Les aventures de Sharkboy et Lavagirl en 3-D
(The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D)
Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Sharkboy
- Taylor Lautner
- Lavagirl
- Taylor Dooley
- Max
- Cayden Boyd
- Mr. Electric / Tobor / Ice Guardian / Mr. Electricidad
- George Lopez
- Max's Dad
- David Arquette
- Max's Mom
- Kristin Davis
- Linus / Minus
- Jacob Davich
- Marissa / Ice Princess
- Sasha Pieterse
- Sharkboy's Dad
- Rico Torres
- Classroom Kid #1
- Marc Musso
- Classroom Kid #2
- Shane Graham
- Classroom Kid #3
- Tiger Darrow
- Lug
- Rocket Rodriguez
- Sharkboy, Age 7
- Racer Rodriguez
- Sharkboy, Age 5
- Rebel Rodriguez
- Hitman
- Tristen Spade
- Classroom Kid
- Chloe Gunther Chung (*)
- Playground Kid
- Mackenzie Fitzgerald (*)
- Classroom Kid
- Anthony Guajardo (*)
- Classroom Kid
- Tania Haddad (*)
- Teacher
- Peyton Hayslip (*)
- Extra
- Joanna McCray (*)
- Shark (voix)
- Robert Rodriguez (*)
- Playground Bully
- Spencer Scott (*)
- Réalisateur
- Robert Rodriguez
- Scénariste
- Robert Rodriguez
- Écriture
- Marcel Rodriguez
- Histoire
- Racer Max Rodriguez (Racer Rodriguez)
- Producteur
- Elizabeth Avellán (Elizabeth Avellan)
- Line producer
- Bill Scott
- Producteur exécutif
- Bob Weinstein
- Producteur exécutif
- Harvey Weinstein
- Musique
- John Debney
- Musique
- Graeme Revell
- Musique
- Robert Rodriguez
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Robert Rodriguez
- Monteur
- Robert Rodriguez
- Directeur de casting
- Mary Vernieu
Direction artistique
- Directeur artistique
- Steve Joyner
- Directeur artistique
- Jeanette Scott
- Directeur artistique
- Christopher Stull
- Décorateur
- David Hack
- Décorateur
- Jeanette Scott
- Costumes
- Nina Proctor
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Howard Berger
- Coiffeur
- Chelsea Carpenter
- Dental prosthetics
- Grady Holder (K.N.B. EFX Group)
- Special effects makeup artist
- Akihito Ikeda (KNB Effects Group Inc.)
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Gregory Nicotero
- Chef maquilleuse
- Ermahn Ospina
- Assistant hair stylist / assistant makeup artist
- Joe Rivera
- Special makeup effects supervisor
- Shannon Shea
Direction de production
- Executive in charge of post-production
- Linda A. Borgeson
- Superviseur post-production
- Tom Proper
- Directeur de production
- Bill Scott
Assistant réalisateur
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Brian Bettwy
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- David Rimer
- Second deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Romy Stevenson
Département artistique
- Storyboardeur
- Marc Baird
- Prop fabricator
- Brad Blei
- Chef d’équipe déco
- Bart Brown
- Construction buyer
- Marcia Bruscato-Poss
- Prop sculptor
- Brandon Campbell
- Coordinatrice département artistique
- Debbie Cortez Haber
- Accessoiriste
- Steve Joyner
- Storyboardeur
- Ting Lo
- Set dec buyer
- Jennifer Long
- Chef constructeur
- Joe McCusker
- Head prop fabricator
- Jeff Poss
- Concept artist
- Kino Scialabba
- Concept artist
- Emmanuel Shiu
- Conception des décors
- Rob Simons
- Accessoiriste
- Tyler J. Smith
- Art department assistant coordinator
- Katherine Stark
- Décorateur
- Robert R. Wonson
- Perchiste
- Albert Aquino
- Bruiteur
- Steve Baine
- Additional foley recordist
- Alex Bullick
- Re-recording engineer
- Brad Engleking
- Sound effects editor
- Paula Fairfield
- Assistant bruiteur
- Gina Gyles
- Sound designer
- Craig Henighan
- Sound effects recordist / supervising sound effects editor
- William Jacobs
- Sound supervising assistant
- Robert Kellough (Bob Kellough)
- Sound effects editor
- Carla Murray
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- Chris Navarro
- Adr editor / adr recordist
- Morten Folmer Nielsen
- Opérateur son
- Ed Novick
- Adr editor / adr recording supervisor
- Bruce Nyznik
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- John A. Pagano
- Sound effects designer / sound effects editor
- Angelo Palazzo
- Enregistreur mixage
- Peter Persaud
- Sound utility
- David Raymond
- Mixeur réenregistrements
- Robert Rodriguez
- Monteur dialogues
- Charles Ewing Smith
- Mixage post-syncho
