The Prisoner
(The Prisoner)
A village in the seaside to which it is only possible to access by helicopter, surrounded an impassable forest kept by a cerbere as powerful as mortal, the Prowler, sort of white sphere, soft and jumping that displaces in a scary howl and mastery or kills a man without difficulty : such is the prison reserved to the ancient agents of British Secret Services who have dismiss...
A series created by Patrick McGoohan
1 season - 17 episodes
1967 - 50 minutes - Color - Mono - 1.33
Main Cast
- Number Six
- Undertaker in opening sequence
- Man Behind Desk in Title Sequence
- The Butler
- Supervisor
- Loudspeaker Announcer
- Independent Television Corporation (ITV) (United kingdom)
- Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) (Usa)
Also Known As
- Заключенный (inc)
Release dates
- September 29, 1967
- October 08, 1967
- June 01, 1968
More release dates…
- September 29, 1967
- October 08, 1967
- June 01, 1968