Following the thundering footsteps of the groundbreaking megaseries television event, Dintoptia, comes Dinotopiia: The Series, the extraordinary odyssey of a 21st century family stranded in an amazing prehistoric utopia. But beneath Dinotopia's surface, dangers brew. Through it all endures the boundless imagination, courage, and awesome wonder of a family lost in time - the last hope for the world on the verge of extinction.
A series created by Robert Halmi Jr., Robert Halmi Sr.
1 season - 13 episodes
2002 - 60 minutes - Color - Stereo - NC
Main Cast
- Karl Scott
- David Scott
- Martino
- Zipeau
- Rosemary
- Le Sage
- Frank Scott
- Mayor Waldo
- Marion
- Quint
- Karl Scott
- David Scott
- Oonu
- Romana Denison
- Frank
No available information for now.
Also Known As
- Dinotopia: The Series (us)