Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem
(AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem)
Générique final
Distribution des rôles
- Dallas
- Steven Pasquale
- Kelly
- Reiko Aylesworth
- Morales
- John Ortiz
- Ricky
- Johnny Lewis
- Molly
- Ariel Gade
- Jesse
- Kristen Hager
- Tim
- Sam Trammell
- Col. Stevens
- Robert Joy
- Dale
- David Paetkau
- Alien
- Tom Woodruff Jr.
- Predator
- Ian Whyte
- Darcy
- Chelah Horsdal
- Curtis
- Meshach Peters
- Mark
- Matt Ward
- Nick
- Michal Suchanek (Michal Suchánek)
- Drew
- David Hornsby
- Deputy Ray
- Chris William Martin
- Deputy Joe
- James Chutter
- Deputy
- Phil Buhler
- Deputy
- Kevin Haaland
- Carrie
- Gina Holden
- Buddy
- Kurt Max Runte
- Sam
- Liam James
- Dr. Lennon
- Tim Henry
- Karl
- Tom McBeath
- Nathan
- Ty Olsson
- Ritchie
- Anthony Harrison
- Homeless Harry
- Lloyd Berry
- Nurse Helen
- Rekha Sharma
- Tina
- Catherine Lough Haggquist
- Pregnant Sue
- Victoria Bidewell
- Lt. Wood
- Dalias Blake
- Mr. Thomas
- Timothy Paul Perez
- Earl
- Rainbow Sun Francks (Rainbow Francks)
- Scotty
- Juan Riedinger
- Broadcaster
- Val Cole
- Tank Driver
- Andrew Hedge
- Truck Driver
- Ryan Robbins
- Special Forces Commander
- Curtis Caravaggio
- Ms. Y
- Françoise Yip
- Homeless Guy
- John Wardlow
- Homeless Lady
- Nesta Chapman
- Additional Predator
- Ian Feuer
- Additional Predator
- Bobby 'Slim' Jones
- National Guard
- Glen Brkich
- Pregnant Woman
- Jay-Lyn Green
- Pregnant Woman
- Lili Wexu
- ER Resident Doc
- Adrian Hough
- ER Docteur #2
- Karen Van Blankenstin (Karen van Blankenstein)
- Kendra
- Shareeka Epps (*)
- Réalisateur
- The Brothers Strause (Colin Strause)
- Réalisateur
- The Brothers Strause (Greg Strause)
- Écriture
- Shane Salerno
- "Alien" characters
- Dan O'Bannon
- "Alien" characters
- Ronald Shusett
- "Predator" characters
- Jim Thomas
- "Predator" characters
- John Thomas
- Producteur exécutif
- Robbie Brenner
- Producteur
- John Davis
- Producteur exécutif
- Paul Deason
- Producteur
- David Giler
- Producteur
- Walter Hill
- Music composed by
- Brian Tyler
Directeur photo
- Directeur de la photographie
- Daniel C. Pearl (Daniel Pearl)
- Monteur
- Dan Zimmerman
- Directeur de casting
- Mindy Marin
Chef décorateur
- Chef décorateur
- Andrew Neskoromny
Direction artistique
- Supervising art director
- Helen Jarvis
- Décorateur
- Shane 'Perro' Viaeu (Shane Vieau)
- Costumes
- Angus Strathie
- First assistant hair stylist
- Ian Ballard (Ian C. Ballard)
- Key makeup artist
- Sally Hudson (Second unit) (Sally Barnes)
- First assistant makeup artist
- Beth Boxall
- Key makeup artist
- Jayne Dancose
- Creature technician
- Maiko 'Mo' Gomyo
- Creature technician
- Gideon Hay
- Creature technician
- Michael Heintzelman
- Chef coiffeuse
- Linda Jones
- Creature technician
- J.P. Mass
- Chef coiffeuse
- Debra Wiebe (Second unit)
- Maquilleur effets spéciaux
- Dawn Dininger (*)
Direction de production
- Directeur de production
- Warren Carr
- Directeur de production
- Paul Deason
- Superviseur post-production
- Christopher Dowell (Chris Dowell)
- Directeur d'équipe
- Drew Locke (Second unit)
- Superviseur post-production
- David McKimmie
Assistant réalisateur
- Troisième assistant réalisateur
- Tarnya Cook
- Réalisateur deuxième équipe
- Jeff Habberstad
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Kathy Houghton
- Troisième assistant réalisateur additionnel
- Katherine Keizer
- Deuxième assistant réalisateur
- Janine Law (Second unit)
- Troisième assistant réalisateur
- Jennifer Nelson (Second unit)
- Troisième assistant réalisateur
- Jody Ryan
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Ken Shane (Second unit)
- Premier assistant réalisateur
- Lars Winther (Lars P. Winther)
Département artistique
- Paint coordinator
- Vaughan X. Baker (Vaughan V. Baker)
- Conception des décors
- Chris Beach
- Chef constructeur
- John William Beatty (John Beatty)
- Storyboardeur
- Richard Bennett
- Dresser
- Katharina Brand
- Lead hand
- Desi Brett
- Scenic artist
- Niki Charalambopoulos
- Dresser
- Antony Chruszcz (Anthony Chruszcz)
- Dresser
- Michael Church
- Greensman
- Kevin Clark
- Sculptor
- Jessee J. Clarkson
- Assistant decorator
- Dale Ann Connery
- Lead hand
- Eileen Cunningham
- Storyboardeur
- Danelle Davenport
- Assistant props
- Gavin De West
- Lead laborer
- Jeremy C. Deighton (Jeremy Deighton)
- Lead greensman
- Dillon Doud
- Lead greens person
- Dylan Dowd
- Paint forman
- Michael Dundas
- Scenic artist
- Renee Dundas
- Assistant accessoiriste
- Brian Epp
- Props buyer
- Douglas Foreman
- Head sculptor
- Jack Gauvreau
- Signwriter
- Andrew Glavina
- Lead laborer
- Josh Greenfield
- Décorateur
- Simon Haywood-Anderson
- Graphics designer
- Sally Hudson
- Scenic artist
- Janette Hyland
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Martina Javorova
- Illustrator
- Rob Jensen
- Lead dresser
- Michael 'Jojo' Jovanovski (Michael Jovanovski)
- Chef menuisier
- Peter Lacroix
- Chef menuisier
- Kenneth Latour
- Buyer
- Sergio Lavilla
- Set buyer
