At the Earth's Core

(At the Earth's Core)


In the subterranean world of Pellucidor, amidst twisted vines and lava flows, a tyrannical race of pterodactyls rule. A group of Victorian scientists drilling through the Earth's core lose control of their Iron Mole and mistakenly emerge in the fantasy kingdom. Imprisoned in volcanic dungeons by the prehistoric monsters, they strive to rescue the enslaved primitive humans in a dramatic display of special effects...

A movie directed by Kevin Connor

1976 - 89 minutes - Color - Mono - 1.85

See all british productions and releases (United Kingdom)See all us productions and releases (Usa)

Also Known As

  • Edgar Rice Burroughs' At the Earth's Core (inc)
  • Путешествие к центру Земли (inc)

Release dates

  • August 22, 1976
  • August 22, 1976