Productions released in 195122 titlesTitle (Original title) (Year) Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951)Bride of the Gorilla (1951)Captain Video, Master of the Stratosphere (1951)Day the Earth Stood Still (the) (1951)Five (1951)Flight to Mars (1951)House in the SquareThe House in the Square (1951)Lost Continent (1951)Lost Planet Airmen (1951)Man from Planet X (the) (1951)Man in the White Suit (the) (1951)Mister Drake's Duck (1951)Mr. Peek-A-BooLe passe-muraille (1951)Mysterious Island (1951) (series)Son of Dr. Jekyll (the) (1951)Strange Case of the Man and the Beast (the )El extraño caso del hombre y la bestia (1951)Superman and the Mole-Men (1951)Tales of Tomorrow (1951) (series)Thing from Another World (the) (1951)Two Lost Worlds (1951)Unknown World (1951)When Worlds Collide (1951)