- Sergio Lavilla
- Lead metal fabricator
- Gary Lawrence
- Assistant directeur artistique
- Andrew Li
- Dresser
- Karen Lister
- Scenic artist
- Rod MacDonald (Roderick MacDonald)
- Dresser
- Mike Marston (Mike Marsten)
- Head greensman
- Johnny McIntosh (John McIntosh)
- Construction foreman
- Dale Menzies
- Lead greensperson
- Darren Moore
- Décorateur de plateau
- Melissa Olson
- Scenic artist
- Ryan Ostiguy
- Scenic artist
- Gio Pasqua (Giovanni Pasqua)
- Lead laborer
- Roberto Pinoni
- Chef constructeur
- Matthew Pomerantz
- Lead greensman
- Dorian Reese
- Chef menuisier
- Chris Rodgers (Christopher Rodgers)
- Conceptual creature designer
- Jordu Schell
- Chef menuisier
- Cameron Senum
- Scenic artist
- Camac Sterling (Camar Sterling)
- Coordinatrice département artistique
- Sharon Thompson
- Construction buyer
- Kevin Tomecek
- Shop coordinator
- Richard Tremblay
- Accessoiriste
- David Valentine (Second unit)
- Chef menuisier
- Marke K. Walker
- Décorateur de plateau
- Shane Wanless (Second unit)
- Accessoiriste
- Terry Weaver
- Assistant département artistique
- Lori West
- Décorateur de plateau
- Spencer West
- Décorateur de plateau
- Chris Wishart (Christopher Wishart)
- Lead greens
- Darcy Wyness
- Lead painter
- Sean Wynia
- Mixeur bruitages
- James Ashwill
- Mixeur son réenregistrements
- Ron Bartlett
- Monteur dialogues
- Benjamin Beardwood
- Chef monteur son
- Jim Brookshire
- Mixage son
- William Butler (Second unit)
- Ingénieur post-syncho
- Derek Casari
- Sound effects editor
- Simon Coke
- Bruiteur
- John Cucci (John T. Cucci)
- Assistant éditeur son
- Jason P. Dass
- Mixeur bruitages
- Richard Duarte
- Prise de son
- Eric Flickinger
- Boom person
- Dave Griffiths
- Sound assistant
- Greg Hannas (Second unit)
- Mixeur son réenregistrements
- D.M. Hemphill (Doug Hemphill)
- Perchiste
- Ken Lee (Second unit)
- First assistant sound editor
- Skip Longfellow
- Sound re-recordist
- Tim Maxwell
- Bruiteur
- Dan O'Connell
- Enregistreur post-syncho
- Jan Petrov
- Mixage son
- Patrick Ramsay
- Superviseur bruitages
- Frank Smathers
- Cable person
- Naan Spiess
- Chef monteur son
- Jay Wilkinson
- Sound transfer
- John Soukup (*)
Effets spéciaux
- Creature effects
- Suma Abuzaineh (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Suma Adams)
- Special effects buyer
- Caila Marie Anderson (Caila Anderson)
- Creature effects
- Sherry Angelo (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Tim Arp (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Chris Ayers (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Perry Beckham
- Effets spéciaux
- Paul Benjamin
- Creature effects
- Matthew Borgatti (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- David A. Brooke (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Dustin Brooks
- Creature effects
- Michael Broom (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Neil Caldwell
- Creature effects
- Chris Carey (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Tamara Carlson (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Mike Carpenter
- Creature effects
- Brian Clawson (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Pyrotechnician
- John Cluff
- Effets spéciaux
- Steve Collins
- Creature effects
- David Covarrubias (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Carl Crandall Jr. (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Coordinateur effets spéciaux
- Rory Cutler (Second unit)
- Effets spéciaux
- Phillip Davis (Phil Davis)
- Creature effects
- Rob Derry (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Anthony Diaz (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Dawn Dininger (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Consuelo Duran (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Consuelo Durán)
- Creature effects
- Janet Evaschuk (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Janet Evaschuck)
- Shop supervisor
- Yuri Everson (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Mike Ezell (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Mike Ezell)
- Creature effects
- Davis Fandino (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Jon Fedele (Amalgamated Dynamics) (John Paul Fedele)
- Creature effects
- Horacio Fernandez (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature suit technician
- Mike Fields
- Creature effects
- Greg Figiel (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Damian Fisher (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Chris Flemmington (Chris Flemington)
- Mold shop supervisor
- Steve Frakes (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Katherine Fraser
- Creature effects
- Rick Galinson (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Naomi Gathmann (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Chris Geisler
- Creature effects designer and creator
- Alec Gillis
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- Alec Gillis
- Creature effects
- Anthony Grow (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects rigging
