During Earth′s final days, Theoretical Physicist Dermot Turner is tasked by the President to lead the Exodus Program and move the human race to Europa, Jupiter′s moon, which has been discovered to have an ocean teeming with life. Unfortunately, a serious problem preventing a safe journey must be quickly solved or mankind will be forced to invade Mars instead.
Dermot, whose wife Claire has died in a tornado in California, seeks the assistance of Maya, the leader of a Mars settlement. Should they fail, a war will ensue between a race desperate for survival and the inhabitants of Mars who don’t want their new world destroyed as Earth was by billions of unsustainable newcomers. With war days away, Dermot returns to Earth to find a solution — forever Resilient.
A movie directed by Michael Taverna
20?? - Color - NC
Status : pre-production
Main Cast
- Adel
- Dermot
- Juen
- General Stone
- Alex
- Immortal
- Physicist
Also Known As
No available information for now.
Release dates
No available information for now.