Harassed by classmates who won't accept his shocking appearance, a shy young man known as Powder struggles to fit in. But the cruel taunts stop when Powder displays a mysterious power that allows him to do extraordinary things. This phenomenon changes the lives of all those around him. In ways they never could have imagined...
A movie directed by Victor Salva
1995 - 111 minutes - Color - Dolby Digital - 1.85
Main Cast
- Jessie Caldwell
- Jeremy 'Powder' Reed
- Sheriff Doug Barnum
- Donald Ripley
- Deputy Harley Duncan
- John Box
- Maxine
- Lindsey Kelloway
- Dr. Aaron Stripler
- Mitch
- Skye
- Zane
- Brennan
- Greg Reed
- Emma Barnum
Also Known As
No available information for now.
Release dates
- February 14, 1997
- October 27, 1995
More release dates…
- February 08, 1996
- February 14, 1997
- October 27, 1995