- Eric Thompson
- Assistant bruiteur
- Marilee Yorston
Effets spéciaux
- Lab technician
- Ozzy Alvarez (K.N.B. EFX Group)
- Mold maker
- Marcus LaPorte
- Coordinateur effets spéciaux
- John McLeod
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Brian Montgomery
- Mold/technical department
- Steven Munson (K.N.B. EFX Group)
- Mold/lab technician
- Lino Stavole (K.N.B. EFX Group)
- Special effects runner
- Jenny Wallace
Effets visuels
- Compositeur numérique
- Ritesh Aggrawal
- Compositeur numérique
- Dan Akers
- Compositor
- Casey Allen (Hydraulx)
- Compositing supervisor
- Jance Allen (The Orphanage)
- Tracking artist
- Mark Allen
- Textures & lighting
- Melissa Almeida (Hybride)
- Lead matte painter
- Alp Altiner
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Jonathan Alvord
- Lighter
- Oliver Arnold
- Animateur
- Marc Aubry (Hybride)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Marie-Claude Aubry (Hybride)
- 3D scanning assistant coordinator
- Erika Bach
- Cg supervisor
- Kevin Baillie (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Natalie Nolan (The Orphanage) (Natalie Nolan)
- Texture painter
- Negin Bairami (Tippett Studio)
- Technical director
- Bill Houston Ball
- Digital production
- Andra Bard (R!OT Pictures)
- Producteur délégué
- Jeff Barnes (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Patrice-Alain Barrette (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Michel Barrière (Hybride)
- Digital artist / matte painter
- Romain Bayle
- Render wrangler
- Frédéric Beaudin (Hybride)
- Assistant de production
- Olivier Beaulieu (Hybride)
- Animateur
- Patrick Beaulieu (Hybride)
- Digital artist
- Michaël Bentitou
- Technical director
- Sylvain Berger (Hybride)
- Bidding producer
- Louise Bertrand (Hybride)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Wayne Billheimer
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Birnbaum (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Pierre Blain
- Digital effects artist
- Benoit Blouin
- Producteur effets visuels
- Keefe Boerner
- Compositeur numérique
- Cédric Bonnaffoux (Hybride)
- Digital texture artist
- Maryse Bouchard
- Digital artist
- Katherine Bouglai (The Orphanage)
- 3D lead technical director
- Marc Bourbonnais (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Xavier Bourque (Hybride Technologies)
- Lead compositor
- Mike Bozulich (CafeFX)
- Compositor
- Kirstin Bradfield (The Orphanage)
- Creature technical director
- Timothy Brakensiek
- Digital effects artist
- Bruce Branit
- Roto/paint artist
- Kane Brassington (Tippett Studio)
- Matchmove artist
- Devin Breese
- CG environment artist
- Michael Breymann (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Caroline Brien (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Wayne Brinton
- Texture painter
- Scott Brisbane (R!OT Pictures)
- Digital effects artist
- Ian Britton (In association with ICVFX)
- Digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Cecile Tecson (R!OT Pictures) (Cecile Tecson)
- Effets visuels
- Rodney Brunet (Creative team)
- Compositeur numérique
- Daniel Bryant (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Kelly Bumbarger
- Compositeur numérique
- John Bunt
- Visual effects project manager
- Pauline Burns (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Digital effects supervisor
- Everett Burrell (CafeFX)
- Information systems
- Kris Bushover (Troublemaker Digital Studios)
- Animateur
- Ramiro Bélanger (Hybride)
- Administration
- Caroline Bélisle (Hybride)
- Modeler
- Daniela Calafatello (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Marshall Candland
- Layout artist
- Brian Cantwell
- Compositeur numérique
- Dan Cayer (Tippett Studio)
- Digital matte painter
- Joe Ceballos
- Digital artist
- Irfan Celik (The Orphanage)
- Modeler
- Min-Yu Chang (Tippett Studio)
- Compositeur numérique
- Peter Charles (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Matthieu Chatelier
- Compositor
- YouJin Choung (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Michael Clemens
- Effets visuels
- Bill Coffin
- Senior animator
- Joshua Cordes
- Producteur exécutif
