Daleks Invasion Earth 2150
(Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.)
The Story
Full Story
London present day. Policeman Tom Campbell tries to report a jewel robbery at a police call box but finds himself in the time machine of Dr. Who. They travel through time along with Louise and Susan, Dr. Who tells Tom that they have arrived in the year 2150. At this period of time, London has been ravaged and is in ruins.
Hardly understanding what's happening, the policeman quickly discovers this to be the truth when he sees a flying saucer landing in Trafalgar Square. Tom and the Doctor are separated from Susan and Louise before being taken captive by the Daleks, a race of aliens the Doctor knows well. These small robot species on caster control the Earth that they have invaded. They are without pity for humans that they collect. Half of them are robotisised, militarized and transformed into real docile servants, while the others are condamned to work as slaves in a mine that feeds the latest Dalek project; inevitably bellicose.
Campbell and Who are taken to the Daleks' spaceship. On the point to be robotised so as to serve the invaders, they are saved at the last minute by a group of rebels who counterattacks in which Louise is envolved. She left the little Suzan into the hands of Wyler in order not to mix her in this horrible fight. Despite their efforts, rebels are repelled. Dr. Who escapes with David, a resistant of the first hour, while Tom finds Louise in the flying saucer that takes off.
After many adventures and tormented trip, Wyler, Suzan, David, Who, Tom and Louise meet in a tool outhouse in Watford near the mine dug by the Daleks. They extract the metallic epicenter of the Earth. They want to change the orbit of the planet and to use it as a transportation way. |
Who learns that the operation will be over in the evening. He equally learns that the Daleks are going to launch in the mine a powerful explosive. The Doctor develops a stratagem of the last chance to stop their Machiavellian plan...
Spoiler ! the end of the story is revealed below…
Knowing the epicenter is quiet near from the interference's point of fields of North and South pole attraction, a lesser error of deviation of the bomb would liberate a magnetic energy that could destroy the Daleks.
While Tom descends in the well to prepare a deviation for the bomb, Who is made captive. Entering into the control headquater of the operation, he succeeds to create a diversion and orders robomen to attack the Daleks. It's time. The Daleks drop the bomb in the well. Who's plan works perfectly and the explosion generates a magnetic field that destroys the invaders. Back to his time cabin, Dr. Who accompanies Tom back in his time and deposits him few minutes before the scavengers of the jewellery enter in action.