- Dean Hart
- Special effects assistant
- Chris Hatchwell
- Creature effects
- Rich Haugen (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Maquillage effets spéciaux
- Gideon Hay
- Effets spéciaux
- Gary Heidrick
- Creature effects prosthetics artist
- David Hoehn (Masters FX, Inc.)
- Creature effects
- Hiroshi Ikeuchi (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Hiroshi 'Kan' Ikeuchi)
- Creature effects
- Marc Irvin (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Darnell Isom (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Kurt Jackson
- Creature effects
- Hiroshi Katagiri (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Johnathon Killen (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Matt Killen (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Matthew Killen)
- Designer
- Steve Koch (Amalgamated Dynamics Inc.)
- Creature effects
- Mike Larrabee (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Nick Lawson (Second unit)
- Coordinateur effets spéciaux
- Tony Lazarowich
- Creature effects
- Tim Leach (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Timothy Leach)
- Special effects rigging
- Chris Link
- Effets spéciaux
- Chris Link
- Creature effects
- Casey Love (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Abby Lyle (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Penny Jane Mackie (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Penny Mackie)
- Creature effects
- Mark Maitre (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Robert Mano (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Bob Mano)
- Creature effects
- Mike Manzel (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Matt Mastrella (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Jim McLoughlin (Amalgamated Dynamics) (James McLoughlin)
- Creature effects
- Kevin McTurk (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Bruce Mitchell (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Bruce D. Mitchell)
- Creature effects
- Lon Muckey (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Steve Munson (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Steven Munson)
- Creature effects
- Justin Murray (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Brian Namanny (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Michael O'Brien (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Mark Obedzinski (Mark Obedinski)
- Creature effects
- Koji Ohmura (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Joey Orosco (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Mimi Palazon (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Bill Pankiw
- Effets spéciaux
- Randy Warren Parks (Randy Parks)
- Creature effects
- Gary Pawlowski (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Gary Pawlowski
- Animatronics supervisor
- Dave Penikas (Amalgamated Dynamics) (David Penikas)
- Creature effects
- Anthony Pina (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Rae Reedyk
- Special effects assistant
- Ken Reynolds
- Creature effects
- Johnnie Saiko Espiritu (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Johnnie Saiko)
- Effets spéciaux
- Vance Salvalggio (Vance Vegas Salvalaggio)
- Creature effects
- Jordu Schell (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Chris Schreiber (Christopher Schreiber)
- Creature effects
- Cory Schubert (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects foreman
- W.A. Andrew Sculthorp
- Special effects crew
- Jeff Seesselberg
- Creature effects
- Nicholas Seldon (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Nick Seldon)
- Creature effects
- Matthew Sheehan (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Dale Shippam
- Creature effects
- Dania Simental (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- John Sleep (Second unit)
- Effets spéciaux
- Matt Sleep (Second unit)
- Creature effects
- James Spinner (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Chris Sturges
- Creature effects
- Tully Summers (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Pat Todd (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Special effects best boy
- Scot Treliving (Scott R. Treliving)
- Creature effects
- Brian Van Dorn (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Farzad Varahramyan (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Effets spéciaux
- Attila Vaski (Second unit)
- Creature effects
- Patricia Villalobos (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Chris Walker (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Steve Wang (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Spencer Whynaucht (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Kristen Willet (Amalgamated Dynamics) (Kristen Willett)
- Assistant shop supervisor
- Garth Winkless (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects
- Chris Wolters (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Creature effects designer and creator
- Tom Woodruff Jr.
- Superviseur effets spéciaux
- Tom Woodruff Jr.
