Inspector Gadget
(Inspector Gadget)
During a daring rescue attempt, John Brown (Matthew Broderick), a naïve and clueless security guard, experiences the wrath of the evil Dr. Claw ( Rupert Evertt) and is left clinging to life. Jumping at the chance to put her robotics expertise to the test, the briliant Dr. Brenda Bradford (Joely Fisher) transforms him into Inspector Gadget - the ultimate crime-fighting tool! And Gadget is going to need every techno-trick up his cyber-sleeve to defeat the ruthless Claw - before Claw reduces our hero to spare parts and wreaks havoc on the world!
A movie directed by David Kellogg
1999 - 78 minutes - Color - Dolby Digital - 1.85
Main Cast
- Inspector Gadget / Robo Gadget / John Brown
- Sanford Scolex
- Brenda / Robobrenda
- Penny
- Kramer
- Mayor Wilson
- Sikes
- Chief Quimby
- Gadgetmobile (voice)
- Artemus Bradford
- Thelma
- Himself
- Famous Big Guy with Silver Teeth
- Famous Villain with Deadly Hat
- Famous Identifier of Sea Planes
Also Known As
- The Real Inspector Gadget (us)
Release dates
- December 17, 1999
- July 23, 1999
More release dates…
- December 21, 1999
- December 17, 1999
- July 18, 1999 (premiere)
- July 23, 1999