- Carole Cowley (R!OT Pictures)
- Paint/rotoscope artist
- Kevin Coyle
- Chef animateur
- Michael Cozens (Hybride)
- Digital model painter
- Catherine Craig
- Associate visual effects producer
- Robert Crowther (In association with ICVFX)
- Digital effects artist
- Graham Cunningham (In association with ICVFX)
- Assistant de production
- Jacynthe Côté (Jacynthe Côté)
- Digital artist
- Dominic Daigle
- Assistant de production
- Sébastien Dalphond (Hybride)
- Animateur
- Peter Daulton
- Visual effects editor
- Lorelei David (ILM)
- Digital artist
- Kathleen Davidson (The Orphanage)
- Animateur
- Paul A. Davies
- Animateur
- Ronan Debrun (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Andrew Dela Cruz
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Thierry Delattre (Hybride)
- Compositor
- Stephen DeLuca (The Orphanage)
- Effets visuels
- Ross Denner
- Effets visuels
- Dariush Derakhshani
- Assistant de production
- Luc Desmarais (Hybride)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Anouk Deveault-Moreau (Hybride)
- Digital artist
- Tamir Diab (Tamir Diab)
- Animation supervisor
- Domenic DiGiorgio
- Matchmove supervisor
- Tim Dobbert (The Orphanage)
- Compositing supervisor
- Jeff Doran
- Compositing supervisor
- Brennan Doyle
- Rotoscope artist
- Loring Doyle
- Computer graphics supervisor
- Lafleche Dumais (Hybride)
- Technical supervisor
- Sean Dunn (Troublemaker Digital Studios)
- Lead digital compositor
- Mathieu Dupuis (Hybride)
- Digital effects artist
- Peter Dydo (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Flame compositor
- Jim Eberle
- Producteur délégué
- David Ebner (CafeFX)
- Senior visual effects producer
- Jody Echegaray (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Andrew Edwards
- Flame compositor / on-set visual effects coordinator
- Jud Estes
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Leigh Ann Fan (ILM)
- Production & technical support
- Sebastian Feldman
- Producteur effets visuels
- Arin Finger (The Orphanage)
- CG lead
- Mike Fischer
- Digital effects artist
- Brian Flynn
- Digital artist
- John Ford Jr.
- Compositeur numérique
- Xavier Fourmond (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Aidan Fraser
- Effets visuels
- Alex Friderici
- Digital character animator
- Ron Friedman (CafeFX)
- Digital effects artist
- Spence Fuller
- Producteur délégué effets spéciaux
- Vicki Galloway Weimer (CafeFX) (Vicki Galloway-Weimer)
- Textures & lighting
- Yanick Gaudreau (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Grantland Gears (ILM)
- Textures & lighting
- Francois Gendron (Hybride)
- Assistant de production
- Stephan Gervais (Hybride)
- Technical director
- Ashraf Ghoniem
- Digital effects artist
- Mohammad Ghorbankarimi (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Layout artist
- Robert Gianino
- Matte painting supervisor
- Roger Gibbon (The Orphanage)
- Cloth lead
- Maurizio Giglioli
- Digital effects artist
- Phillip Giles
- Compositeur numérique
- Alaina Goetz (Hybride)
- Compositing supervisor
- Jeff Goldman (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jennifer Gonzalez
- Senior lighting and texture artist
- Lucas Granito (Hybride)
- Effects lead
- Victor Grant
- Inferno artist
- Don Greenberg (Hydraulx)
- Digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Cam Griffin
- Animation director
- Paul Griffin
- Effets visuels
- Manuel H. Guizar
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Lee Hahn
- Compositeur numérique
- Scott Hale (Cafe FX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jerry Hall
- Compositeur numérique
- Jason M. Halverson (ILM)
- Effects animator
- Joseph Hamdorf (Tippett Studio)
- Digital artist
- Trevor Harder
- Digital artist
- Jonathan Harman (The Orphanage)
- Digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Kimberly Headstrom
- Cg supervisor
- Matthew Hendershot (The Orphanage)
- Tracking artist
- Pierre-Simon Henri (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jeff Heusser (Hydraulx)
- Digital artist
- Glenn Hiramatsu (CafeFX)
- Digital artist
- Joseph Hoback
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Sean Hoessli (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Mary Holding