- Creature effects
- David Woodruff (Amalgamated Dynamics) (David T. Woodruff)
- Creature effects
- Taylor Woodruff (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Foam patcher
- Brian Clawson (*)
- Technicien effets spéciaux
- Anthony Grow (*) (ADI Inc.)
- Project office coordinator
- Michael Heintzelman (*) (Amalgamated Dynamics)
- Seamer
- Abby Lyle (*)
Effets visuels
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Eric Algren (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Casey Allen (Hydraulx)
- Compositeur numérique
- Eric Almeras
- Compositing
- Spencer Armajo (Hydraulx)
- Roto and paint artist
- Spencer Armajo
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Jeff Atherton (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- Jarrod Avalos (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Scott Balkcom (Hydraulx)
- Visual development artist
- Allen Battino
- Visual effects storyboards
- Richard Bennett (Hydraulx)
- Rotoscope artist
- Jason Bond (Hydraulx)
- Dynamic effects animation
- Pink Bobsledder (Hydraulx) (Christopher Bonnstetter)
- Digital intermediate colorist
- Steve Bowen
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Bryce Brecheisen
- Lighting
- Jared Brient (Hydraulx)
- Effets visuels
- Kevin R. Browne
- Compositing coordinator
- Erik Bruhwiler (Hydraulx)
- Matte painting
- Shannon Burkley (Hydraulx) (Shannan Burkley)
- Lead character animator
- Jeremy Butler (Hydraulx) (Jeremy F. Butler)
- Character animation
- Kirk Cadrette (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects editor
- Ryan Chavez
- Modeling
- Go Woon Choi (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects bid producer
- Tamara Choi (20th Century Fox)
- Lighting
- James Citron (Hydraulx)
- Digital opticals
- Patrick Clancey
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Trent Claus (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- Andrew Collins (Hydraulx) (Andrew M. Collins)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Brian Conlon (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Cameron Coombs (Hydraulx)
- Character rigging
- Chase Cooper (Hydraulx)
- Animation supervisor
- Joshua Cordes (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects storyboards
- Danelle Davenport (Hydraulx)
- Inferno artist
- Sean Devereaux (Hydraulx)
- Previs animator
- Raffael Dickreuter (Pixel Liberation Front)
- Compositing
- Jason Dunn (Hydraulx)
- Facility manager
- John 'Duke' Duquesnay (Hydraulx)
- Dynamic effects animation
- Eric Ebling (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Andy Edwards (Hydraulx) (Andrew Edwards)
- Assistant de production
- Dustin Edwards (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Sam Edwards (Hydraulx)
- Modeling
- Tamer Eldib (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects editor
- Mohsen Eletreby (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- MB Emigh (Hydraulx) (M.B. Emigh)
- Camera tracking
- Marcus Erbar (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Felipe Fenton (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Chris Ferguson (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects assistant
- Patrick Flannery (Second unit)
- Previz animator
- Duane Floch
- Assistant de production
- Marissa Fraering (Hydraulx) (Marissa L. Fraering)
- Compositeur numérique
- Mathias Frodin
- Effets visuels
- Anthony Fung
- Mavis technical director
- Jason Ghandhi (Hydraulx) (Jason Ghandi)
- Matte painting
- Matt Gilson (Hydraulx) (Matthew Gilson)
- Resource Manager
- Darrel Green (Hydraulx)
- Digital effects artist
- Leonard F.W. Green
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Don Greenberg (Hydraulx)
- Modeling
- Miguel Gore Guerrero (Hydraulx) (Miguel A. Guerrero)
- Previs artist
- Simon Halpern (Pixel Liberation Front)
- Dynamics effects supervisor
- Chris Haney (Hydraulx)
- Dynamic effects animation
- Josh Hatton (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Todd Hemsley (Hydraulx)
- Lighting technical director
- Tulio Hernandez (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Jeff Heusser (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Richard Hirst (Hydraulx)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Rob Hodgson (Hydraulx)
- Matte painter
- Dark Hoffman
- Modeling
- Atsushi Imamura (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Chris Ingersoll (Hydraulx)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Yasamin Ismaili (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- Todd Jansen (Hydraulx)
- Software support
- Scott Jepson (Hydraulx)
- Dynamic effects animation
- Zack Detox Judson (Hydraulx) (Zack Judson)
- Compositing
- Maxine Jurgens (Hydraulx)
- Assistant de production
- Valerie Kenniston (Hydraulx)
- Character animation
- Josh Kent (Hydraulx)
- Assistant de production
