When young oceanographer Laura Daughtery (Lake Bell) discovers a massive underwater creature, her obsession to uncover the origins of this dangerous "unidentified species" will lead her and others on a mysterious adventure through the darkest, deepest parts of the sea and the most sinister and shady places on Earth. The fate of the world is in their hands - they just don't know it...
A series created by Jonas Pate, Josh Pate
1 season - 15 episodes
2005 - 60 minutes - Color - Stereo - 1.33
Main Cast
- Laura Daughtery
- Rich Connelly
- Miles Barnett
- Savannah Barnett
- Davis Lee
- Sylvia Barnett
- Ron Barnett
- Phil Nance
- Tracy Connelly
- Announcer
- Jesse Daughtery
- Emily Connelly
Also Known As
- Fathom (us)
Release dates
- January 09, 2006
- September 19, 2005
More release dates…
- November 29, 2005
- January 09, 2006
- September 19, 2005