- Compositeur numérique
- Nadine Homier (Hybride)
- Animateur
- Ryan Hood (Tippett Studios)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Samir Hoon
- Post production assistant
- Jean-Francois Houde (Hybride)
- Rotoscope artist
- Jessica Hsieh (The Orphanage)
- Éclairagiste
- Wen-Chin Hsu (R!ot Picture)
- Visual effects assistant coordinator
- Wendy Hulbert (Cafe FX)
- Digital effects artist
- Peter Hunt (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Digital imaging engineer
- Dale Hunter
- Paint/roto artist
- Steve Hutchins
- Editorial HD manager
- Michael Hutchinson (The Orphanage)
- Character animator
- Eric Ingerson (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Aruna Inversin (Tippett Studio)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Edward Irastorza (CafeFX)
- Rotoscope artist
- Chris Jack
- Digital artist
- Michael Janov (The Orphanage)
- Digital paint supervisor
- Patrick Jarvis (ILM)
- Rotoscope artist
- Sarahjane Javelo (The Orphanage)
- Lead compositor
- Steve Jaworski (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Jeff A. Johnson (Tippett Studio)
- Lead technical director
- Krystin Johnson
- Digital effects artist
- Grzegorz Jonkajtys
- Visual effects compositor
- Shant Jordan
- Digital effects artist
- Ariel Joson (In association with ICVFX)
- Rotoscope artist
- Maxine Jurgens
- Lead digital textures and lighting
- Joseph Kasparian
- Compositor
- Michael Kennen
- Compositor
- Josh Kent
- Compositeur numérique
- Deke Kincaid (R!OT Pictures)
- Compositeur numérique
- Daryl Klein
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Paul Kolsanoff (The Orphanage)
- Digital paint and roto lead
- Derek Krauss
- Digital artist
- SangHun Kwon (The Orphanage)
- Stereoscopic layout
- Alain Lacroix (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Joshua LaCross (The Orphanage)
- Tracking artist
- Jocelyn Lahaie (Hybride)
- Modeler
- Mathieu Lalonde (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Franck Lambertz (Hybride)
- Digital artist
- Donna Lanasa (ILM)
- Visual effect assistant editor
- Ivan Landau (The Orphanage)
- Visual effects editor
- Kevin LaNeave (R!OT Pictures)
- 3D character technical director
- Nicolas Langlois-Demers (Hybride)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Wendy Lanning (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- 3D matchmover
- Gary Laurie (R!OT Pictures)
- Administration
- Julie Lauzon (Hybride)
- Data manager
- Vincent Lavares (R!OT Pictures)
- Digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Kurt Lawson (R!OT Pictures)
- Digital artist
- Toan-Vinh Le
- Compositeur numérique
- Evelyne Leblond (Hybride)
- Tracking artist
- Mathieu Leclaire (Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Chris LeDoux (The Orphanage)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Daniel Leduc (Hybride / visual effects supervisor: Hybride)
- Compositeur numérique
- Francois Leduc (Hybride)
- 3D technical director
- Ethan Lee (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Digital effects artist
- Mai-Ling Lee (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Compositeur numérique
- Woei Lee (The Orphanage)
- Digital effects artist
- Margarida Leong (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Effects animator
- May Leung (Hybride)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Eric Leven (Tippett Studio)
- Digital artist
- Marcus LeVere
- Digital artist
- John M. Levin (ILM / layout & matchmove artist)
- Compositing supervisor
- Erik Liles
- Visual effects assistant editor
- Jimmy Lillard
- Senior animator
- Neil Lim Sang (CafeFX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Noll Linsangan (R!OT Pictures)
- Administration
- Ann-Sophie Linteau (Hybride)
- Digital effects artist
- Martin Lipmann
- Assistant visual effects cyan color artist
- Flip Livingston
- Matte painter / matte painter
- Ting Lo (The Orphanage)
- Creature supervisor
- Daniel Loeb (The Orphanage)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Martine Losier (Hybride)
- Visual effects editor
- Anthony Lucero (Tippett Studio)
- Compositor