- Joseph Kirkland (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- Dan Kruse ([Hy*drau"lx]) (Daniel Kruse)
- Compositing supervisor
- Bill Kunin (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Benjamin Kutso (Hydraulx) (Benjamin Kutsko)
- Character animator
- Billy-Vu Lam
- Assistant de production
- Sun Lee (Hydraulx)
- Lighting
- Didier Levy (Hydraulx)
- Executive assistant
- Elizabeth Liddell (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Erik Liles (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Adam Lisagor (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- Ryan Lorie (Hydraulx)
- Modeling
- Justin Louis (Hydraulx)
- Intermédiaire numérique producteur assistant
- Philippe Majdalani
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Willie Marlett (Hydraulx) (William H.D. Marlett)
- Character animation
- Nando Martinez (Hydraulx) (Leonardo Martinez)
- Compositing
- Megumi Matsuoka (Hydraulx)
- Inferno compositor
- Scott McLain (Hydraulx)
- Character animation
- Bradley McLaughlin (Hydraulx)
- Senior visual effects producer
- Tony Meagher (Hydraulx) (Michael Meagher)
- Producteur exécutif
- Scott Michelson (Hydraulx)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Eric Mises-Rosenfeld (Second unit)
- Previz artist
- Mahito Mizobuchi
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Young Mok (Hydraulx) (Young Joon Mok)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Carlos Morales (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Daisuke Morita (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Raphael Mosely (Hydraulx) (Raphael Mosley)
- Digital artist
- Anita Naufal
- Modeling
- Chung Seong Ng (Hydraulx) (Chun Seong Ng)
- Compositeur numérique
- Vinh Nguyen
- Compositing
- Thomas Nittmann (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Brian Nugent (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects creative consultant
- Liam O'Donnell (Hydraulx)
- Matte painting
- Rob Olsson (Hydraulx) (Robert Olsson)
- Roto/paint artist
- Bruno Parenti (Hydraulx)
- Senior visual effects coordinator
- Clark Parkhurst (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Chris Payne (Hydraulx)
- Character technical director
- Russell Pearsall (Hydraulx)
- Character animation
- Long-Hai Pham (Hydraulx)
- Visual effects production assistant
- John Polyson (Hydraulx)
- Character animation
- David Pritchard (Hydraulx)
- Modeling
- Chris Radcliffe (Hydraulx)
- I/o support
- Michael Richmond (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Gizmo Rivera (Hydraulx)
- Character animation
- Trey Roane (Hydraulx)
- Compositing
- Victor Rodriguez (Hydraulx)
- CG coordinator
- Karl Rogovin (Hydraulx)
- Digital artist
- Karl Rogovin (Hydraulx)
- Previz animator
- Jonathan Roybal (Pixel Liberation Front)
- Compositing
- Matthew Santoro (Hydraulx) (Matthew Santoro)
- Senior visual effects artist
- Matthew Santoro (Hydraulx) (Matthew Santoro)
- Previz coordinator
- Tanissa Potrovitza (Tanissa Potrovitza)
- Lead character animator
- Joel Sevilla (Hydraulx)
- Compositing supervisor
- Laura Sevilla (Hydraulx)
- Digital opticals editor
- Danita Slaughter
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Greg Souers (Hydraulx)
- Dynamic effects animation
- John Sparks (Hydraulx) (John C. Sparks)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Katie Spinelli (Hydraulx)
- Additional visual effects editor
- Ron Stanik
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Colin Strause
- Technical support
- Dave Strause (Hydraulx)
- Superviseur effets visuels
- Greg Strause
- Finance manager
- Linda Strause (Hydraulx)
- Camera tracking
- James Sweeney (Hydraulx)
- Paint artist
- Jeremiah Sweeney
- Rotoscope artist
- Jeremiah Sweeney
- Compositing
- Stephanie Ide (Hydraulx) (Stephanie Ide)
- Compositeur numérique
- Hirofumi Takeda
- Compositing
- Brian Taylor (Hydraulx) (Bryan Taylor)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Joy Tiernan (Hydraulx)
- Lighting technical director
- Shigeharu Tomotoshi (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Matt Trivan (Hydraulx) (Matthew Trivan)
- Visual effects storyboards
- Dwayne Turner (Hydraulx)
- Producteur effets visuels
- Kendrick Wallace
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Sean Wallitsch (Hydraulx)
- Cg supervisor
- Chris 'LH' Wells (Hydraulx) (Chris Wells)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Edson Williams (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Rob Winfield (Hydraulx)
- Inferno/flame compositor
- Loeng-Wong Savun (Hydraulx) (Loeng Wong-Savun)
- Lighting
- Yoshiya Yamada (Hydraulx)
- Modeling supervisor
- Yoshiya Yamada (Hydraulx)
- Coordinateur effets visuels
- Ryan Zuttermeister (Hydraulx)
- Data manager
- Thomas Mathai (*)
- Cascades
- Lloyd Adams
- Cascades
- Trevor Addie
- Cascades
- Carolyn Anderson
- Cascades
- James Bamford
- Cascades
- Loyd Bateman
- Cascades
