L'île mystérieuse

(L'île mystérieuse)


While the war of Secession rages in the United States, a group of captive Union soldiers escapes a Confederate camp by means of a balloon. Entailed by a violent hurricane, the balloon fails on an desert island in the middle of the Pacific. While they struggle to insure their surviving, they witness that the island is the theater of mysterious phenomenons...

A series created by Juan Antonio Bardem, Henri Colpi

1 season - 6 episodes

1973 - 52 minutes - Color - Mono - 1.33

See all spanish productions and releases (Spain)See all french productions and releases (France)

Also Known As

  • Die geheimnisvolle Insel (inc)
  • Herrscher einer verlorenen Welt (inc)

Release dates

  • December 17, 1973
  • December 19, 1973
  • December 17, 1973
  • December 19, 1973