- Nicholas Lund-Ulrich
- Digital artist
- Ron K. Lussier (The Orphanage)
- Animateur
- Jonathan Lyons (The Orphanage)
- Digital effects artist
- Jason Maher (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jocelyn Maher
- Assistant de production
- Stephane Mailet (Hybride)
- Layout artist
- Eric Marko (Tippett Studio)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Richard Martin (Hybride)
- Senior visual effects supervisor
- Stuart T. Maschwitz (The Orphanage)
- Digital effects artist
- Jim Maxwell (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Visual effects editor
- Ian McCamey (The Orphanage)
- Digital effects artist
- Josh McGuire
- Lighting technical director
- Jim McVay
- Producteur effets visuels
- Michael Meagher
- Compositeur numérique
- Ed Mendez (CafeFX)
- Digital artist
- Justin Mettam (The Orphanage)
- Effets visuels
- Rob Meyers
- Producteur délégué effets spéciaux
- Scott Michelson
- Compositor
- Kristen Millette (The Orphanage)
- Senior digital artist
- Aung Min
- Inferno artist
- Suzanne Mitus-Uribe
- Compositeur numérique
- Roger Mocenigo (Amalgamated Pixels)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Lon Molnar (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Technical director
- Robert Moodie
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Jared Morgan (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Christian Morin
- Compositeur numérique
- Chris Morley (Tippett Studio)
- Cg supervisor
- Michael Mortimer
- Lighting technical director
- Natalya Lissa Mortimer (Tippett Studio)
- Compositeur numérique
- Timothy Mueller (The Orphanage / technical director: The Orphanage)
- Visual effects financial controller
- Michel Murdock (Hybride)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Kenneth Nakada (R!OT Pictures)
- Digital artist
- Nicholas Nakadate (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Ross Nakamura (Tippett Studio)
- Animator / digital artist
- Greg Nelson
- Compositeur numérique
- Toby Newell
- Digital effects artist
- Andrew Nguyen (In association with ICVFX)
- Senior Flame artist
- Duy Tan Nguyen
- Digital effects artist
- Nicolas-Alexandre Noel (Hybride)
- Compositor
- Brian Nugent
- Producteur délégué effets spéciaux
- Luke O'Byrne (The Orphanage)
- Visual effects production assistant
- Erin D. O'Connor
- Effets visuels
- Jeremy Oddo
- Previsualization supervisor
- Chris Olivia
- Render manager
- Brian Openshaw
- Cg supervisor
- Akira Orikasa (CafeFX)
- Visual effects senior editor
- Desi Ortiz (CafeFX)
- Digital matte artist
- Kevin Page (ILM)
- Assistant de production
- Olivier Painchaud (Hybride)
- Layout supervisor / matchmove supervisor
- Chris Paizis
- Animator / digital effects artist
- Jonathan Paquin
- Digital artist
- JaeWook Park (The Orphanage)
- Animateur
- James Parris (CafeFX)
- Visual effects creative advisor
- Anthony Paterson (In association with ICVFX)
- Lead technical director
- Hans Payer (R!OT Pictures)
- Compositor
- Chris Payne
- Digital matte artist
- Benoit Pelchat
- Digital artist
- Steve Pelchat (Hybride)
- Texture and lighting
- Martin Pelletier
- Modeler
- Maricela Perdomo
- 2D supervisor / main titles designer
- Eric Pham
- Animateur
- Long-Hai Pham
- Technical director
- Patrick Piche (Hybride)
- Paint/roto artist
- Chris Pinto
- Compositeur numérique
- Bertrand Polivka
- Cg supervisor
- Dagan Potter (The Orphanage)
- Lead compositor
- Alex Prichard (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Ralph Procida (The Orphanage)
- Producteur délégué effets spéciaux
- Pierre Raymond (Hybride)
- Digital artist / technical director
- Cory Redmond
- Digital artist
- Nathan Reidt (The Orphanage)
- Systems administrator
- Darcy Bangsund (Darcy Reno)
- Rotoscope supervisor
- Aaron Rhodes (The Orphanage)
- Flame artist
- Benjamin Ribière
- Visual effects compositor
- Radost Yonkova (CafeFX) (Radost Yonkova)
- Rotoscoper
- Daniel Riha
- Compositeur numérique
- Sébastien Rioux (Hybride)
- Digital matte artist
- Rick Rische (Hydraulx)
- Technical director
- Anthony Rispoli
- Paint and roto
- Shaikh Rizwan
- Animateur
- Elliott Roberts (Tippett Studio)
- Paint/roto artist
- Ruben Rodas (CafeFX)