- Rob Boyce (Rob 'Sluggo' Boyce)
- Cascades
- Simon Burnett
- Cascades
- Yves Cameron
- Cascades
- Maira Carriconde (Mia Carriconde)
- Cascades
- Doug Chapman (Douglas Chapman)
- Cascades
- Colby Chartrand
- Cascades
- Mike Ching
- Cascades
- Laura Lee Connery
- Cascades
- Daniel Cudmore
- Cascades
- Mike Desabrais
- Cascades
- John De Santis (John DeSantis)
- Cascades
- Duane Dickinson
- Cascades
- Austin Dunn
- Cascades
- Marny Eng
- Cascades
- Carolyn Field (Caroline Field)
- Cascades
- Lani Gelera
- Cascades
- Corry Glass
- Cascades
- Andrew Michael Hill
- Coordinateur des cascades
- Dave Hospes (Second unit)
- Cascades
- Devon Jones (Trevor Jones)
- Wire technician
- Brad Kelly
- Cascades
- Jon Kralt
- Cascades
- Michael Langlois
- Doublure cascades
- Cody Laudan (Johnny Lewis)
- Stunt safety
- Mitchell Lee Yuen (Mitchell A. Lee Yuen)
- Key stunt rigger
- Jake Lombard
- Coordinateur des cascades
- JJ Makaro (J.J. Makaro)
- Cascades
- Reg Milne
- Cascades
- Gerald Paetz
- Wire technician
- Darryl Quon
- Cascades
- Jeffrey C. Robinson
- Cascades
- Justin Sain
- Cascades
- Raymond Sammel
- Cascades
- Melissa Stubbs (Melissa R. Stubbs)
- Cascades
- Rhys Williams
- Cascades
- Eli Zagoudakis
- Cascades
- Richard Brooks (*)
- Cascades
- Donovan Cerminara (*)
- Cascades
- Colin Decker (*)
- Cascades
- Darryl Quon (*)
- Best boy grip
- Matt Almas
- Technician
- Tim Arasheben (Wescam)
- Premier assistant caméra
- Sande Ashe (Second unit) (Sandes Ashe)
- Grip
- Carlos Avilila (Second unit) (Carlos Avila)
- Generator operator
- Roger Bailey
- Company grip
- Chris Bamford
- Directeur de la photographie aérienne
- Hans Bjerno
- Generator operator
- Monty Black (Second unit)
- Best boy rigging grip
- Scott Bonner
- Company grip
- Drew David
- Underwater key grip
- Herb DeWaal
- Photographe de plateau
- James Dittiger
- Premier assistant caméra
- Sean Elliot (Second unit) (Sean Elliott)
- Grip
- Keith Flanagan (Second unit)
- Best boy electric
- Niall Fraser
- Best boy grip
- Lee Gibeau (Second unit)
- Premier assistant caméra
- Reg Gole
- Gaffer
- Stuart Haggerty
- Rigging grip
- Rod Haney
- Company lamp operator
- Benn Harrison
- Dolly grip
- Russell Hawks (Russell Hawkes)
- Dolly grip
- Todd Hlagi (Second unit)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Leigh Jenkins (Second unit)
- Éclairagiste
- Jordan Johnson
- Company lamp operator
- Nina Jones
- Premier assistant caméra
- Simon Jori
- Company grip
- Shane Kjar
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Cole Koehler
- Premier assistant caméra
- Eric R. Laudadio (Photographie additionnelle) (Eric R. Laudadio)
- Key grip
- John Leroy (Second unit) (John Le Roy)
- Cadreur caméra
- Adam Lisagor (Thermal camera)
- Leadman grip
- Bob Little (Robert Little)
- Cadreur caméra
- Wayne MacConnell ("b" camera)
- Retour vidéo
- Casey McKintyre (Second unit) (Casey MacIntyre)
- Company lamp operator
- Paul Martins
- Dolly grip
- Neil McBride
- Retour vidéo
- David McKnight
- Rigging electric best boy
- Andrew MacLeod (Andrew McLeod)
- Grip
- Wally Nygren (Second unit)
- Company lamp operator
- Cedar O'Rourke
- Key rigging gaffer
- Sean Oxenbury
- Key rigging grip
- Peter Pacula
- Lamp operator
- Dave Palmer (Second unit)
- Operator
- Phil Pastuhov (Wescam)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Sasha Proctor ("a" camera, second unit)
- Cadreur caméra
- Joel Ransom (Second unit)
- Directeur de la photographie
- Joel Ransom (Second unit)
- Company grip
- Dean Reca
- Cadreur caméra
- Don Reddy
- Cadreur caméra sous-marine
- Ian Seabrook
- Lamp operator
- Darren Sinclair (Second unit)
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Richard Sinclair
- Éclairagiste
- Kris Tobiasson
- Company grip
- Scott Vere
- Gaffer
- David Warner (Second unit) (David S. Warner)
- Best boy electric
- James Warner (Second unit)
- Key grip
- Tony Whiteside
- Cadreur caméra
- Peter Wilke (Second unit)
- Assistant video
- James Wong
- Deuxième assistant caméra
- Thomas Yardley
- Rigging electric best boy
- Kurt Zelmer
- Camera trainee
- Andre Gheorghiu (*)
- Camera trainee
- Christian Stevens (*)
Département costumes
- Truck costumer
- Marnie Ander (Second unit)
- Creature costumer
- Courtney Anderson
- Seamstress
- Nora Bautista
- Habilleuse
- Petra Bergholz
- Costume coordinator
- Sandra J. Blackie
- Lead dresser
- Scott Blackie (Creature)
- Seamstress
- Gloria Chan
- Superviseur costumes plateau
- Allison Chretien
- Truck costumer
- John Denison
- Creature costumer
- Karen Durant (Karen Durrant)
- Creature costumer
- Summer Eves
- Creature costumer
- Valerie Fawkes-Kim (Valerie Fawkes)
- Habilleuse
- Sarah Haddleton
- Creature costumer
- Nancy Hare
- Costume set supervisor
- Steve Holloway (Second unit)
- Creature costumer
- Tatiana Hutinec (Tatjana Hutinec)
- Specialty costume fabricator
- Penny Mackie (Amagamated Dynamics Inc.)
