Signs is a thriller set in Bucks County, Pennsylvania focusing on the mysterious appearance of crop circles carved into a family farm. Mel Gibson stars as Graham Hess, the family patriarch and town reverend, whose faith is tested in the journey to find the truth behind the circles. Joaquin Phoenix is Merrill Hess, brother to Graham and a former minor league baseball star...
A movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan
2002 - 106 minutes - Color - Dolby Digital - 1.85
Main Cast
- Rev. Graham Hess
- Merrill Hess
- Morgan Hess
- Bo Hess
- Officer Paski
- Ray Reddy
- Colleen Hess
- SFC Cunningham
- Tracey Abernathy, the Pharmacist
- Mr. Nathan
- Mrs. Nathan
- Lionel Prichard
- Brazilian Birthday Boy
- Columbia University Professor
- Sarah Hughes
- Buena Vista Pictures (Usa)
$70 702 619
Worldwide Box-office
$408 265 000
Also Known As
- M. Night Shyamalan's Signs (us)
Release dates
- September 13, 2002
- August 02, 2002
More release dates…
- August 15, 2002
- September 13, 2002
- July 29, 2002 (New York City, New York premiere)
- August 02, 2002