- Render manager / roto artist
- Bernardo Rodriguez
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Robert Rodriguez
- President
- Jules Roman (Tippett Studio)
- Digital artist
- Andrew Romine (CafeFX)
- Matchmove artist
- Ari Rubenstein (Tippett Studio)
- Maya supervisor
- Juan Rubio
- Digital artist
- Andrew Russell
- Lead compositor
- Jesse Russell (The Orphanage)
- Executive visual effects producer
- Marc Sadeghi (The Orphanage)
- Digital environment artist
- Marc-Andre Samson
- Assistant visual effects editor
- Joey Santana (Tippett Studio)
- Digital effects artist
- Dave Sarbell
- Layout artist
- Pascal Sauvineau (Hybride)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Marie-Chantale Savard-Côté (Hybride)
- Assistant de production
- Katy Savoie (Hybride)
- Compositor
- Nabil Schiantarelli
- Texture painter
- Janelle Schneider
- Matchmove artist
- Charles Schwartz (Tippett Studio)
- Matte painter
- Kino Scialabba
- Inferno artist
- Candice Scott (Hydraulx)
- Digital artist
- Stan Seo (The Orphanage)
- Senior animator
- Joel Sevilla
- Compositor
- Laura Sevilla
- Digital artist
- M. Zachary Sherman
- Effets visuels
- Joshua Sherrett
- Digital artist
- Mark Shoaf
- Coordinateur de production
- Carla Sierra (R!OT Pictures)
- Digital effects artist
- Leonardo Silva (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Compositeur numérique
- Philip Sisk
- Associate 3D producer
- Tom Slovick
- Digital artist
- Michael Spaw (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Nic Spier
- Flame artist
- Laurent Spillemaecker
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Katie Eyster (Katie Spinelli)
- Digital artist
- Frederic St-Arnaud
- Compositeur numérique
- Guillaume St-Aubin-Seers (Hybride)
- Animateur
- Tom St. Amand (Tippett Studio)
- Compositeur numérique
- Adam Stern (R!OT Pictures)
- Layout artist
- Joe Woodward Stevenson (Industrial Light & Magic)
- Digital paint and rotoscope artist
- Sam Stewart (ILM)
- Compositeur numérique
- Sean Stranks (Hybride)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Colin Strause
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Greg Strause
- Digital artist
- Kevin Struckman
- Digital artist
- Russ Sueyoshi
- Modeling artist
- Shuichi Suzuki
- Compositor
- Geordie Swainbank (The Orphanage)
- 3D producer
- Tracy Takahashi (R!OT)
- Communication
- Sylvie Talbot (Hybride)
- Producteur délégué
- Michael Taylor (Riot)
- Cg supervisor
- Rodrigo Teixeira (The Orphanage)
- Software tools developer
- Robert Tesdahl
- Computer graphics supervisor
- Philippe Theroux (Hybride)
- Effects animator
- Gaetan Thiffault (Hybride)
- Visual effects line producer
- Elaine Essex Thompson
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Matthew Thunell (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Toader Alex
- Systems/operations
- Danny Torres
- Assistant de production
- Vincent Toussaint (Hybride)
- Digital artist / visual effects
- Barbara Townsend
- Layout & matchmove artist
- Quan Tran (The Orphanage)
- Lead modeler
- Marco Tremblay (Hybride)
- Modeler
- Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais (Hybride)
- Digital artist
- Guerdon Trueblood (ILM)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Ryan Tudhope (The Orphanage)
- Visual effects technical advisor
- Thomas Turnbull (In association with ICVFX) (Thomas Turnbull)
- Visual effects editor
- Andrew Ryan Turner (R!OT)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Dawn Turner
- Matte painter
- Kristi Valk (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Leigh van der Byl (CafeFX)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- David Van Dyke (Cafe FX)
- Compositeur numérique
- Jean Frédéric Veilleux (Hybride)
- Concept artist
- Jessy Veilleux
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Kurt Volk
- Rotoscope/paint artist
- Kenneth Voss
- Producteur délégué
- O.D. Welch (CafeFX)
- Cg supervisor
- Chris Wells (Hydraulx)
- Compositeur numérique
- Joe Wenkoff
- Stereoscopic layout
- Conal Wenn (Hybride)
- Computer graphics supervisor
- Yanick Wilisky (Hybride)
- Digital artist
- Jeff Willette (The Orphanage)
- Inferno artist