- Creature costumer
- Samantha Mackinnon
- Lead dresser
- Maya Mani (Creature)
- Costume cutter
- Kieu Nguyen
- Seamstress
- Kieu Nguyen
- Superviseur costumes plateau
- Kurtis Reeves
- Seamstress
- Christina Richards (Christa Richards)
- Habilleuse
- Heather Rupert (Heather Rupert)
- Habilleuse
- Charis Tillson
- Creature costumer
- Mary Wiseman
- Seamstress
- Petra Wright
Département montage
- Color timer
- Kenny Becker
- Negative cutter
- Gary Burritt
- Editorial production assistant
- Stephanie Denatale (Stephanie DeNatale)
- Editorial production assistant
- Steven Flegel (Canada)
- Étalonneur
- Natasha Leonnet (EFilm)
- Digital intermediate editor
- Curtis Lindersmith (EFilm)
- Digital color assist
- Marc Lulkin
- High-definition preview colorist
- Lorne Miess
- First assistant editor
- Kirk Moses (Canada)
- Digital intermediate producer
- Loan Phan (EFilm)
- First assistant editor
- Ian Silverstein
- Editorial production assistant
- Trinh T. Tran (Trinh Tran)
- Telecine suite operator
- Kevin Fairfax Harwood (*)
- Post-production assistant
- Andrea Kistler (*)
Département musique
- Score orchestrator
- Bill Boston (William Boston)
- Assistant monteur musique
- Kyle Clausen
- Musician
- Bruce Dukov (Violin)
- Score orchestrator
- Robert Elhai
- Musician
- Scott Hosfeld
- Assistant to composer
- Pakk Hui (Brian Tyler)
- Score mixer
- Joel Iwataki
- Score recordist
- Joel Iwataki
- Score orchestrator
- Andrew Kinney
- Directeur musical
- Mike Knobloch
- Scoring session preparations
- Gary L. Krause (Gary Krause)
- Score recordist
- Tim Lauber
- Monteur musique
- Joe Lisanti
- Score orchestrator
- Dana Niu
- Scoring stage manager
- Francesco Perlangeli
- Technical score consultant
- Keith Power
- Régisseur d’orchestre
- Peter Rotter
- Scoring stage engineer
- Denis St. Amand
- Scoring stage manager
- Tom Steel
- Préparation musicale
- Eric Stonerook
- Musician
- James Thatcher (French horn)
- Orchestrator
- Jeff Toyne
- Score conductor
- Brian Tyler
- Score mixer
- Brian Tyler
- Score recordist
- Brian Tyler
- Score orchestrator
- Brad Warnaar
- Scoring digital recordist
- Bob Wolfe (Robert Wolff)
- Musician
- Bryan Pezzone (*)
- Voice actor
- Steve Alterman
- Payroll accountant
- Jill Anderson
- Voice actor
- Steve Apostolina (Stephen Apostolina)
- Voice actor
- Kirk Baily
- Voice actor
- Derek Barton
- Lead puppeteer
- Adam Behr (Canada)
- Assistant régisseur
- Nick Bergstedt (Second unit)
- Tactical instructor
- Ron Blecker
- Production accountant
- Jason Bogard
- Assistant craft service
- Lucie Bolan
- Assistant first aid
- Lucie Bolan
- Assistant
- Brooke Brooks (Mr. Davis)
- Doublure
- Richard C. Burton
- Accounting clerk
- Julie Bygrave
- Premier assistant coordinateur de production
- Simon Carrigan
- Helicopter technical advisor
- Dale Cartier (Dale Carter)
- Puppeteer
- Jeny Cassady
- Puppeteer
- Morris Chapdelaine
- Assistant post-production accountant
- Debbie Chesebro (Deborah J. Chesebro)
- Assistant de production
- Jonathan Cohen
- Assistant de production
- Shannon Corrie
- Doublure
- Hakan Coskuner (John Ortiz)
- Voice actor
- David Cowgill
- Marine coordinator
- Jason Crosby
- Clearance/product placement coordinator
- Peter Cummings
- Research consultant
- Peter Cummings
- Attaché de presse
- Dixie Cutler
- Second assistant accountant
- Jacqueline V. Johnson
- Helicopter technical advisor
- Tim Davison (Tim A. Davison)
