


Number of reviews: 1

Total points: 9

Average: 9.00/10

n°1 - 9/10 No Name

November 10, 2004

It was a wonderful surprise viewing such a good sci-fi movie like this one, full of reminds of METROPOLIS, BLADE RUNNER, FAHRENHEIT 451 and many others. It's only the second movie for Kurt Wimmer as a director and the results are stunning, even if there are still imperfections (i think the "gun kata" is too much.. Picturesque!). If you were looking for a sci-fi movie that will make you think, but never forgetting the fun and the computer graphics, you found it: there's poetry, psychology and a lot of bullets inside! I can't wait to see the next work of Wimmer, ULTRAVIOLET, issuing in 2005 with Milla Jovovich as main character and now in post-production phase.

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