The Seed of Man

(Il seme dell'uomo)


Cino and Dora survive a nuclear catastrophe and find refuge in a house on a sea shore. He picks up objects which are testament to mans’ past existence while she looks after the house. Cino desires repopulate the planet by having children but Dora firmly opposes. When Anna joins the two of them, the rivalry between the two women unleashes.Dora kills the antagonist and serves her remains to the unknowing Cino. Then Cino drugs Dora and makes her pregnant. But the epilogue is tragic for everyone. They step on a landmine and are blown up.

A movie directed by Marco Ferreri

1969 - 113 minutes - Color - Mono - 1.66

See all italian productions and releases (Italy)

Also Known As

  • Семя человеческое (inc)

Release dates

No available information for now.