Englewood Entertainment

72 titles

Title (Original title) (Year)
Giant Gila Monster (the)

(1959) (dvd)

Hideous Sun Demon (the)

(1959) (vhs)

Hideous Sun Demon (the)

(1959) (dvd)

Invasion of the Animal People

Rymdinvasion i Lappland (1959)

Night of the Ghouls

(1959) (vhs)

Plan 9 from Outer Space

(1959) (vhs)

Teenagers from Outer Space

(1959) (vhs)

Teenagers from Outer Space

(1959) (dvd)

First Spaceship On Venus

Der schweigende Stern (1960) (vhs)

First Spaceship On Venus

Der schweigende Stern (1960) (dvd)

Beast of Yucca Flats (the)

(1961) (vhs)

Beast of Yucca Flats (the)

(1961) (dvd)

Phantom Planet (the)

(1961) (vhs)

Beach Girls and the Monster (the)

(1965) (vhs)

Beach Girls and the Monster (the)

(1965) (dvd)

Navy vs. the Night Monsters (the)

(1966) (vhs)

Women of the Prehistoric Planet

(1966) (video)

Dr. Terror's Gallery of Horrors

(1967) (vhs)

Journey to the Center of Time

(1967) (vhs)

Day It Came to Earth (the)

(1979) (dvd)

Day It Came to Earth (the)

(1979) (vhs)

Galaxy Invader (the)

(1985) (video) (vhs)