The Bride

(The Bride)


After Doctor Frankenstein creates a mate for his "monster," Viktor, the doctor assembles Eva, who promptly rejects the male creature. Viktor heads out to find happiness elsewhere, eventually teaming up with a wise and helpful little man who is on his way to join the circus. Meanwhile, the doctor finds himself attracted to his female creation and sets about teaching her to be a proper Victorian woman. Unfortunately, it's highly likely that he hasn't seen the last of Viktor!

A movie directed by Franc Roddam

1985 - 114 minutes - Color - Dolby - 1.85

See all british productions and releases (United Kingdom)See all us productions and releases (Usa)

Also Known As

  • Невеста (inc)

Release dates

  • August 16, 1985
  • October 24, 1985
  • August 16, 1985