A film crew headed by anthropologist Steve Cale and director Terri Flores journey through a river to find a mysterious Indian tribe and shoot a documentary on them. They save a guy called Paul Sarone from a sinking boat. He offers to help in their search for the tribe, but he is actually a snake-hunter looking for legendary anaconda snake, and when Cale is bitten by some tropical insect, Sarone takes over the boat.
A movie directed by Luis Llosa
1997 - 89 minutes - Color - Dolby SR - 2.35
Main Cast
- Terri Flores
- Danny Rich
- Paul Serone
- Dr. Steven Cale
- Warren Westridge
- Gary Dixon
- Denise Kalberg
- Mateo
- Poacher
- Anaconda (voice)
- Columbia Pictures (Usa)
$45 000 000
Worldwide Box-office
$136 998 000
Also Known As
No available information for now.
Release dates
- August 22, 1997
- May 09, 1997
- April 11, 1997
More release dates…
- July 03, 1997
- August 22, 1997
- May 09, 1997
- April 11, 1997