- Edson Williams
- Stereographer
- Tom Williamson (Tom Williamson)
- Compositeur numérique
- Sean Wilson
- Compositeur numérique
- Stephen Wilson
- Rotoscoping artist
- Steve Wilson
- Visual effects digital production manager
- Mary Beth Worzella (The Orphanage)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Tiffany Wu (The Orphanage)
- Effets visuels
- Mike Wynd
- Digital artist
- Yoshiya Yamada
- Tracker
- Genevieve Yee
- Visual effects production assistant
- Bethany Young (The Orphanage)
- Digital matte supervisor
- Susumu Yukuhiro
- Layout artist
- Daniel Zizmor
- Matchmove artist
- Maya Zuckerman (The Orphanage)
- Film I/O supervisor
- Nathan Abbot (*) (Tippett Studio)
- Production accountant
- Christopher Abeyta (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Deepa Agarwal (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rigger
- Allan Arinduque (*) (The Orphanage)
- Tracking artist
- Jeffrey Edward Baksinski (*)
- Systems engineer
- Robert Barker (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Brendan Bolles (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Beau Cameron (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Eric Carney (*) (The Orphanage)
- Animateur
- Dan Cayer (*) (Tippett Studio / lighting technical director: Tippett Studio)
- Roto/paint artist
- Can Chang (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Jeremy Cho (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Mark Christiansen (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Wim Coene (*) (GRID VFX)
- Systems engineer
- Brendan Coffey (*) (The Orphanage)
- Resource Manager
- Chryssa Cooke (*) (The Orphanage)
- Film I/O / i/o vfx
- Robert Coquia Jr. (*)
- Rotoscope artist
- Peter Demarest (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Pallavi Devabhaktuni (*) (The Orphanage)
- Public relations
- Rama Dunayevich (*) (The Orphanage)
- Systems engineer
- Greg Dunn (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital operations coordinator
- Trina Espinoza (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Katharine Evans (*) (The Orphanage)
- Head of software
- Simon Eves (*) (The Orphanage)
- Visual effects production assistant
- Kate Geaghan (*) (The Orphanage)
- I/O technician
- Adam Gerardin (*) (Tippett Studio)
- Resource technical assistant manager
- David Gladstein (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Chad Goei (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Rainer Gombos (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Trevor Hazel (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Alex Henning (*) (The Orphanage)
- Modeler
- Ki Jong Hong (*) (The Orphanage)
- Production operations manager
- Tony Hurd (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositeur numérique
- Kristof Indeherberge (*)
- Rotoscope artist
- Amanda Instone (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Holly Kim-Angel (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital compositing advisor
- Lev Kolobov (*) (Intelligent Creatures Inc.)
- Rotoscope artist
- Heath Kraynak (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Brian Kulig (*) (The Orphanage)
- Resource technical assistant manager
- David Huynh Lam (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Joel LeLièvre (*) (The Orphanage)
- I/O technician
- David A. Link (*) (Tippett Studio)
- Matchmove artist
- Jodie Maier (*) (The Orphanage)
- Resource technical assistant manager
- Kevin Mains (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Elizabeth Matthews (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- W. Regan McGee (*)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Yvette Memory (*) (The Orphanage)
- Matte painter
- Paul Mica (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Matt Moses (*) (The Orphanage)
- Systems engineer
- Michael Oregon (*) (The Orphanage)
- Matchmove artist
- Ellery Ortiz (*) (The Orphanage)
- Matchmove artist
- David Petry (*) (The Orphanage)
- Modeler
- Alexander Pouchkarev (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Chad Ridgeway (*) (Cafe FX)
- Digital artist
- David Robert (*) (The Orphanage)
