In a town in medieval France, a 17-year-old girl named Alais receives a mysterious book from her father - a book filled with strange words and depictions of a labyrinth. He tells Alais she must guard it with her life, for it contains secrets of the legendary Holy Grail. Eight hundred years later, in the same town, a young woman named Alice unearths a labyrinth-engraved ring - and is swept into an epic adventure filled with shadowy intrigues and dangerous passions, one that will crisscross centuries and reveal a destiny beyond her wildest imaginings...
A series created by Christopher Smith
1 season - 2 episodes
2012 - 180 minutes - Color - Stereo - 1.78
Main Cast
- Audric Baillard
- Viscount Trencavel
- Alais Pelletier Du Mas
- Guy D'Evreux
- Alice Tanner
- Simeon de Montfort
- Montsegur Guide
- Will Franklyn
- Esclarmonde
- Oriane Congost
- Guilhem du Mas
- Noublesso Man
- Karen Fleury
- Sajhe
- Pafait - Pelletier
Also Known As
- Das verlorene Labyrinth (de)
Release dates
- January 14, 2013
- May 22, 2014
- November 24, 2012
More release dates…
- January 14, 2013
- May 22, 2014
- November 24, 2012