The Commonwealth spanned three galaxies and a myriad of cultures. Dylan Hunt, captain of the starship Andromeda, betrayed by his allies was frozen in time and awoke three centuries later to find the commonweath had fallen. To fight back the chaos among the stars, Hunt must use the Andromeda to restore the Commonwealth and bring unity to the galaxy once again...
A series created by Gene Roddenberry
3 seasons - 66 episodes
2000 - 43 minutes - Color - Stereo - 16
Main Cast
- Captain Dylan Hunt
- Beka Valentine
- Trance Gemini
- Seamus Harper
- Andromeda Ascendant
- Tyr Anasazi
- Telemachus Rhade
- Rev Bem
- Doyle
- Virgil Vox
- Cavava
- Tri-Jema
- The Abyss
- High Guard Captain Perim
- Tri-Lorn
Also Known As
- Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda (us)
Release dates
- October 02, 2000
- October 09, 2000
- October 02, 2000
More release dates…
- October 02, 2000
- October 09, 2000
- October 02, 2000