Demonlover from Olivier Assayas takes us deep into the underbelly of the illicit and financially lucrative world of 3D animated pornography. With billions at risk, Diane is hired into a high stakes game of espionage, which leads her to the twisted world of the Hellfire Club, an interactive torture website. Her bid to gain fortune quickly becomes a frantic race to survive as she is challenged by her amoral colleague, an antagonistic and mysterious assistant and an outspoken, pot-smoking American executive...
A movie directed by Olivier Assayas
2002 - 129 minutes - Color - 2.35
Main Cast
- Diane de Monx
- Hervé Le Millinec
- Elise Lipsky
- Karen
- Henri-Pierre Volf
- Elaine Si Gibril
- Edward Gomez
- Avocat américain
- Kaori - la traductrice
- Eiko
- Shoji
- Verkamp - Contact Diane
- Gina - Amie de Diane
- Ray
- Erwan - Broker #1
- SND (France)
- Palm Pictures (Usa)
$9 000 000
Worldwide Box-office
$568 000
Also Known As
No available information for now.
Release dates
- November 06, 2002
More release dates…
- January 06, 2005
- May 19, 2002 (Cannes Film Festival premiere)
- November 06, 2002
- September 19, 2003 (Chicago, Illinois)