Spaced Invaders
(Spaced Invaders)
A Martian spaceship led by Captain Blipto mistakenly launches a doomed attack on Earth. When five of the universe's coolest aliens crash-land on planet earth, the cosmic crew, piloted by an ultra-hip Martian, ends up in a sleepy midwestern town. unfortunately, it's Halloween night and the citizens mistake these spaced invaders for harmless trick-or-treaters...
A movie directed by Patrick Read Johnson
1990 - 100 minutes - Color - Ultra Stereo - NC
Main Cast
- Sam
- Wrenchmuller
- Kathy
- Brian (Duck)
- Klembecker
- Vern
- Russell
- Mrs. Vanderspool
- Ernestine
- Sid Ghost
- Clown Kid
- Pig Kid
- Radio Announcer
- Old Wife
- Old Guy #1
Also Known As
- Martians!!! (us)