- Assistant de production
- Darius Deandrade (Darius de Andrade)
- Assistant
- Alex Deas-Hamrick (Mr. Davis)
- Voice actor
- James D. Denver (James D. Dever)
- Tutor
- Danika Dinsmore
- Assistant de production
- Erin Dixon
- Caterer
- Amanda Dobson
- Repérages
- Mike Doiron
- Voice actor
- Robin Atkin Downes
- Animal trainer
- Dana Dube (Dana Dubé)
- Animal trainer
- Mark Dumas
- Assistant de production
- Damon Evans
- Puppeteer
- Yuri Everson
- First assistant accountant
- Rebecca Feldman
- Puppeteer
- Mike Fields
- Aerial coordinator
- Jim Fillipone (Jim Filippone)
- Post-production accountant
- John Fletcher
- Assistant de production
- Nick Fletcher
- Armourer
- Rob Fournier
- Puppeteer
- Steve Frakes
- Original alien creatures designer
- H.R. Giger
- Puppeteer
- Alec Gillis
- Whip coach
- Alex Green
- Puppeteer
- George Grove
- Voice actor
- Kerry Gutierrez
- Animal trainer
- Rowan Harland
- Producteur délégué
- Michael Hendrickson (Fox)
- Craft service
- Louise Hetherington (Louise M. Hetherington)
- First aid
- Louise Hetherington (Louise M. Hetherington)
- Voice actor
- Bridget Hoffman
- Puppeteer
- Paul Hooson
- Assistant de production
- Haylee Hubscher (Assistant director)
- Puppeteer
- Hiroshi 'Kan' Ikeuchi
- Puppeteer
- Marc Irvin
- Assistant de production
- Annie Jackson
- Payroll accountant
- Carol Jensen
- Caterer
- Nathan Jensen
- Assistant de production
- Jay Koenig
- Accounting clerk
- Janet Lane
- Caterer
- David Lee
- Voice actor
- Anne Lockhart
- Key production assistant
- Philip Lyall
- Repérages
- Ken MacAlpine
- Assistant de production
- Alex MacLeod
- Trainer
- Monika Majnik (Ms. Aylesworth)
- Assistant de production
- Karen Major
- Voice actor
- Jessie Marion (Jessie S. Marion)
- First assistant accountant
- Barbara Mercer
- Puppeteer
- Frank Meschkuleit
- Script
- Kelly Moon
- Repérages
- Tim Moshansky
- Assistant de production
- Jason Moskie
- Assistant de production
- Shaun Moskie
- Assistant régisseur
- Peter Munro
- Voice actor
- Jonathan Nichols
- Coordinateur de production
- Jena Niquidet
- Assistant de production
- Mauve O'Sullivan (Second unit) (Maeve O'Sullivan)
- Voice actor
- Paul Pape
- Puppeteer
- David Penikas
- Pre-production assistant
- Laurent Piche
- Assistant de production
- Holly Pinder
- Voice actor
- Jaun Pope
- Secrétaire de production
- Ali Pounder
- Key production assistant
- Candice Preddy
- Caterer
- Nin Rai
- Assistant de production
- Trevor Ralph (Second unit)
- Key production assistant
- Oliver Rappard
- Puppeteer
- Geoff Redknap
- Puppeteer
- James Rowley
- Voice actor
- Michelle Ruff
- Régisseur
- S. Steven Sach
- Assistant post-production accountant
- Charles Saldana (Charles Saldana IV)
- Voice actor
- Matthew Santoro (Matthew Santoro)
- Voice actor
- Dennis Singletary
- Voice actor
- Warren Sroka
- Voice actor
- Kelly Stables
- Armorer
- Ryan Steacy
- Tutor
- Gene Stephenson (Gene Stevenson)
- Voice actor
- Pepper Sweeney
- Assistant de production
- Conrad Sylvia
- Assistant de production
- John T.L. Tang
- Special equipment
- Larry Tardif
- Assistant
- Marie Tongol (The Brothers Strause)
- Voice actor
- Paul Tuerpe
- Technocrane operator
- Barrie Wells
- Secrétaire de production
- Fleur Western
- Puppeteer
- Garth Winkless
- Assistant régisseur
- Linda Yip
- Foam sculptor
- John Burroughs (*)
- Clearance coordinator
- Mark J. Woods (*)
(*) non crédité