- Systems engineer
- Jim Robinson (*) (The Orphanage)
- Technical director
- Matthew M. Robinson (*)
- Compositeur numérique
- Nelson Sepulveda (*) (ILM)
- Matchmove artist
- Mark Siew (*) (The Orphanage)
- Resource technical assistant manager
- David Stern-Gottfried (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Pieter Swusten (*)
- Digital artist
- Denis Tassenoy (*)
- Matchmove artist
- Brian Tolle (*) (The Orphanage)
- Systems engineer
- Dino Tomelden (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital imaging supervisor
- Matthew Tomlinson (*) (Tippett Studio)
- Matchmove artist
- Trevor Tuttle (*) (The Orphanage)
- Rotoscope artist
- Loren Van Wiel (*) (The Orphanage)
- Resource technical assistant manager
- Brent Villalobos (*) (The Orphanage)
- Editorial supervisor
- Carl Walters (*) (The Orphanage)
- Digital artist
- Alex Wang (*) (The Orphanage)
- Compositor
- Joshua Wassung (*) (The Orphanage)
- Editorial/imaging manager
- Vicki Wong (*) (Tippett Studio)
- ATD manager
- Jeremy Yabrow (*) (The Orphanage)
- Cascades
- Jake Dashnaw
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Jeff Dashnaw (Jeffrey J. Dashnaw)
- Cascades
- Tom Huff (Tommy J. Huff)
- Cascades
- Josh Kemble
- Cascades
- Natalie Nooner
- Cascades
- James Ryan
- Cascades
- Rory Thost (Rory Thost)
- Camera production assistant
- Kelly Bogdan
- Éclairagiste
- Buzzy Burwell
- Éclairagiste
- Matt Fliehler
- Grip
- Robyn Greer
- Grip
- Jason Keene
- Best boy grip
- Kurt Kornemann
- Cadreur caméra
- Jimmy Lindsey
- Premier assistant caméra
- P.K. Munson
- Electrician
- Jeff Peterson
- Assistant video
- Gabe Proctor
- Assistant camera
- Robert Rendon
- Key rigging grip
- Donis Rhoden
- Gaffer
- John 'Fest' Sandau
- Dolly grip
- Mike Sheeren
- Grip
- Pete Stockton
- Photographe de plateau
- Rico Torres
- Grip
- Jesse Wolter
Département costumes
- Specialty costumer
- Federico Cervantes
- Chef costumière
- Vanessa Nirode
- Superviseur costumes
- Nina Proctor
- Costumer-stitcher
- Mirin Soliz
Département montage
- Editorial production assistant
- Ryan Anderson
- Negative cutter
- Mo Henry
- On-line editor
- Matthew W. Johnson (Post Logic Studios)
- Digital cinema producer
- Dayaliyah Lopez
- Assistant monteur
- Jay Mahavier
- Associate editor
- Ethan Maniquis
- Color timer
- Jim Passon
- Digital colorist
- John Persichetti
- Digital intermediate producer
- Lorene Simpson
- Editorial assistant
- Travis Smith
Département musique
- Composer
- George Oldziey (Additional music)
- Music programmer
- David E. Russo
- Composer
- Carl Thiel (Additional music / music mixer / music producer)
- Scoring mixer
- Wolfgang Amadeus (*)
- Doublure
- Emery Atkisson
- Doublure
- Cody Bartek
- Set medic
- Paul Beach
- Doublure
- Auston Carter
- Software engineer
- John Charles (Sony DAC)
- Non-linear digital assistant / on-set compositor
- Andy Cockrum
- Publicist
- Sandra Condito
- First assistant accountant
- Amanda Curry
- Publicity intern
- Emily Davis
- Assistant de production
- Susan E. Denison
- Key craft service
- Joe Fiske
- Doublure
- Sean Garcia
- Studio executive
- Andrea Giannetti (Development)
- Doublure
- Allie Goldstick
- Assistant
- Joshua Kersey (Ms. Avellan)
- Construction medic
- Laura King
- Second accountant
- Margo Kornemann
- Adr loop group
- Russell Lyons
- Acting coach
- Andrew Magarian
- EQ assistant
- Lucas Martell
- Doublure
- Ann McGuffey
- Additional assistant to producers
- Lisa Marie Mejia
- Producteur délégué
- Jake Myers
- Script
- Monika Petrillo
- Doublure
- Brandon Roberto
- Additional assistant to producers
- April Bennett (April Bennett)
- Stereoscopic engineer
- Pierre-Hugues Routhier (SENSIO)
- Production insurance
- Edgar Sandoval
- Voix post-syncho
- Caroline Scott
- Assistant
- Nicole Sieber (Mr. Rodriguez)
- Production accountant
- Mylan Stepanovich
- Coordinateur de production
- Cynthia Streit
- Travel assistant
- Vanessa Thomas
- Stereographer
- Sebastian Vega
- Doublure
- Kelsi Weatherby
- Doublure
- Jake Wrangler
- Doublure
- Dominik Chilleri (*)
- Doublure
- John Chilleri (*)
- Additional set production assistant
- Jeff Guerrero (*)
- Acting coach
- Warner Loughlin (*)
(*) non crédité