistant chef éclairagiste
- Scott Fieldsteel
- Chef électricien
- Jason C. Fitzgerald (Downey)
- Éclairagiste
- James Frederick
- Cadreur caméra
- Ron Goodman (SpaceCam)
- Best boy grip
- Jan Gould
- Chargeur caméra
- Heather D. Green (Heather Green)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Peter N. Green
- Grip
- Steven A. Guerrero
- Vistavision camera operator
- Mark Gutterud
- Éclairagiste
- Paul A. Hardiman
- Assistant caméra
- Josh Harrison (Second unit)
- Key rigging grip
- Bud Heller
- Electrician
- Frank R. Jimenez Jr.
- Chef électricien
- John Lacy
- Additional camera operator
- Leo J. Napolitano
- Underwater first assistant camera
- Brad Peterman
- Photographe de plateau
- Ken Regan
- Directeur de la photographie sous-marine
- Pete Romano
- Key grip
- Charles Saldana
- Grip
- T. Daniel Scaringi
- Retour vidéo
- Mike Shaheen
- Chef éclairagiste
- Thomas Stern (Tom Stern)
- Best boy
- Tony Van Meeteren
- Grip
- Doug Wall
- Crane grip
- Charles W. Wayt
- Dolly grip
- Charles W. Wayt
- Crane grip
- Barry Wexler
- Grip
- Barry Wexler
- Grip
- Peter Yauri
- Electrician
- Abbe Wool (*)
- Rigging electrician
- Giovanni Zelko (*)
Département costumes
- Set costumer
- Darryl M. Athons
- Set costumer
- Ann Culotta
- Set costumer
- Steve Ellsworth
- Chef costumière
- Lynda Foote
- Space suit technician
- Randy Pike
Département montage
- Avid technician
- Van Bedient
- Assistant film editor
- Michael Cipriano
- Negative cutter
- Mo Henry
- Negative cutter
- Doug Jones
- Color timer
- Bob Kaiser
- Assistant monteur
- Gary D. Roach (Gary Roach)
- Assistant monteur
- Don Roth
- Coordinateur post-production
- Karen Shaw
Département musique
- Chorus
- Elin Carlson
- Musician
- Brian Cassier
- Mixeur musique
- Bobby Fernandez (Robert Fernandez)
- Singer
- Karen Harper
- Monteur musique
- Donald Harris
- Musician
- Norman Ludwin (Bass)
- Music production supervisor
- Matt Pierson
- Composer
- Craig Braginsky (*) (Additional music)
- Asst. prop master
- Scott M. Anderson
- Coordinateur de production
- Carla Aucoin
- Consultant
- Brian Austin (NASA)
- Attaché de presse
- Marco Barla
- Set production aide
- Steven F. Beaupre
- Assistant de production
- Jesse Ray Boehm
- Consultant
- Robert D. Cabana (NASA)
- Production accountant
- Louise DeCordoba
- Craft service assistant
- Connie Douglas
- Projectionist
- Dan Ellis
- Doublure
- Fred Fein
- Consultant
- Bobby Faye Ferguson (NASA) (Bobbie Ferguson)
- Consultant
- Gordon Fullerton (NASA)
- Spacesuit designer
- Chris Gilman (Christopher Gilman)
- Post-production accountant
- Jason Gondek
- Second assistant accountant
- Jason Gondek
- Spacesuit technician
- Sam Greenmun
- Assistant
- Gym Hinderer (A. Lazar)
- Pilot
- Steve Hinton
- Assistant de production
- Mary Holliday
- Aerial unit director
- Craig Hosking
- Consultant
- Rick Hull (NASA)
- Consultant
- Rick Hull (NASA)
- Secrétaire de production
- Edward Hunt
- Doublure
- Jim Jenkins (James Garner)
- Assistant
- Richard A. Jones (Mr. Jones)
- Assistant to Mr. Jones
- Richard Jones (Richard Andrew Jones)
- Location liaison
- Donald A. Kincade (Don Kincade)
- Script
- Mable Lawson-McCrary
- Consultant
- Lisa Malone (NASA)
- Doublure
- Denise Marek (Marcia Gay Harden, Houston) (Denise Marek-Plumb)
- Aerial unit director
- Robert Mehnert
- Craft service
- Danny Morris
- Production insurance services
- Stacie O'Beirne
- Production aide
- Jeffrey Phelps
- Body double
- Ian Ray (Donald Sutherland)
- Consultant
- Laura Rochon (NASA)
- Assistant
- Melissa Rooker (Mr. Eastwood)
- Payroll accountant
- Jim Swidarski
- Doublure
- Mark Thomason
- Assistant de production
- Katie Tull (Houston)
- Video graphic artist
- David Watkinson
- Consultant
- Brian Welch (NASA)
- Consultant
- Philip R. West (NASA)
- Coordinateur de production
- Andrew White
- Doublure
- Michael A. Xynidis
- Assistant production accountant
- Susie Yamamoto
- Techinical consultant
- Kurt Hall (*)
- Assistant
- Sean Wicks (*) (A. Lazar)
(*) non crédité